Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1037: . The best gift of life

Jin Nanfeng's pupils were full of shock and disbelief, and even his cheeks were pale.

Chenchen is his?

"Little Hydrangea, you said Chenchen is mine...Is that so?"

"Stupid Jin Nanfeng!" Li Yunxiu's tears finally rolled out, "Why didn't you think about it, I

Having loved you for so many years, since I was a child, I was the only person in my heart. How could I have children with other men..."

Why he never doubted.

After a brief period of astonishment and surprise, Jin Nanfeng's head remembered Chenchen's face like lightning.

Didn’t he think that Chen Chen could be a little devil like himself, the look between his brows resembled him very much, even last time in Mary’s village

Yuan, his friends also mistaken Chenchen for his own child, so... Isn't that an illusion?

That kid, really his own?

Jin Nanfeng looked at Li Yunxiu again, still wanting to ask for a certification, "Little Hydrangea, are you really talking about it?"

"Do you really want me to give you the dna appraisal report before you believe it?"

Jin Nanfeng finally couldn't help but smile.

"Chen Chen is mine..."

For a moment, this man who has always been very elegant, looked like a daredevil who had lost his soul, standing in place, surprised

At a loss.

"Chen Chen is the son of Jin Nanfeng, my biological son."

He muttered, repeating the same words repeatedly.

It's like a child who is extremely satisfied with candy.

Then he reacted quickly and took Li Yunxiu's hand, "You got my sperm?"

Li Yunxiu's face flushed, and he didn't know what to answer. It was for Li Yunxiu to give birth to Jin Nanfeng's child with this method.

It is always an unspeakable past.

"Is that the physical examination?" Jin Nanfeng remembered what happened back then. "No wonder the doctor asked me to stay

That thing, I’m surprised, there’s never been such a checkup before in a physical examination..."

"I'm sorry." Li Yunxiu apologized dullly, "I really didn't think so much at the time."


"In that way, give birth to your child." Li Yunxiu wanted to explain, "However, please believe me, at that time

When, I really didn’t think so much. During the six months or so when I was sent abroad by my parents, I have been very unhappy.

My friend took me to the psychiatrist. The doctor said that I had a very serious depression.

It's messy, I don't see any hope of survival, but I dare not die..."

Thinking of what happened back then, Li Yunxiu's heart was still filled with sorrow and sadness, "I know if I die

Now, my parents and my brother will be very sad and self-blame, so I dare not die. "

It was at that time that she met Robin.

There is a large underground private hospital in his home.

On the street that day, Li Yunxiu was suddenly hit by a child. There was a trace of Jin Nan between the child’s eyebrows.

The shadow of the wind, Li Yunxiu suddenly had an idea, that is, she wants to have a child, a Jin Nanfeng’s


So she went to Robin for help and asked her to perform surrogacy surgery for herself.

Robin likes Li Yunxiu very much, and sincerely admires her for doing this for love, so he promised right now and flew right away.

When I went to the imperial capital, I tried to get Jin Nanfeng's sperm in the name of medical examination.

Then things developed just as Li Yunxiu and Robin expected. Li Yunxiu became pregnant soon. One year later,

Successfully gave birth to Chenchen.

Only when Chenchen was born, including Li Yunxiu himself, was frightened by the child’s blue eyes.

She even wondered if it wasn’t Jin Nanfeng’s sperm that was sent...until she went to check the DNA personally.

Finally put it down.

Not long after Chenchen was born, she was diagnosed with a serious disease and needed an organ transplant. She needed a high amount of money.

Surgical expenses and finding a suitable organ that can fit Chenchen.

Li Yunxiu strengthened Xu Jiamu. In order to treat Chenchen’s illness, she and Xu Jiamu were married.

I have never slept in a bed since I came here. Xu Jiamu respects Li Yunxiu and always believes that his love will one day eventually.

He was able to impress Li Yunxiu, but until the end, all he gained was Li Yunxiu's gratitude.

Li Yunxiu has a lot of emotions towards Xu Jiamu, gratitude, owe, make up, but only one thing is missing, too

The most important love.

After Xu Jiamu recognized reality again, he had to let Li Yun embroider free.

The past is like a slow motion of an old movie, reverberating frame by frame in Li Yunxiu’s head, oppressing her heart

Up, making her almost hard to breathe.

"I'm sorry, Jin Nanfeng, I know I did this... It's really unbearable..." Li Yunxiu's tears rolled drop by drop.

Luo, "But please believe me, at that time, I really didn't want to use this kid to threaten you."

Even if she returned to the imperial capital later, she met Jin Nanfeng by accident, but she didn’t tell Chenchen’s life experience.

Even if her parents kept putting pressure on her, she did not tell the truth that Jin Nanfeng was Chenchen's father.


It was today that she and Jin Nanfeng had been in love with each other for so long before she revealed such a secret.

"I'm really not the kind of woman who wants to use a child to tie you down."

There was a touch of sadness and self-blame in Li Yunxiu's eyes.

"I'm really sorry, Jin Nanfeng, I kept it from you for so long."

"Why do you want to say sorry to me?"

Jin Nanfeng didn’t know what happened during Li Yun’s embroidering years abroad, just from her eyes and spirit

Looking at it, she should have had a hard time.

Also, a woman who is so young and still has a child of unknown origin, how much discussion she has to bear

And blame?

In those days, how did she come step by step under the tremendous pressure?

"It's me who should say sorry. I found out it was too late."

Jin Nanfeng held Li Yunxiu's wrist, his voice was low and magnetic, and it was as good as a magic sound that made people intoxicated.

"It's because I didn't take the responsibility of being a father."

Jin Nanfeng couldn't help but gently pulled her closer to his arms, "Little Hydrangea, for so many years, you have worked hard. Thanks.

Thank you for giving birth to such a cute child for me. I like him very much, and I like you very much. Both you and him are me

The best gift of this life. "

Li Yunxiu's shoulders trembled uncontrollably, and then more tears overflowed from his eyes.

"Jin Nanfeng..."

Jin Nanfeng’s eye sockets were also slightly wet, and he couldn’t tell what kind of mood he was right now.

The heart is filled with too many things, Chen Chen, Li Yunxiu, and many, many people and things.

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