Everyone line up, come and scold them one by one! (Please subscribe)

Except for the top lane, G2 is currently at a slight disadvantage in other lanes.

These are expected

They had predicted this would be the case from the start, so there was no panic.

Instead, according to the predetermined strategy, first stabilize the online

Then wait for the opportunity.

Ah P in the middle lane played pretty well. In this World Championship, he is second only to rook in terms of statistics.

e’s mid laner, the statistics are very eye-catching, and there are many highlight scenes.

Hey, hey, but his strength is really good

In the quarter-finals, Xiaohu was invisible throughout the whole process. Apart from his mentality, he also had some problems.

The reason is that he was severely restrained by Ah P in the middle lane

This time against rookie, the line is just a last hit and is suppressed, and Galio will be there later.

As the level increases, the line clearing ability will be faster, and this situation will change.

As for the bottom side, it is still in a state of being suppressed.

The combination of Ah Shui and Baolan played very strongly

Worthy of being known as one of the three ADs of the new generation, he is very powerful

Look, even Ah Shui and Baolan can put G2’s bot lane under the tower

I don’t know why that guy wants to boast that he is the number one in the world

Hahaha, is Ah Shui teaching Lucian on the spot?

Peanut melon seeds beer and mineral water are sold on the row.

“Move a chair to watch Ah Shui’s Lucian performance

Then go pick up a lantern.

There are also a group of bullet screens in the live broadcast room, and there are a lot of jokes

The smoother IG played in the early stage, the more people were mocking RNG.

The contrast between the two teams is too obvious.

This makes RNG fans even more depressed

The more I think about it, the more idiotic I become.

So it’s really not anyone’s fault that RNG lost

Everyone line up, don’t rush

come on, let’s spit first

23333, I’ll come first, ah t

But, is RNG obsolete?

Regardless of the final result of the 1G game, at least G played comfortably.

The director also switched the screen between the mid lane and bottom lane and the jungle position

And finally back on the road

Compared with other roads, this road is the real highlight.

Not long has passed, but the two on the road have already played against each other countless times.

The blood volume of both of them is not very healthy, about three-fifths of the blood volume left.

This is obviously killed by the previous confrontation between the two sides.

But as the crocodile’s level increases, the pressure on theshyi gradually increases, and it is no longer possible to

Like before, come up unscrupulously to consume blood.

If the crocodile catches the opportunity to deal a set of damage, he is likely to be second.

Especially be careful when the crocodile is angry.

At this time, theshy will be very careful.

If there is any wind and grass, the clouds will release

The two sides played very detailed in the top lane

Come and go, steal and hurt each other

Both beat fine

This is a top expert, and his ability to deal with details is really extraordinary.

The distance control and the timing of the shot are all considered very good

If it was replaced by someone else, I guess… it wouldn’t be a matter of blood exchange.

hit harder

Heshy’s eyes became more and more excited.

Such an evenly matched opponent is really rare

Moreover, the style of play of the two is also very similar, it is actually more enjoyable to fight like this

In this round, the two of them haven’t completely let go of the fight, they are still testing

I didn’t let go of my hands and feet from the beginning

It’s like you are being singled out by someone, it is impossible to go up and release the big move all at once

You have to figure out the opponent’s style of play first.

Chen Hao was also thinking about the other party.

But in Chen Hao’s mind, he was already thinking about how to dig a hole for the other party

After all, Akali is flexible, and Chen Hao can’t make the first move by himself, unless there is a jungler, then or

to catch with the jungler

When the jungler is not around, Chen Hao has to wait for the opponent to go first.

Otherwise, Akali with R skills, the crocodile will be difficult to kill the opponent solo.

What’s more, this Akali is operated by theshy

The probability of a single kill is even smaller.

Although many people complain that theshy is the best in the world and easy to catch the top laner, but you can’t deny him

The strength of the line is a level higher than that of other players.

His weakness is that he is easy to get on top of,

Heads are easy to grab.

But this time Chen Hao didn’t intend to let the jungler help him, he did the opposite.

