Let Brother Shy play in the last round! (Subscribe

G2 won 1G again, making their momentum stronger again

After all, IG had won against the popular KT team before, and they still played five games.

The quality of the games is very high.

So after the BO5 match in the quarterfinals.

Many people’s views on G have also changed.

G’s popularity was also greatly improved at that time.

In the live broadcast room this time, a group of people supported them

But this time in G2, he was beaten

This is a bit surprising.

G’s loss is not like RNG, who didn’t make any preparations

Nor did they inflate, nor despise this opponent.

They also responded normally in the two games

What they get is the strong online style of play they are good at

Yes, but never played G2.

It’s pure skill

G is labeled like this, and many people’s views on G2 have changed.

Before they saw G2 win against RNG, they still felt that luck was very important

but now it seems

The strength of this team is also stronger than they imagined.

This team is not easy. “one sixty

It’s not easy.

Their laning strength is not only in the top lane, but the middle lane is barely passable, and the bottom lane collapses


Here’s what everyone thought of G2 in the first place

G2’s top laner is strong, needless to say

Many people think that Chen Hao’s strength may be number one in the world

The strength of Ah P in the middle lane is not weak, it belongs to the first-class level in the world, only weaker than rookie

Their weakness is the bottom lane.

But in these two rounds… no, in this World Championship, this AD’s performance is very good


He knows that his strength is not strong, he is very clear about his position, he knows how to use himself

strengths to avoid weaknesses.

he is a very smart man

Plays smart too.

Know how to seize the opportunity.

This is his advantage.

So whether they are facing EDG’s bot lane combination or RNG’s bot lane combination

, or the bottom lane of IG.

In the early stage, they can be suppressed a little, but as the game progresses, they are always

In the end, the disadvantage will be controlled within this range, so that the opponent cannot further expand the advantage.

This is where he is great.

The bottom lane has completed a precedent of defeating the strong with the weak.

So now everyone’s opinion on G2 is a bit different

G2 is really a different team.

can’t be underestimated

They may… be the biggest enemy in this World Championship.

After losing two games in a row, 1G also came to the most dangerous side green.

to lose again

They were swept out 3-0.

Although it is not shameful to be swept away at this time, this is also the closest they are to the championship.

times, they don’t want to lose hope

They still want to fight one last time

It’s hard to come here, if they just give up like this, they won’t be reconciled.

At this moment, the players have only one goal in mind, that is to win G2 and reach the final

G also went all out, planning to let go of this last game.

Duke went off again and put on theshy.

Judging from the previous two games, theshy is still stronger,and also more

It fits their IG current style of play.

In addition, in such a critical round… or choose t

Let’s fight better.

G everyone is also bloody

It was not affected by the defeat of the previous two games.

There is only one light in their eyes, and that is the desire for victory

In everyone’s eyes, there is a fire.

What’s more, the principal is still watching them from the auditorium!

Supervising the battle

How dare they give up.

A raging flame is burning

On the other hand, G2 seems to be quite calm.

It is also a bit unexpected to win two games in a row

Of course, they also knew that they were able to win so smoothly, all of which depended on Chen Hao’s green past.

In both rounds, his performance on the road was so good that he led the audience.

If there is no Chen Hao, it is estimated that they will not be able to beat IG

In terms of comprehensive strength, G is still stronger than G2.

The reason why they lost to G2 is because they didn’t have as many ideas as G2.

At the same time as the competition of personal strength, there is another thing not to forget, tactics

There is a powerful commander in the G2 team.

This is much stronger than G.

G lost the game, it can be said that it was more of a loss in tactics

They’re well-prepared, but G2’s. Even more so.

In the last round, G2 did not dare to take it lightly

They are also very aware of the strength of IG. In the previous two rounds, both sides have a mutual understanding.


I’m afraid that the third round of the concubine’s game will be the time to see the truth

time to fight

With the style of IG, I will definitely fight at this last moment!

Come up with the lineup they are good at.

G2 also dare not take it lightly.

G lost again

It’s two rounds!”

Everyone in EDG was also surprised by this result

They all felt that with IG’s strength, this shouldn’t be the result.

There was UZ who was watching the game at home, and his face sank.

In these two rounds of 1G matches, it happened that Chen Hao performed the best.

Chen Hao is the key figure to win the game

He became the focus of the spotlight

The better Chen Hao behaves, the worse his mood

The two of them formed a stark contrast.

One was in the quarterfinals and went home in despair.

One is still shining in the world arena

He feels that everyone around him is mocking him now.

a wordless irony

After winning the two rounds, the teams are now re-evaluating their strength.

new look.

Will this year’s champion be in the hands of G2?

Suddenly this idea popped into my mind

This idea is getting stronger and stronger, and the possibility is more and more felt

Judging from the current strength of G2, it is far better than other teams

It’s really possible.

no, no

The champion will be ours

some people didn’t give up

With the end of the second game, the players are resting to adjust their state and prepare to deal with

for the key

The third game is when the real fight to the death.

G is gone

If they want to go one step further and win the championship, they must win the next round

On the audience side, there has been a lot of discussion

The game live broadcast room is very lively

I think G should let brother shy play in the next game, I always feel that duke and IG have the same style

They don’t fit together, they don’t fit together.

Yes, yes, I also have the same feeling, I always feel that IG can’t play its own strength.

Brother shy’s game is still good, at least he won’t be suppressed so badly on the road.

It’s not bad for the first one to catch the top laner? If he didn’t send out so many kills in the first game, how could it be?

Can you blame brother shy? You don’t know how to read it yourself. The opponent’s jungler almost lived in the first game

So what if my shy brother dies a few times, he can still develop, 0/4 can also play 4/0

At the very least, he will not be cowardly, and he will take the opportunity when he finds it. Look at Duke, how was he beaten up?

dare not go up

The group of people still hope that theshy can be replaced in the last game.

Fact… also, 1G also planned to replace him in the last round

When theshy came on stage, the stone in the heart of those who wanted him to play was finally


After the break, the third game… is about to kick off.

Both players enter

G changed the top order and changed again

Replaced the previous lineup.

And G2 still hasn’t changed

Chen Hao didn’t end because he knew wunder wouldn’t

shy’s opponent

Besides, Chen Hao also wants to beat IG and win the task reward

The more this time, the more careless

There are not no examples of being let two chase three.

Well, welcome back both teams. ”

Remember, Colonel Guan and Changmao are also in very complicated moods at the moment.

As the only seedling in the LPL division, 1G is their last hope.

But now… this last flame of hope is about to be snuffed out

The start was beaten again

It’s the crucial third game

If he loses this game again… then he is really out.

I thought that after killing the LCK division, they had great hopes.


This year’s EU division is also exceptionally strong.

In addition to G2’s performance is very good, the FNC team in the other half of the region is also the same

Jiping this year’s LPL teams are all in the hands of the EU division

I hope that IG can stop thinking about winning or losing the game for the time being, and focus on every next game.

Do it BO1

That’s right, there is no way out for 1G now.

The tone of the commentary here is no longer as relaxed as before, and it is much more dignified.

Colonel Guan doesn’t dare to make predictions here.

Afraid of giving G to poisonous milk.

I believe IG will surprise us.




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