Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1038: .pour cold water on

He was still immersed in the surprise that Chenchen was his child, but couldn't help feeling distressed for Li Yunxiu.

Even more, there is a layer of self-blame and guilt that cannot be erased.

He actually suspected Li Yunxiu.

Even before Li Yunxiu said that Chenchen was his own, for Chenchen this child, Chenchen's father

Dear, he has a grudge in his heart.

After all, that was a man who once owned Li Yunxiu. Although he warned himself not to care about it, he was a monopolistist.

He is often tortured and uneasy.

And now, he understands that the father of Chenchen who has been living in everyone's mouth is Jin Nanfeng himself.

God, how could you make such a big joke with me?

Jin Nanfeng smiled like a self-deprecating smile, he is the most jealous of him?

"Jin Nanfeng, I'm really sorry, I told you so late now."

"It's okay." Jin Nanfeng gently wiped her tears, "You did nothing wrong. I have never been a father.

What you should do, even if you don’t tell me, you should. "

Jin Nanfeng raised the corners of his mouth like self-deprecating, "Moreover, I didn't find it myself."

His relationship with Chenchen.

Although he also joked, saying "Shen Chen is so like himself, he wouldn't be his son, right?", but he never

I didn't really think about that.

"Chenchen's eyes..." Li Yunxiu's mood finally stabilized. He looked at Jin Nanfeng in embarrassment and sighed helplessly.

Angrily, "His eyes are indeed my best umbrella."

"How come Chenchen's eyes are blue?" Jin Nanfeng was a little curious, "No one in my family has blue eyes..."

Li Yunxiu's brows also wrinkled. This incident is also what she has always found strange for so many years, Jin Nanfeng

The whole family doesn’t have the gene for blue eyes, and neither does the Li family. How could they become blue when they arrived in Chenchen?

Colored eyes? Could it be that something happened during conception?

Li Yunxiu really couldn't think of the reason.

"I'm not very clear." Li Yunxiu explained, "But Chenchen is really your child. I have checked it.

If you don’t believe it, you can go by yourself..."


Jin Nanfeng frowned and interrupted Li Yunxiu's words directly, "Where is the father going to investigate his son? And I

Didn’t you say it? I have already regarded that kid as my own son, and now I know he is really me Jin Nan

The kind of wind is even better. "

"Huh? What's the good thing?"

"I can educate him well." Jin Nanfeng smiled triumphantly, "You don't know, I see what happened to him

How long have you been unhappy with those bad things, but before, I’m at best a stepdad, I can’t beat or scold, now

Knowing that he is my own life, I don't think I can correct all the bad things on him. "

The first is the problem of crying at every turn. He has a headache when he thinks about it.

"If you want to teach Chenchen, you probably have to pass my parents' level."

Li Yunxiu was a little helpless, "Especially my mother, it hurts Chenchen, can't you touch Chenchen to try? My mother

The first one will not let you go. "

"This is not necessarily true. I am Chenchen's father after all. Isn't it right for a father to educate his son? Your mother

Mom can't stop me. Besides, if she knows Chenchen is mine..."

Hearing what Jin Nanfeng said, Li Yunxiu's mouth raised a playful smile, as if he wanted to see Jin Nanfeng next

What to say.

Jin Nanfeng couldn't help but "cocked" in his heart, as if he had reacted to something, and my pupils were slightly enlarged.

"Damn woman! Don't your parents already know, do they?"

Li Yunxiu nodded embarrassedly.

"Li Yunjin and your sister know about it?"


Li Yunxiu nodded again.

"What about my cousin?" Mu Qianli also knew?

"Yeah." Li Yunxiu nodded in embarrassment again.

"Does Chenchen know it himself?"

Jin Nanfeng's face became darker and darker, and ink almost dripped out in the end.

Li Yun embroidered her scalp with tingling, and she didn’t know how things were developing, so Jin Nanfeng was the last one to know.

Said it. Under Jin Nanfeng's hungry eyes, Li Yunxiu finally nodded helplessly.

"Well, he knows."

She told Chenchen the last time she went to the school meeting.

"Fuck, then my biological father dare to be kept in the dark by you, right?"

Li Yunxiu was very depressed and nodded helplessly.

"I did not do it on purpose."

Jin Nanfeng was feeling emotional in an instant, and she kept the child’s father from telling him about such a big thing.

He can understand, but he and Li Yunxiu have been reconciled for so long, she actually told everyone including Chen Chenna

A kid can just hide it from himself!

Jin Nanfeng let go of Li Yunxiu angrily, then sat on the chair, frowning and sulking.

Li Yunxiu had no choice but to walk over to apologize, "Don't be angry, I really didn't intend to hide it from you on purpose.

They don’t know how long, it just happens that your birthday is here again, I just wanted to make it this year’s birthday present

Tell you……"

Li Yunxiu frowned and gently pulled Jin Nanfeng's clothes, "Don't be angry, okay?"

Jin Nanfeng turned his head to look at Li Yunxiu, "Chen Chen wants to be raised by me."

His son of Jin Nanfeng cannot always be placed in the presidential palace.

Li Yunxiu nodded, "I know, I will discuss with my parents when I go back."


Jin Nanfeng opened his arms and frowned coldly, "Come and give me a hug."

Li Yunxiu paused, walked over, and leaped into his arms gently.

Because Jin Nanfeng was sitting on a chair, he could only hold Li Yunxiu's waist, and his head was still slightly against Li Yunxiu.

There was a long silence around her waist. Just when Li Yunxiu was at a loss, she suddenly heard Jin Nanfeng almost choked.

"Thank you."

Li Yunxiu's body trembled slightly, and then his whole heart seemed to melt.

After the two of them had lunch, in the afternoon, Jin Nanfeng took Li Yunxiu to several well-known places in the local area and bought it.

New clothes, and toys for Chenchen, Li Yunxiu's legs are sore after shopping.

"Go back, Jin Nanfeng."

Li Yunxiu looked at the big and small bags in Jin Nanfeng's hands, thinking that most of them were his own things, Li Yunxiu was helpless

Laughed, "Obviously it's your birthday, why did you buy so much for me, it's like celebrating my birthday."

"I am happy today, I am happy to spend money for you."

Jin Nanfeng took Li Yunxiu's hand, "Let's go, go to the store and have a look."

"More buy?"

Li Yunxiu was going crazy.

Her two legs are about to break, okay? It happened that the man also said he wanted to be romantic, so he drove Yang Yun back in the car.

If it is better now, the two of them will have to walk back hard later.

What's this?

Li Yunxiu was helpless.

"Buy gifts for your parents and your brother."

Li Yunxiu reacted quickly and couldn't help laughing, "Oh, I see, you want to please my family,

So they can return Chenchen to you, right? "


Jin Nanfeng's face was slightly pale, it was obvious that he was embarrassed after being pierced by someone.

Li Yunxiu poured cold water on her mercilessly, "I tell you, you can be mentally prepared."

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