“Let’s pay attention.”

The elixir very much agreed with Li Mu’s judgment,

In other words, if he dies opposite the wilderness, he will definitely come to the next road to find an opportunity.

“If the vision is good, you are not afraid to catch it from the opposite side.”

Although the puppy has disappeared, it still has an E skill, as long as the vision is good, it is difficult for the blind monk to catch him.

The three pushed the line together and then returned to the city without too many stops.

When the policewoman and the bullhead went out, each person had a real eye. The bull head also bought an extra prosthetic eye.

These three eyes are arranged, enough to develop down the road for a while without fear of being caught.

Jiaoyue returns to the city to synthesize a second-level wild knife, the stone of essence, the return of blood to the blue, the general attack of wild monsters can also suck blood, plus a demon code that subtracts CDs, and the money is just spent. This is thanks to a blood and assist, otherwise it would not have been possible to return to the city with so much money.

After quickly purchasing equipment, Li Mu went straight to the F4 left before, AWQAA. Played passively, punished the big ghost, a wave of F4 into the bag, and obtained the true visual effect.

Li Mu went to the middle road to shake for a while, and the middle road was near the lower half of the river channel did not find an eye, 12

When passing by the middle road, he gave a precise Q skill, an arc of moonlight energy, and flew towards the three hands (Victor), who twisted with small steps,

Didn’t dodge!

This Q shot knocked off some of Viktor’s blood volume, and then Li Mu found an opposite prosthetic eye in the river near the upper half of the middle road and drained it off.

The skill predicts MAX. Let the Q skill of the moon follow.

“This is all Q!”

Corn was a little annoying, he took a small position to hide from Jiaoyue’s Q skill, but he still didn’t dodge, he was beaten Q, deducted more than ninety of his blood volume, and most of the blood bottle was gone.

Blood loss!

In the early stage, a blood vial returns 150 points, which is very important.

For this method of grabbing people by coming straight up and giving a Q, corn is quite unhappy, but there is no way.

Viktor has not returned to the city, and the only ornament eye has been drained by the bright moon,

Viktor can only be forced to approach the lower road river station, so as not to be caught by Jiaoyue again, even if it is just to lose a Q skill and deduct more than ninety HP, it is not something he can bear.

“Coke, be careful, this bright moon on the other side is a splash.”

Corn gave a signal to Shangshan and signaled Jiaoyue to rush to the road, “I’m ready to clear this wave of troops and return to the city.” ”

If you don’t return to the city, you may have to be sent by Jiaoyue again, consuming a wave of blood line, and it is very likely to be dropped by a big move of the sixth-level clockwork plus QW seconds.

“Don’t worry, my E skill has always been kept.” Jiaoyue coming to arrest me will only waste time. ”

Nar, who was on the single Coke, is not afraid of being caught at all, he has E skills, he can jump away in advance, and he will not give the big tree W a chance to bundle at all, let alone hit Jiaoyue’s skills.


Li Mu didn’t catch it at all.

The second wave of wild monsters has been refreshed, return to their own blue buf, brush off the three wolves, and then brush the toad, the level has reached level five, and then go straight to the opposite stone man.

When Jiaoyue passed the middle road, the blind monk also showed his head on the road, and also did not catch anyone, and even the tentative Q was evaded by the dog’s policewoman.

The blind monk chose to exchange stone people with Jiaoyue and returned to his Blue Buff wild area to brush toads and three wolves.

And at this time, Kyaoyue has finished brushing the stone man and F4 of the blind monk,

Li Mu’s side earned a set of F4 in inSec for nothing, and almost reached level six with experience.


Zhongdan on both sides has already returned to the city, and twelve small soldiers on both sides of the enemy and ours are in the center of the middle road, beating each other weakly, and all the melee soldiers are bloodied,

Li Mu walked over, raised his hand and threw a Q skill, an arc of moonlight energy rushed towards the enemy melee soldiers, and the three soldiers fell to the ground,


A brilliant light rises from the foot of the bright moon,

Level 6!

Go back to the city where you are!

The first artifact of the wild moon, the Broken Ghost Spirit, commonly known as the egg hat, has arrived.

Fixed +50 Law Strength, 10% minus CD, Brush Wild can also stack 30 Law Strength, 30% increase in damage to wild monsters, 6% blood sucking with Brush Wild, 3% blue sucking, and you can get up to 40 extra dollars for killing large wild monsters or epic wild monsters.

Only 2000 pieces!

In this version of [Useless Stick] that requires 1600 pieces (fixed +80 magic strength), it is simply a cheap and powerful artifact!

The extra money on Jiaoyue’s body was used to buy a real eye and a false eye, and at the same time replace it with a scan.

The time has entered more than six minutes, and immediately seven minutes, and when Li Mu reaches the river channel in the lower half of the area, the second blue buff has been refreshed.

In the middle of the river, there is a stateless grass inserted into the real eye,

Li Mu walked to the entrance of the river on the F4 side, and used the scanning distance to scan the small grass in the middle of the river,

He said in his internal voice, “Make trouble!” Brothers, get ready for things! ”

“I’ve waited so hard for you!” Stateless was the first to say, “It’s not demanding, just give me three assists!” ”

The lower road controls the initiative, the bull’s head of the elixir, and occupies the view of the grass of the lower road early, “Ready!” It’s a pity I didn’t flash. ”

The puppy hurriedly said, “You guys make trouble first, I’ll clear the line of troops, and I’ll come right away!” ”

Since the puppy took a human head and an assist, he returned to the line to become a crazy puppy, all kinds of crazy point planes and Jela, coquettish, accurate card distance, simply noisy, the only drawback is that he likes the greedy line.

“I’m level six, I’ve just returned to the city, it’s very meaty!” Gogoing also shared the intelligence on the road, “The opposite 957 nar is going to get bigger, do you want to wait?” ”

Li Mu cut the scene on the road in seconds, and sure enough, Nar was about to be full of anger!

Li Mu thought for a while, “Fight him.” Open the big fight with him, beat him out of the big move, you can go back to the tower, ready to teleport support. ”

The big tree does not have a big move, although the group is much weaker, but there is a hand W!

At this point in time, what can the little Nar group do?

“Just what I wanted.”

Gogoing made a decision immediately,

On the road, Gogoing found the opportunity, decisively shot, the big tree turned into a stream of tree spirit energy, bundled towards Xiao Nar, and opened a big move at the same time!

Middle Road.

Jiaoyue was stuck at the F4 entrance of his house, not seen by the opposite field of vision, and the three hands had cleared the line of troops, and walked over to fight the blue buff with the blind monk.

Clockwork also quickly cleared the troops, coming from the river grass.

Clockwork meets the moon,

Li Mu inserted the true eye in his hand into the grass at the blue buff invasion mouth opposite the small grass in the river, and as expected, there was also a true eye on the opposite side in this grass,


This can’t stop Li Mu’s invasion!

“Kyaukizuki and Clockwork are invading!”

Corn, who was playing blue buff with the blind monk, said in the team for the first time and sounded the alarm!

[Second more.] Subscribe to it, subscribe to it all! 】_

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