He himself was on the road waiting for the opportunity

He let the jungler grab the mid lane and the bottom lane

Help the teammates of these two roads to slow downrelieve stress

In addition, your own development should keep up, don’t be thrown away too much by King Ning

King Ning at this time is still very strong.

Especially with such a group of teammates, he can play better and develop his own infinitely.


The strength of teammates online allows him to invade unscrupulously in the wild

Don’t worry at all.

Because as long as he fights in the wild, his teammates will always be the first to come.

Fortunately, tanks are not vegetarian

Before going on the scene, he also received a tip from Chen Hao

The first is the layout of the field of view

In the semi-wild area, Chen Hao and Ah P will help to assist in vision, and after level six, add

Leo’s ultimate move can also be supported at any time

At the last time, he could only be liberated if he survived to the sixth level of Galio.

This trick is for rookie

As the most stable and strongest person in the 1G team, rookie is a blue-collar mid laner

The hand, without much economy, can play a huge role. What you eat is grass, and what you spit out

Here comes the milk

This is the difference between him and UZI

UZ needs a lot of economy and a lot of resources in order to exert its terrible performance.

Need a whole team around him alone

This is why RNG likes four guarantees and one so much

This is their winning code to win the game

But in this World Championship, this password crashed.

On the contrary, rookie Chayi, he alone protects the entire team.

This time Chen Hao just let jankos catch it all the time

ookie has no chance of wandering at all, and at the same time, it can also make Ah P develop better and faster

reached level six

After seeing Xin Zhao coming to the middle twice in a row, Rookie frowned slightly.

Twice twice… This happened too many times, and he would indeed be affected in the middle.

He can’t suppress the opposing mid laner very well.

As the level increases, Galio’s wave clearing speed is also faster, and he is not as fast as before.

So easy to suppress.

Rookie also

Fang Jungle’s gank

Otherwise, if he was caught dead, it would be a big loss.

Rookie, who hadn’t breathed a sigh of relief just now, saw Xin Zhao appearing behind him again, and the other party went around

A position came over, blocking his escape route.

ookie is forced to hand over his flash

so close

The commentator also sweated for Rookie.

Fortunately, Rookie was very calm just now, and waited until the opponent handed over the E skill before handing over

own flashes. “” Long Mao exclaimed

But then rookie will be smaller in the middle

After no flash, the opponent’s jungler

may be more targeted

Remember to analyze the situation

Each commentator expressed his or her own point of view.

I have to say that G2 also did a good job in this round.

They stabilized their disadvantages, and then tried to find a breakthrough.

“Rookie, I’ll help you squat later.” King Ning also noticed the situation in the middle

Prepare to squat in the middle.

He can’t let the opponent’s jungler target them in the middle like this.

It must be countered.

. ” rookie responded

But at this time, Galio’s development has gradually picked up.

The road that should have attracted much attention was instead attracted by other roads.

Lu (the one who got Li) became their own independent area again.

against each other

No one else can see what happened on the road.

It’s just a simple thought that going up the road is just making up for the knife steadily.

But in fact, the road is the riskiest one.

In the bottom lane, with auxiliary protection, it is generally difficult to have a single kill in line.

The middle route is relatively short, and if there is any danger, it can be scattered back to the tower in time

Once it’s on the road, it’s different.

The route is long, and there is only one person, and it is often the time when personal ability is tested the most.

This is also the reason why the upper route is the most difficult to play. There are too many comprehensive factors to consider

It is also the time when a player’s comprehensive ability is most tested

What you have to consider is not only the alignment, but also the control of the pawn line, and the details of the alignment.

Consumption and PK, you have to be careful about the gank of the jungler, and you have to allocate part of your energy to pay attention

In other ways, it is an opportunity to prepare for support at any time.

That’s why it’s hard to hit the road.

It is precisely because of so many factors that excellent domestic top orders are rarely ticked.

After so many years, the first generation of Strawberry, PDD, and then the eldest brother, Tong Wu

Letmey also counts as half.

This is why the commentator feels very sorry after seeing Chen Hao




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