Let Brother Shy play in the last round! (Subscribe

G2 won 1G again, making their momentum stronger again

After all, IG had won against the popular KT team before, and they still played five games.

The quality of the games is very high.

So after the BO5 match in the quarterfinals.

Many people’s views on G have also changed.

G’s popularity was also greatly improved at that time.

In the live broadcast room this time, a group of people supported them

But this time in G2, he was beaten

This is a bit surprising.

G’s loss is not like RNG, who didn’t make any preparations

Nor did they inflate, nor despise this opponent.

They also responded normally in the two games

What they get is the strong online style of play they are good at

Yes, but never played G2.

It’s pure skill

G is labeled like this, and many people’s views on G2 have changed.

Before they saw G2 win against RNG, they still felt that luck was very important

but now it seems

The strength of this team is also stronger than they imagined.

This team is not easy. “one sixty

It’s not easy.

Their laning strength is not only in the top lane, but the middle lane is barely passable, and the bottom lane collapses


Here’s what everyone thought of G2 in the first place

G2’s top laner is strong, needless to say

Many people think that Chen Hao’s strength may be number one in the world

The strength of Ah P in the middle lane is not weak, it belongs to the first-class level in the world, only weaker than rookie

Their weakness is the bottom lane.

But in these two rounds… no, in this World Championship, this AD’s performance is very good

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