112: Perfect Fit! Complete the Lightning Deal! Take down First-blood

“Don’t worry, I have a stable batch here.”

Gogoing said calmly,

Big Tree beats the classic of the Nar S5 on the road, although Big Tree is at a disadvantage,

But Gogoing has beaten countless nars with big trees, and he is extremely skilled in small skills, and can achieve the top control of mending knives and blood lines with the passive blood return and remote saplings of large trees.

Not only that, he used the view of the card grass bush to pull the troop line back to his home, unless Nakaueno circled the back three packs of one, otherwise the blind monk before the sixth level wanted to catch his flash, the probability was less than two percent, and if he wanted to catch him, the probability was close to zero.

“My side is also relieved.”

The stateless clockwork snake woman is his two most stable heroes, and this teleportation clockwork is even more stable in “five five zero”.

“I still want you to be fierce.”

Li Mu said with a smile.

Stateless skimmed, “You let me take the teleportation, and you actually want me to fight fiercely… Captain, are you the devil? ”

“Haha.” Li Mu smiled, “It’s okay, then play steady.” ”

The puppy laughed, “You guys hold steady, this gives me C.” ”

The policewoman’s attack distance is 650 yards, and the plane is only 550 yards, the puppy will play the policewoman’s 100-yard hand length advantage to the limit, stuck the attack limit distance, as long as you find an opportunity to get off the plane little by little, but also from time to time mixed with passive headshots, point the plane doubts life,

And the opposite auxiliary Jela does not have a milk lady, in turn, the bull head of the elixir, and a hand of E skill back blood (old version). Level 3 has already played a lot of blood line suppression.

After Li Mu brushed all the wild monsters in the opposite blue buff wild area, and then brushed river crabs, red buffs, and stone people, he has reached the fourth level, and the second accumulating punishment, the punished red buff returns blood, and the amount of blood remains at about two-fifths, which is not considered healthy.

“I’ll catch a wave.” Li Mu signaled the next road, and said at the same time, “Elixir, you go first.” ”

“Good.” Elixir nodded, “The grass on the line has no eyes. ”

The lower road soldier line was stuck near the grass on the opposite side, leaning towards the opposite side, because he was afraid that the blue buff would come over after the bright moon, and the eye position of the royal family lower road combination was given to the river grass in turn early.

The elixir told Li Mu the news of the eye position.

“I’ll use the trick I practiced before.”

Li Mu walked along the wall of the lower road, little by little into the grass on the lower route, waiting for the opportunity.

On the commentary table.

“The moon crouches in the grass. We can see that there is no royal view on this side. However, if you want to squat to the lower road of the royal family, you can only flash and try it in front of you. ”

The director gave the camera, and Miller spoke, “Look at what Li Mu does here.” ”


Miller’s voice just fell, and the doll surprised the two of Wangqi and Jela! ”

“The policewoman keeps up with the output, peace, plays the AOE, connects the general attack, and then puts the clamp!”

“The moon is here! E Flash took Kuchi and Jela to the side, and slowed down at the same time, oh! Jela was pulled by Kyaoyue E to the policewoman’s clip! Kyaoyue E flashed to keep up with WAQA, and the plane could not even hand over the DF two in a row, and was killed in seconds! Kyauksuki takes the first-blood my goodbys! ”

“Weakness hanging on Jiaoyue’s body is useless! Jela ate the policewoman’s clamp, the residual blood flashed, the puppy followed the flash, one, two, into the tower to pursue, three times, take the head of the Jela! ”

“OMG down this wave of cooperation, seamless, wonderful! It’s wonderful! ”


The audience erupted into exclamations.

“This bull head is so fierce!”

“When did the elixir practice a minotaur! W, push it to the foot of the plane, and Q flashes away the two in an instant! Too fast operation! ”

“The mantis that protected the country back then, now there is another hand to protect the country sacred cow!”

“The E flash of the bright moon is just as handsome! The control of the bull head even pulled Jie La to the clamp of the policewoman, and this cooperation is also nobody! ”

OMG fans cheered.

Cheers, shouts, cheers, and cheers continue to sound in pieces.

“OMG this bull-headed moon combination has definitely been practiced for a long time, and its proficiency is quite high!”

Misi looked at the playback and continued to analyze, “Under normal circumstances, with Zero’s reaction ability, after Bullhead W his Jela, there is a chance to flash to open the distance, but…”

“The next moment of the bull head W, connected to Q flash, this set of combo operation is too fast, knocking the plane and Jela into the air, giving the female policeman Q skill the opportunity to play AOE, and also giving the moon E flash back the operation space of the two and the two in Q…”

“The control connection between the moon and the bull’s head is simply perfect!”

The doll also nodded and said, “I think Li Mu and Lingyao should have practiced this combination crazy when they were usually training.” ”

“Whether the two practiced this combination or not I don’t know. But at least a little, the elixir is definitely a bull’s head that has only recently been cultivated. This is the same as the previous gogoing weapon master, we have never seen the elixir play with the bull’s head before! Miller said with a smile, he was not afraid of offending people, and continued bluntly,

“After Li Mu concurrently served as a coach, he really gave the two veterans of OMG a new life! This is much better than other coaches of OMG before! I don’t know when Coach Li Mu will be able to stand on the coaching platform and shake hands with the coach of the opposite team. ”

Misi said with a smile, “I’m afraid it’s going to be a long time later, after all, Li Mu’s side has just entered the LPL, and he is a rookie in the professional arena.” ”

“It’s still worth looking forward to.”

The doll added.

“Brothers, give power!”

The puppy took the human head, died comfortably, and frantically praised it in the internal voice, “The second company of the bull head of the elixir, plus the captain’s E flash, the opposite plane was directly seconded!” ”

“I found that I like the Bullhead hero 1.9!” The elixir also smiled, “Of the few heroes that Li Mu selected for me, the one I practiced best was the bullhead!” ”

Stateless also said, “Brothers, 6666! ”

Gogoing laughed, “This stabilizes me and waits for the group, lie down and lie down!” ”

“That’s it.”

Li Mu also said with a smile.

He didn’t expect the elixir to be able to play the effect of practice in the game, after all, the field is changing rapidly, and if you want to play the effect of practice in the game, not only test the ability to operate, but also test the ability to seize opportunities, obviously, the bullhead of the elixir seized the opportunity and played the operation!

“The plane double move is still there.” At the end, Li Mu added, “The blind monk on the other side of Xiabo is expected to come down the road and squat.” ”

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