
Yaso Tano, a single horse!

As soon as this lineup came out, the scene could not be controlled!

The audience was in a sigh and uproar!

The skepticism is also constant!

“What kind of black technology is this?”

“Groove! In my lifetime, I will be able to see the nursery Sotano !?! ”

“In the future, you can also play Yaso without a single position, happy~!”

In the Rank Bureau, Yaso’s ban rate is definitely far ahead of the entire league.

Not because of fear that the opposite Yaso is too strong, but because of the fear of their own Yaso too waves,

Yes, not worried about too much, but worried about too waves,

Anyway, in a word, choose Yasso, happiness is over! When you’re happy, your teammates are about to cry.

“Centaur teleportation sprint? Yaso Tano? This lineup, how to say, looks quite strong. ”

“MD, on BP, I don’t accept anyone, just obey Li Mu of OG!”

“Yaso Tano, he’s a ruthless man!”

“Will this little dog be beaten by Li Mu to cry?”

OMG fans, all kinds of discussions.

“OMG this is black, lying groove, already know that we can’t beat us, are you going to start beating yourself?”

“We WE WE will not be too cruel, I hope that the OMG five can resist the pressure and not be beaten to cry.”

“This hand BP is simply playing snakeskin!”

On the other hand, on the side of WE fans, one by one, they are so happy that they can be regarded as determined that OMG will definitely lose.

Yaso Tano, this is definitely the first LPL appearance!

There is also the centaur who is also the first time to appear!

Hell if this TM doesn’t lose.

When Li Mu locked Yasuo,

A system tone rings in my head.


“Congratulations to the host, successfully opened the modifier, Yasuo proficiency breakthrough intermediate, breakthrough advanced, breakthrough master… Achievement MAX! ”

A majestic stream of information was born in Li Mu’s mind.

As if innate ability,

All the skills about Yasso are very skillful.

“This one is going to help me more!”

The puppy doesn’t seem to be panicked at all, but in fact, a batch.

This lineup system, although OMG has practiced,


It’s only been a morning!

It looks like a shower for the sunset!

The single horse in the teleportation sprint, this hand, is the routine that Li Mu specially took out for Xi.

So far, no team in the world has played this routine, and OMG is definitely the first to eat crabs.

However, Li Mu knows that this lineup system is actually very mature.

Even if he doesn’t take it out, it will be developed when the summer race comes.

Teleportation sprinting centaurs, also known as returning to the city flow centaurs, also known as fast online centaurs, naked a pair of three-speed shoes (light spirit boots), or five-speed shoes (galloping boots), enchanted home guards, an E skill, can run from the hot spring to the outside of the second tower, it normally takes more than twenty seconds to get to the line, and the single horse in this routine only takes a little more than ten seconds.

“Don’t worry, break through the middle and come to help.”

Li Mu seemed very stable and did not panic at all.

The puppy hurriedly said, “Don’t, the prince on the other side always likes to catch the road, I have met him several times in Hanbok, squatting on the road every day to me.” ”

“Don’t panic, brother, this gives me C.” Sunset said, “When I got out of the Home Guard, the opposite side exploded.” ”

This centaur’s routine, Sunset likes it very much, he plays it, and even has the feeling of finding a long-lost hero.

It’s like Li Mu’s tailor-made routine for him.

In the eyes of the sunset, this routine must have been thought up by Li Mu after a lot of thought, meditation, and consumption of inspiration.

He was very grateful to Li Mu in his heart, and he actually remembered him as a substitute and arranged such a suitable routine for him as a substitute.

“Let’s stabilize, it’s just fine when we reach level six.”

Gogoing prompted,

OMG this lineup, as long as it reaches the sixth level, small team battles, proper stability.

Of course, the lineup on the opposite side is not weak.

Sort of, though, the OMG lineup has a natural advantage, and it’s easy to overlook.

WE lineup, except for the prince, everyone else has no displacement!

Renma Gayaso’s routine, favorite enemy hero without displacement!

The game begins, the old rule of OMG routine, invading the blue square red buff wild area.

WE is also the same old rule, avoid not fighting.

Never fight with OMG at the first level.

This seems to have become the default rule of the major teams, do not fight with OMG first-level regiment, and I don’t know what the reason is, anyway, OMG has played so many games, there is no team willing to take the first regiment.

Even like WE, it is clear that the first-level regiment is very strong…

It is to avoid without fighting.

Select, change the field area, do not change the line.

The big tree changes the line, which is more comfortable than Rambo. WE naturally will not stupidly take the initiative to choose to change the line.

“Why is there no one fighting with us now?”

The puppy thought it was strange and asked curiously.

“I don’t know.” The elixir couldn’t think of a reason, “Maybe it has something to do with the captain.” ”

Anyway, the things that can’t be explained must be related to Li Mu, which is probably right.

Li Mu’s Yasuo chose to open the opposite red buff, and the plane and Lulu helped fight.

After Yasso took the red buff, he cleared the opposite F4

The middle road is only level 2.

“Hit a wave!”

Li Mu signaled, and (Li’s) side said, “The prince is behind, don’t worry about him.” ”

“I kick clockwork!”

The centaur directly turned on the ghost gallop plus E skill, went around, and kicked it all over with clockwork!

Directly kicked the clockwork in the F4 direction where Yasso is,


“Wow, Li Mu caught a small advantage in the early stage! Scratched off the clockwork flash! ”

On the commentary table, Sika said with a little surprise, “Will this be the foreshadowing of the next kill?” ”

“Do you dare to believe this? Yaso was able to catch people in the early stage? Xiaoxiao said with some puzzlement, “This Li Mu player’s fighting wild Yasuo, the proficiency is not low!” ”

[Sixth, so hungry, so sleepy, don’t stay up late. ] Continue to owe. Keep making up. Come on! Come on~~! 】_

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