Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1051: .Who said this?

"Oh, Chenchen understands."

Chenchen nodded obediently.

Not wronged.

Jin Nanfeng smiled, "Well, a man, don’t cry and chirp with a little skin injury. At night, I

Let Mommy apologize to you, OK? "

"Mommy doesn't need to apologize." Chenchen shook his head, "It's Chenchen's fault. No matter what, Chenchen shouldn't hit anyone."

"Who said that?" Jin Nanfeng sneered, "Li Jingchen, listen carefully. Who dares to scold your mom in the future?

One went up to me and beat him to death. If it broke, your dad would support him. "

Chenchen frowned tightly, "But, Mommy knows she will be angry..."

"Are you stupid? Don't tell her or not?"

Jin Nanfeng rubbed Chenchen's head, "Does his body still hurt?"


"It deserves it, don't cry, it's nothing." Jin Nanfeng laughed. "Mother man, suffer

It's so squeamish after a little hit, are you a little girl? "

Chenchen hummed unconvincedly, "I am not a husband, I am a child."

"Aren't children a man? Don't you have a little Ding Ding?" Jin Nanfeng sneered.

Chenchen's cheeks flushed red, and he retorted, "You don't have little Dingding."

"Where did you come from if I didn't have Xiaodingding?"

Jin Nanfeng grabbed Chen Chen's ear, "Did it jump out of the stone?"

"Mummy gave birth to another man."

Chenchen deliberately angered Jin Nanfeng, "My eyes are blue, why are yours black?"

"How do I know?" Jin Nanfeng was also puzzled.

On the second day after returning to the imperial capital, Li Yunxiu sent him a dna test report.

In fact, he didn't even need to read it, he already believed what Li Yunxiu said, but when he really saw the inspection report,

His heart was still uncontrollably speeding up and beating wildly, filled with joy and excitement.

But why, Chenchen's eyes are blue?

The Jin family doesn’t even have the genes that blue eyes have...

"Are you really my father?" Chenchen blinked.

"Whether it is or not, it's true now." Jin Nanfeng finished speaking and got up, "Okay, go to sleep!

It will hurt. "


Chenchen lay down quickly, Jin Nanfeng covered Chenchen with a quilt, and then left.

Back in the bedroom, Li Yunxiu looked down at the phone, and when Jin Nanfeng came back, he immediately asked, "How is he?"

"Already asleep." Jin Nanfeng walked over, looked at her anxious face, comforted, "Don't worry, it's nothing serious."

"Did he say why he hit someone?"

"Little Hydrangea, you are wrong this time." Jin Nanfeng frowned.

"How to say?"

Li Yunxiu was puzzled, and asked anxiously, "Hurry up, what's the matter?"

Jin Nanfeng recounted what happened.

Li Yunxiu's face turned pale after listening.

She said that Chenchen would not be such a child. It turned out that he actually...because of this reason he started beating someone!

Not only did she not ask clearly, but instead beat Chenchen impulsively, and even forced Chenchen to apologize to others.

Li Yunxiu's heart hurt severely, "I'm going to see Chenchen." He said he got up and walked outside.

"Don't worry." Jin Nanfeng pulled Li Yun embroidered, "He is already asleep, what can you do now?

When he wakes up at night, you will be fine if you apologize to him. Chenchen will not blame you. "

Li Yunxiu's eyes were full of guilt, and her heart was upset. Jin Nanfeng comforted her for a while before he wanted to calm her heart.


"Then I'm going to cook dinner." Li Yunxiu frowned, "make something you like."

"it is good."

Li Yunxiu went to the kitchen and started to cook dinner. Originally, he wanted Jin Nanfeng to come and start, but as soon as he turned around, he saw Jin

Nan Feng squeezed his cell phone and walked to the study, obviously something happened again.

Li Yunxiu's hand shook slightly, hoping that nothing worse would happen this night.

Not long after dinner was ready, Li Yunxiu just wanted to ask Jin Nanfeng to come out for dinner when he saw that Jin Nanfeng was already walking away with his jacket.

Came out.

"Are you going out?"

"Well, something happened to the company."

Although Jin Nanfeng was acquitted, the company's stock price fell again and again.

"Should I go with you?"

Li Yunxiu handed him the car key, frowning very worried.

"No, I'll go out to meet a few friends, and I'll be back soon." Jin Nanfeng took the key and left soon.

After Jin Nanfeng left, Li Yunxiu's heart also became empty. Chenchen had injuries on his body. After dinner, he quickly

Fell asleep, but Jin Nanfeng did not come back all night.

It wasn't until the early morning of the next day that Yang Yun returned the drunk Jin Nanfeng.

"Why did he drink so much wine?"

Seeing Jin Nanfeng's already unconscious appearance, Li Yunxiu's brows wrinkled tightly.

She and Yang Yun worked together to put Jin Nanfeng on the sofa, and then went to make a pot of hot water and wipe Jin Nanfeng's cheeks.

"Ge Jin went to meet a few friends today. The company’s capital chain had some problems. Now it needs financing.

Personally borrowed 300 million yuan from the bank, but the loan was too late, and the company may not be able to support it

that time……"

Li Yunxiu was taken aback. Jin Nanfeng didn't tell him about such a big event.

She always thought that the worst outcome would only be Jin Nanfeng's withdrawal from the entertainment industry, but she did not expect that,

Jin Nanfeng's company also had such a big problem!

"He never told me..."

Li Yunxiu's face turned pale.

He couldn't be more clear, with their strong family strength, it was very easy to come up with the money needed for financing.

"Ge Jin doesn't want you to worry about it." Yang Yun sighed, "Furthermore, Ge Jin promised Mr. President that he would take good care of you.

Give you the best life, how could he let you help. "

Li Yunxiu looked back at Jin Nanfeng's frowning eyebrows, his heart contracted tightly, "What's the situation of the company now?"

"I saw a few people tonight, some of them are willing to invest, but there is still a gap of about 200 million yuan." Yang Yun tweeted

There is also a trace of fatigue in his eyes and face, "Tomorrow Jin Ge will go to meet some foreign friends."

Li Yunxiu's heart almost exploded with discomfort. She didn't know how much wine Jin Nanfeng drank tonight.

Only in exchange for the answer of one or two friends.

She couldn't even imagine the appearance of Jin Nanfeng slumping down. No matter what happens, this man will be like iron.

The spine has never been bent.

Obviously, as long as you talk to yourself, you can solve everything, but he stubbornly doesn't say anything, Jin

A fool!

"Yang Yun, you will go with him tomorrow, you must watch him, don’t let him drink, the part that the company lacks

Money, let me find a way. "

"But Brother Jin won't ask for your money."

"He is my husband, and my money is his money." Li Yunxiu's eyes suddenly became firm, "In case

In case, don't tell him about it yet. "

When she finished raising the money and got it into Jin Nanfeng's hands, she didn't believe it, and this fool would refuse.

Early the next morning, Li Yunxiu first sent Chenchen to school, and then drove to the company to find Li Yunjin.

"How did you come?"

"Brother, I want to ask you to help me with something." Li Yunxiu frowned.

"About Jin Nanfeng?"

Li Yunjin sneered and raised his lips.

Li Yunxiu lowered his head in embarrassment.

"I knew it." Li Yunjin smiled even colder, "you wouldn't come to me if you didn't do it for Jin Nanfeng."

"Who said this……"

Li Yunxiu retorted weakly.

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