Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1039: .What happened?


"Don’t forget. Last time at home, my parents asked you about it. Chenchen will return it to Jin’s house in the future.

It's the Li family... how did you answer at the time? "

Li Yunxiu frowned, as if thinking about something, "Oh, yes, Jin Nanfeng is a big star, but he is a vowed watch.

Shi, Chenchen's surname is Li, and he belongs to our Li family, so I will definitely not leave in the future..."

Jin Nanfeng's face turned black immediately.

Then I realized, "Okay, Li Yunxiu, I was still thinking, why would your parents and your brother ask me

Such a strange question, it turns out that they already know that Chenchen is mine, and worry that I will ask them when I know it.

Important people, so put me together in advance, right? "

Jin Nanfeng grabbed Li Yunxiu's hand, "No, I must take Chenchen back."

"You don't have to tell me about this, you have to tell my parents." Li Yunxiu frowned, looking very embarrassed.

"My mom is super baby Chenchen. Now it’s uncomfortable if I don’t see Chenchen for a day. My dad is a typical wife-loving demon, who will

My mother is upset, so he will be the first to have trouble with him. "

While talking, Li Yunxiu did not forget to pat Jin Nanfeng's shoulder with his hand, and said sympathetically, "Jin

Nanfeng, you, be mentally prepared. "

Jin Nanfeng's face was very ugly.

When I thought that I was being played around by them, the anger couldn't be suppressed.

"Wait, I must bring Chenchen back."

On the last night of the villa, Li Yunxiu had already started packing up the scattered luggage of the past few days.

Fold the clothes of himself and Jin Nanfeng one by one and put them into the box. Li Yunxiu packed everything up and just got up.

He was suddenly thrown from behind by a person and almost fell directly on the bed.

You don't need to think about it, you know it is Jin Nanfeng.

"What are you doing?"

Li Yunxiu was helpless. Seeing that he was being held tightly by her, he was very annoyed, "Hurry up and let me go, there are still things confiscated.

Pick it up, the plane tomorrow morning will be too late. "

"Today is my birthday." Jin Nanfeng smelled the faint fragrance on her body, and his heart was slightly restless because of the smell.

"I know, didn't I give you a big gift? Are you still not satisfied?"

"Satisfaction is quite satisfactory."

"That's not going to let go. You Jin Nanfeng's star star lazily takes care of packing up your luggage. Now you are still asking me trouble?"

"Chen Chen is not by my side now. I can't touch that gift. I should always ask for a substantial gift that I can touch.

Things. "

Jin Nanfeng's hands have become a little restless.


Li Yunxiu's face blushed slightly, but she could guess it during the day and couldn't hide it tonight.

The guy will definitely wipe her out with the excuse of his birthday...

Thinking of this, Li Yunxiu let him go.

I just pray that Jin Nanfeng can understand a little bit of restraint for the sake of flying tomorrow.

It’s a pity that Li Yunxiu obviously forgot that this man was a dangerous wild wolf on the bed, and she was the only one left to toss.

Gasping for life, she was about to cry, Jin Nanfeng finally let her go contentedly.

Jin Nanfeng looked at Li Yunxiu who curled up in his arms and closed his eyes, and suddenly remembered something.

He remembered that when he and Li Yun embroidered for the first time, this woman was no longer...At that time, he simply

Because it must be the first time Chenchen’s father has her, but now Chenchen’s father is his Jin Nanfeng, that man

Who will the person be?

Jin Nanfeng felt that he was too greedy.

Obviously I have got everything now, but my appetite is getting bigger and bigger, and I even care about such small things.

"what happened?"

As soon as Li Yunxiu opened his eyes, he saw Jin Nanfeng looking at him quietly, his beautiful brows frowning tightly, as if

Why is it worrying?

"Did something happen?"

Li Yunxiu asked.

Jin Nanfeng came back to his senses. Forget it, it’s a thing of the past anyway. He has got everything now, no matter that

Who is the man, he is the final winner.

Besides, if you ask such a question, Li Yunxiu should be more concerned.

Why bother?

As long as he and Li Yun embroider well now.

Thinking of this, Jin Nanfeng smiled softly, "It’s nothing, just feel that everything that happened today is like

Like a dream. "

"I also think a lot of things are like a dream." Sometimes she wakes up in the middle of the night and suddenly has an illusion of time

Back to many years ago, she was still the little girl who had a crush on Jin Nanfeng but was not known by him.

Whenever, she would feel as if she was lost by the misty deep sea, not knowing what was ahead or knowing

Where are you going?

Only when she saw the sleeping man next to her, would she suddenly remember that she was already with Jin Nanfeng now

Now, all this is really not a dream.

"But it doesn't matter even if it's a dream, just never wake up."

Li Yunxiu couldn't help but arched into Jin Nanfeng's arms.

Jin Nanfeng smiled and reached out to hold her tighter.

"Go to sleep, let's go home to see our son tomorrow morning."

Li Yunxiu was a little tired, unable to lift his strength softly, but still struggled to get up, "The luggage has not been collected yet.

Pick it up. "

"I'll sort it out."

Jin Nanfeng held her down and kissed her on the forehead, "Go to sleep."

Li Yunxiu closed his heavy eyelids with confidence, and fell asleep deeply after a while.

Jin Nanfeng loosened her cautiously, got up to pack her luggage.

Early the next morning, the parcels of the two had been packed and put in the footsteps.

After staying abroad for so long, both of them want to return to the imperial capital as soon as possible, especially Jin Nanfeng, who knows that Chen Chen’s kid is

After his own child, the whole person has become a little different. In Li Yunxiu’s words, it’s like a night

Become a lot more mature and stable.

Li Yunxiu looked at Jin Nanfeng who was going through the formalities in the airport lobby, and finally couldn't help but smile.

"what happened?"

Jin Nanfeng handed the passport to Li Yunxiu, "What are you laughing at?"

"No, I feel like you are different from before."

"Have it?"

"Well, you never did this kind of thing yourself before."

Generally, I will be impatient and let Yang Yun do it.

"Well, I might take you and Chenchen out on a tour in the future. It's better to be familiar with this kind of thing." Jin Nan

The wind smiled lightly.

Li Yunxiu's face was slightly red, somewhat unnatural.

"Little Hydrangea." Jin Nanfeng walked to her and gently held her hand, "I was not able to be with you and Chenchen before.

By my side, but now...I will do everything I can to do what a husband and a father should do. It is my responsibility

Responsibilities and obligations, I will not escape. "

Li Yunxiu looked at his thoughtful look and sighed softly, "Nan Feng, in fact, you don't have to give yourself too much

A lot of pressure, I don’t need you to make a lot of changes, you just need to be yourself, that’s it. "

She hoped that Jin Nanfeng would still be the proud man once, instead of becoming cautious and fearful for her

Looks like.

"I have a sense of measure."

Jin Nanfeng nodded.

After getting on the plane, Li Yunxiu actually developed a low-grade fever without knowing whether it was the reason for his exhaustion these days. it is good

When it was not too serious, Jin Nanfeng took some medicine from the stewardess and gave it to Li Yunxiu. Soon Li Yunxiu fell asleep.

When he woke up again, the low-grade fever had gone and the plane had arrived at the airport of the Imperial Capital.

"Are you okay?" Seeing Li Yunxiu's cheeks were very pale, Jin Nanfeng immediately reached out to help her shoulders.

"I'm fine." Li Yunxiu gently avoided.

Seeing Jin Nanfeng a little puzzled, Li Yunxiu smiled, "Should some fans pick you up? It's not good to be seen by them."

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