“I’m fighting with the big tree, pay attention to yourselves.”

Shangdan Coke said in the team.

Gogoing’s big tree dared to take the initiative to ask him for battle, and Nar naturally couldn’t let go of this extremely likely opportunity to kill alone.

“The bull’s head is gone!”

Nami said his plane was mending knives and the line pressed in front of their tower.

The puppy policewoman cleared the last soldier and turned to walk towards the river.

It was clear that this was going to support.

Before Nami could act, Zero’s Jela had already walked towards the defense tower, intending to support the Blue Buff Wild Area from the triangular grass behind the defense tower.

Nami also hurriedly cleared the line of troops with the QE of the plane and rushed to support.

He doesn’t want to be sprayed by his teammates anymore, he can’t beat the puppy online, and the support is not as fast as others.

“OMG chose to take the initiative to fight, except for the road, both sides supported it.”

Miller explained, “It’s really rare that two heroes on the road broke out into battle for the first time. ”

“It’s probably that OMG didn’t want Al to come down for the group. If I’m not mistaken, when Gogoing was looking for Nar before, Nar was about to get bigger. I reckon that is, to fight one set, to beat Nar’s anger, Gogoing will definitely choose to retreat. ”

Doll explains,

Even if Da Shu takes the initiative to fight, it is not easy for Nar to kill Da Shu alone.

Especially the big tree of gogoing.

What’s more, the army line was originally controlled by Gogoing near his own defense tower.

Obviously, Gogoing is sure that he can’t die, so he took the initiative to fight.

“This wave of blind monks has not yet reached the sixth level, it should be a little bit of experience, and it will be the sixth level immediately.” Misi said, she thought for a moment, “However, Kyaoyue and Clockwork invaded in front of the royal family’s vision like this, wouldn’t it be too much… Blatantly? ”

“Not blatantly, but clearly tell the royal family and fight with me.!”

The doll said with a smile.

When Jiaoyue walked into the grass, A glanced at the real eye, followed a false eye on the partition wall, and inserted it in the opposite blue buff pit,

The blue buff monster has been eaten by the blind monk, and the old carved golem only has more than five hundred HP left,

At this time, the blind monk’s blood volume has dropped a lot because of the anti-blue buff,

Viktor, who was about three hundred yards away from him, was in a state of full blood.

“Here’s your chance.”

At the moment when the false eye was inserted into the wall of the bright moon,

Kyaoyue shot,

A white bright moon energy beam cut through an arc and quickly rushed towards the old carved golem!

Almost simultaneously,

R can, Luna Dash!

The moon with a clockwork ball directly turned into a living avatar of the moon of vengeance, and through the wall, the moon energy beam burst into the blue buff at almost the same time,

At the same time, the blind monk who wanted to give Viktor blue was ready to punish at any time after seeing the bright moon wall inserted!

Because 450 damage after the five-level punishment (this version is based on 300 points),

And the blue buff has more than five hundred points of blood left. There is no way to punish death in the first place, so inSec can only wait for Jiaoyue to take the lead!

At this time, it’s time to fight for speed and luck!

At the moment when the moon and the moon energy beam flew over,


The punishment of the blind monk falls!

No upgrade!

The blind monk has not been upgraded from level five to level six!

Meaning, didn’t grab the blue buff!

“We, we will help you kill the enemy!”

At the moment when Jiaoyue sprinted with the moon god to take down the blue buff, within a radius of 410 yards under her feet, a powerful shockwave shook!

Clockwork Devil’s Move!

Instantly pulled the blind monk and Victor to the moon!

Clockwork RQW set of combos instantly hit!

Kyaoyue aimed at the blind monk AWA. Hit the AOE extra magic damage attached to the passive third general attack (before A a real eye), the blind monk was seconded on the spot!


The control of clockwork allowed inSec to have no room for manipulation at all, of course, the most important thing was that he did not grab the blue buff, did not reach level six!

It was seconds!

“Is lady luck all on your side?”

inSec hands off the keyboard,

The blue grab just now has a certain element of luck, obviously, his luck is not as good as Jiaoyue!


After the clockwork control is over, Victor unleashes the W force field, R chaotic storm, and the backhand E skill releases a laser on the spot, while flashing downwards!

Corn has a fast hand and quick thinking, and he has already figured out how to operate and how to run for his life!


Jela has already come to her support!


Want to escape from the blood of Kyaoyue?

It’s a dream!


It’s useless to keep the big move of refreshing the moon, just wait for Victor to flash!


Kyaukizuki once again incarnated as the Moon of Vengeance and sprinted to Viktor, dodging his force field, big move, and the second stage of E-skill damage!

General attack A

Victor quickly played the Q skill, A Jiaoyue’s body, the shield brushed out!



The Kyauketsuki E skill has always remained in hand,


E skill pulls back, slows down,

A. Hit the third shot of normal passive extra damage!

Victor only has less than a hundred HP left!

“Save me, save me, save me!”

Corn shouted in an internal voice,

Jela has come out of the triangular grass and is coming,

As long as Jela releases a control, she will control the moon…

Victor has a chance to live!

(Nono good) wrestling with the bulls? You will taste the taste of horns! ”

Just as Jela appeared,

The bullhead of the elixir has also arrived,


WQ second company, stable control, directly knock Jie La flying!

Cut off Jela halfway!

Prevents Jela from unleashing her skills!


Looking at the gray screen, corn despaired,

He originally had hope of survival, but he knew that he would kill Cheng Yanjin halfway,

Viktor’s last hope of survival, was killed halfway by the bull’s head, a second series of Hu Jie pulled and completely shattered the store!

Jiaoyue chased Victor, attacked it twice, and brought it alive!


At the same time, the puppy’s policewoman rushed over with a reverse E and landed on the ground to give a clip at Jela’s feet!

[The third more, please subscribe, please order! ] Thank you all for the monthly pass! Thank you! 】_

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