Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1050: .you are my son

"I didn't praise him nor used to him, he is my son, he made mistakes, I will naturally teach him." Jin Nanfeng wrinkled

Eyebrow, "But don’t you think it’s weird? Although Chen Chen is usually a bit naughty, he never humiliates himself in front of outsiders.

Making noise, at most playing in front of his family, how could he go to beat people for no reason, and even lie? "

"This..." Li Yunxiu also frowned, why she never thought about what Jin Nanfeng said, but she had already given it to Chenchen

When the chance came, the kid just didn't say anything, she was too angry to move her hands.

"Don't be angry anymore. Anyway, if you hit or scold, what else can you do? Do you really kill him?

Then I would definitely not agree. "Jin Nanfeng's eyebrows tightened, "I still expect Chenchen to help me marry you back, I can

You are not allowed to do anything to my son. "

"You can help him." Li Yunxiu couldn't hear anything now. He said that he was going to push Jin Nanfeng on him. "Let

Open, I'm going to talk to him. "

Jin Nanfeng held her restless hands and pressed them on the sides of her head, staring at her pupils dangerously, "He

I don't want to say it, it must be because some things are inconvenient to tell you. I will ask him later. "

"Will he tell you?"

"Men and men often share secrets. Little Hydrangea, even if you don't want to admit it, this is also a fact."

Li Yunxiu was at a loss for words.


"Okay, don't worry, I'll see how he is. You just got such a heavy hand, don't really have an accident."

Li Yunxiu obviously wanted to speak, Jin Nanfeng's eyes suddenly went dark, he lowered his head and kissed Li Yunxiu's soft softly.

Two lips.


Li Yunxiu subconsciously wanted to resist, but was kissed tighter by Jin Nanfeng. As soon as the fresh air was poured in, he was crazy

In the end, even breathing became a luxury.

I don’t know how long it took before Jin Nanfeng let go of Li Yun embroidery, and at this time Li Yun embroidery was already red.

Swollen, only gasping for life is left.

Jin Nanfeng looked at his "masterpiece" with satisfaction, and touched Li Yunxiu's tortured lips with his cool fingers.

"Do you still go to see Chenchen like this?"


Li Yunxiu's ears and cheeks were burning.

"Wait for me to come back, eh?"

Jin Nanfeng raised his eyebrows.

Li Yunxiu could only helplessly compromise. When the man got up, he suddenly thought of something and suddenly stopped Jin Nanfeng's.

Arm, look very embarrassed, "Well, in the TV cabinet in the living room, there is a small red medicine box inside.

If you want some medicine to invigorate blood and remove blood stasis, you will help Chenchen wipe it urgently. "

"Distressed?" Jin Nanfeng smiled lightly, "Then you beat it so hard."

Li Yunxiu was very embarrassed and sighed deeply, "Okay, go quickly. Come back and tell me how he is."

Jin Nanfeng left the bedroom and went directly to Chen Chen's.

Unexpectedly, Chenchen actually locked the door.

Jin Nanfeng knocked on the door and said in a deep voice, "Little devil, open the door."

The room was quiet, no one answered.

Jin Nanfeng was sure that this little guy was either having a temper, or he was beaten, and embarrassed not to see anyone, so he let it go.

He whispered and said, "Chen Chen, open the door, your mommy is not here, you have injuries, and those who don't take medicine will hurt more tomorrow."

There was still no movement in the room.

Jin Nanfeng raised his lips helplessly and smiled. This little guy is even more stubborn than he was back then.

"Li Jingchen, if you don't open the door and let me in, I'll call your mommy."

There was finally movement in the room.

It took a full five minutes before Chenchen's sweaty face appeared in front of Jin Nanfeng's eyes.

"Why are you here?" Chenchen looked at Jin Nanfeng sullenly.

"look at you."

"I don't need you to watch it, I know, you actually want to laugh at me, right? Because I was beaten by mommy."

"Cut, you kid." Jin Nanfeng stretched out his hand and tapped Chenchen on the head. "It's not a shame to be beaten.

Who has never been beaten? "

Chenchen paused for a while, and then seemed to ignite a glimmer of hope, "Dad, were you beaten as a child?"

"Of course, my hands are almost interrupted." Jin Nanfeng entered the room, "you can also go back and ask your uncle, he was a kid

It is estimated to have been beaten. "

Chenchen felt more comfortable when she heard this, her face looked better, and she limped to the bed.

"Lie on your stomach, I'll give you medicine."


Chenchen shook his head.

"If you don't take medicine, you will feel this pain for the next week." Jin Nanfeng said coldly, "How are you going to school?"

Chenchen pouted aggrievedly, then reluctantly took off his pants and lay down on the bed desperately.

Although Li Yunxiu used all his strength, but fortunately, his "weapons" was only the bottom of the slippers, and the whole thing was beaten.

The body has the most flesh, so except for a trace of bruising, there is no broken skin and bleeding.

Jin Nanfeng always thinks that boys shouldn’t be too delicate, and this didn’t make him feel distressed, so he gave Chenchen three times

Finished the medicine.

Chenchen pulled up his pants with a look of shame.

"Now you can talk about it, why did you hit that person?" Jin Nanfeng looked at Chenchen.

Chenchen frowned and was silent for a long time before whispering, "He takes off my pants."


Jin Nanfeng was taken aback.

Chenchen's face turned paler, and his head was low, and the expression on his face was too low.

Jin Nanfeng said in a deep voice, "Chen Chen, make things clear, why is he taking off your pants?"

"I told him, you are my father, and he said you are a bad guy... if I am the son of a bad guy, he must be a rape.

Committed, so I have to take off my pants. "

Chenchen's eyes reddened, and his small hands were clenched tightly, "He still scolds Mommy...I am very angry, I told him to let you

Don't scold him, but he wouldn't listen, so I...I just...beat him..."

Jin Nanfeng's heart seemed to sink to the bottom, almost shivering in the cold.

"Why, don't you explain to Mommy? Make it clear, Mommy won't hit you today."

"If I say it, Mommy will be very sad, Dad, you are not a bad person." Chenchen's tears fell off.

After coming out, the whole person is a small group, which looks particularly pitiful.

"If you have this kind of thing in the future, you must tell me. If you don't want to tell Mommy, you must tell me, you know?"

Jin Nanfeng frowned, looking at the little guy in front of him with some complicated.

How old is he, I actually thought about taking this kind of harm for him and Li Yunxiu?

He does not allow this to happen.

Everything was caused by him. He couldn't let Yunxiu, even a child like Chenchen, bear the consequences.

"Chenchen, you are not allowed to tell others that I am your father."

Chenchen's eyes turned red, and regardless of the injury, he stood up, "Dad, don't you want Chenchen anymore?"

Jin Nanfeng touched Chenchen's head and said softly, "You are my son, how could I not want you? But father

I’m not an ordinary person. Dad wants to protect you and Mommy. If others know your relationship with me, there will be trouble. I see.

? "

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