“I just got the news that the coo1 player on OMG was unable to participate in the competition due to illness, and was replaced by a substitute single sunset.”

Sika said on the commentary stage, “After changing the single, I don’t know if OMG can continue the previous streak. ”

“To be honest, I’m more optimistic about WE this one.” With a smile and an honest face, he said, “WE’s lineup continues the lineup system on IEM9, with single night, ADCMystic, two C positions have recently exploded, plus Spirit has performed brilliantly recently, and the overall strength is quite strong.” ”

Upon hearing this, OMG fans were immediately in an uproar.

“Why did coo1 have a fever at this critical moment?!”

“Temporary change of sunset… Can it work? ”

“I just made a bet with my friend that this BO2OMG will win, if I lose… I’m embarrassed. ”

On the other hand, the fans of WE are cheering one by one.


Both parties are seated, 12 debugging peripherals, machines, etc.

Immediately, the competition entered the BP stage.

OMG red square, WE blue square.

The ban phase ends quickly,

OMG presses: Tsar, Kyaukyue, Demon Ji.

WE ban: snake woman, blind monk, fan mother.

The snake woman is naturally the hero of Ban’s sunset, and the blind monk and the fan mother ban are all aimed at Li Mu, firstly, I don’t want Li Mu to get the blind monk who has a good rhythm in the early stage, and secondly, I don’t want to take wild core routines for OMG here.

“Unexpectedly released the centaurs, is OMG too confident here?”

WE coach Xiaobeast said confidently, “Or did gogoing learn centaurs?” ”

Gogoing’s centaurs have almost become a well-known meme.

This also led to the previous OMG competition, which almost lost the ban and wasted a ban.

Xi Ye asked, “Then we want to rob the people and horses?” ”

“No need.” The little beast said very firmly, “We chose to take the single single, so that the opposite sunset could not play.” ”

“Clockwork, I’ve had a Sunset, and he’s been playing with Clockwork a lot lately.” Xi Ye said.

“What about Sindra? The data shows that the few debut records of Sunset are all chosen by Sindra. The little beast said, he thought about it, and said, “Grab clockwork, Li Mu, the player, especially likes to let Zhongdan play clockwork devil.” It seems that he has a soft spot for playing clockwork alone at home. ”

The blue square WE, one choice to snatch the clockwork devil.

OMG side seconds lock big tree and aircraft, two versions T1 to choose.

“I said gogoing can’t play centaurs.” The little beast smiled proudly, “The centaurs are put to the end, let’s grab a hand to fight the wild and assist, the prince and the bullhead.” ”

Clockwork, bullhead, prince, this is the most popular classic combination in LPL.

The most important thing is that WE’s side is very clear that when OMG hit the royal family on the elixir, the bull’s head in that hand can be described as amazing, and the three key operations allowed OMG to successfully resolve the crisis.

It is called the elixir of the cow that protects the country by fans, and the former protector mantis.

WE’s lineup, plus one more hand, is just a perfect lineup.


OMG third-hand and fourth-hand selection, which surprised everyone,

Centaur plus Lulu!


WE coach Xiaobeast was stunned on the spot, “Big tree plus centaurs? Centaurs fighting wild?! Opposite this is deliberately disgusting our mentality? ”

Just now he was sure that OMG would not choose centaurs,

First, gogoing can’t play people, and second, OMG has chosen a big tree!


WE deliberately saved the strongest version on a single horse until the end, and snatched the prince plus the bull’s head first!


The centaurs were robbed!

“This Li Mu BP method is specifically disgusting!”

The little beast was very unhappy, knowing this, he should have robbed the centaurs first!

“So what’s next?”

Auxiliary Conan asked.

There is also a difference between the single and ADC positions.

ADC selection coach beast is not worried at all, the key is to be on the order, was put by OMG together.

T1’s choice of Big Tree and Centaur were robbed by OMG, and these two are also the heroes they are best at on Aluka.

“Choose ADC first, Wheel Mom.”

The little beast fixed his mind and said, “Finally, choose a hand to go to Lambo.” ”

Although Rambo is not the choice of this version of T1, it is better than the team, especially the clockwork prince system, which is better to cooperate.

The overall lineup is good, but I didn’t get the most wanted people, which made WE very uncomfortable.

“See what kind of single will be selected on the other side?”

The little beast said with an unhappy look.

OMG this side of the last hand choice, second selection, wind sword hao, Yasso.

“Clockwork plus prince system with Yaso? Isn’t it silly? ”

When the little beast saw Yasuo come out, his eyes immediately straightened, swept away his previous depression, and became excited, he suddenly smiled and said, “This hand is good, OMG 567 is simply seamless, perfect fit our Nakano system.” Comfortable! ”

It’s comfortable!

The rest of the WE players also felt comfortable.

The depression that was previously swept away by OMG and robbed the centaurs.

The coach withdrew, there was no coach on OMA’s side, and no one shook hands on the little beast, originally he wanted to boast about OMG for choosing someone with the last hand, no one shook hands, naturally there was no way to get it.

“Wow, did OMG give Yaso Zhongdan here?”

Xia was also the second monk scratching his head, and said with a blank face, “It’s okay to fight the wild, but Yasuo Zhongdan, you have to face WE Nakano Clockwork and the prince system… A bit hardcore, right? ”

“Tell you the truth… I’m even less optimistic about OMG now. ”

Smiled and made up for it,

And then


Sika shouted,

“Yaso brought … Disciplinary?! ”

“The centaurs are bringing … Teleport plus sprint?! ”

“Yasuo gave Li Mu to fight wild?! What kind of black technology is this? ”

The smile on the smiling face, rattling, froze.

[The fifth more, please subscribe, please order! ] Thanks for the support! Incidentally, ask for additional data support. 】_

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