Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1206: .Miss Li, thank you

The pain spread crazily along the wound, and the red and dazzling blood fell drop by drop, but he still watched Yu quietly.

Silently, as if the knife had never been stuck on his body.

"I feel that you are very opinionated from the look in your eyes. This is punishment."

Shifeng's hand held the scalpel lightly, and pulled out the knife with a little force. He didn't make a sound during this period.

The cry of pain, not even a moan.

"That is your illusion, Mr. Yu."

Yu Motang quietly watched Shi Feng's face lose his blood little by little, and then smiled satisfied, "Go to Li Yun

I embroidered a video and sent it to Jin Nanfeng and Li's family. It was a bit too calm over there. "


Shi Feng covered the bleeding wound and turned to leave.

As soon as he walked out of the door, he held on to the wall somewhat collapsed, the bright red blood on his palm was smeared on the clean wall

, Leaving a shocking **** handprint.

There are many servants working outside the door, but no one dares to step forward to support him, they just bow their heads and are busy with themselves

The work in his hands rarely gives Shifeng even a look.

Shi Feng helped the wall to slow down for a while before steadying his body and walking towards the basement.

When Feng walked into the basement at that time, what Li Yunxiu first noticed was the thick snow and blood in the air.

When he saw Shi Feng's clothes that were almost soaked in blood, Li Yunxiu was so scared that he almost stopped breathing.

"Shi Feng?"

"Miss Li, you..."

Before Shi Feng's words were finished, his entire body had already fallen straight down.

"Shi Feng!"

Li Yunxiu quickly supported him.

"Are you OK?"

Shi Feng's body was pressed against Li Yunxiu's body, and the two fell to the ground together.

"Jian Zixun, hurry up and help."

Jian Zixun was very dissatisfied, "Just let him die for this kind of bastard, what else does he care about?"

"What nonsense are you talking about, come and help."

Li Yunxiu glared at Jian Zixun dissatisfiedly. Jian Zixun squashed his mouth, reluctantly enduring the pain in his whole body.

Get up on the bed.

Shi Feng had passed out at this moment, and Li Yunxiu and Jian Zixun worked together to lift him onto the bed.

"Stab wound." Jian Zixun pointed to the wound on Shi Feng's body, "It looks like the wound is very deep, so the bleeding must be stopped immediately."

Otherwise, Shifeng would die because of excessive blood loss.

Li Yunxiu frowned while pressing on Shifeng’s wound, "How could he do this? You help me press his wound.

Mouth, I'll call someone over. "

Li Yunxiu handed Shi Feng to Jian Zixun, then walked to the iron gate and patted the door vigorously.

"Hello, anyone?"

The iron door was opened, and a man looked at Li Yunxiu impatiently, "What are you doing?"

"Shifeng is injured. He must stop the bleeding immediately. You can find a doctor quickly."

The man glanced at Shi Feng, he said unceremoniously, and then he said, "What is my business?"

"What does it matter to you? Isn't Shi Feng one of yours? His life will be in danger if he continues like this.

You must see a doctor right away. "

"Don’t talk nonsense, Mr. Yu has orders, no one is allowed to take care of Shifeng’s affairs, don’t say he is injured, he just died

No one would look at him on the side of the road. "

After speaking, the man closed the door heavily again.

"Why are you doing this..."

Li Yunxiu was stunned. She really didn't expect Shi Feng to be here, and she would be more unwelcome than she and Jian Zixun.

When Shao Jian Zixun was dying, there were five or six doctors taking care of him.

Jian Zixun looked at Li Yunxiu's pale face and smiled disdainfully, "Didn't I tell you last time? Shi Feng

It's just a more advanced dog, but a dog is a dog and has no human rights. Do you believe it now? "

Li Yunxiu was very upset, and walked over, "Let him stop the bleeding first. I remember the bandages and hemostatic medicine you had last time.

Not used up. "

"No, you really want to save him?"

Li Yunxiu did not speak, but looked at Jian Zixun quietly.

Jian Zixun was stunned by the look in her eyes, and could only helplessly compromise, "I really don’t understand it.

What are you doing so kind to the enemy? "

"I have always believed that good people are rewarded."

"Really? If there is a real reward, why would you be locked up here?" Jian Zixun stopped the bleeding that he didn't use last time.

Take out all the things.

Li Yunxiu didn't quarrel with him either, and took off his shirt that was almost stained with blood when the wind was on.

Shi Feng’s skin was very white, but it was covered with hideous scars, some of which were old wounds from a long time ago,

Some are recent. The wound stabbed by the knife was on his left abdomen, and blood was constantly leaking out, Li Yun

Embroidery's heart sank, and he didn't know if he hurt his blood vessels and internal organs.

She quickly stopped the bleeding from Shifeng, bandaged the wound, and fed some sugar water.

After more than an hour, Shi Feng's face finally got a little color, and it was no longer as pale as before.

The face is like a dead man.

When the guards brought supper, Li Yunxiu exchanged some soup for the patient with a necklace around his neck, and forced Shi

After the wind fed, Jian Zixun couldn't bear to be tired for a long time, and fell asleep on another bed.

Li Yunxiu dared not close his eyes, looking at Shi Feng who was sleeping on the bed.

I don't know how long it took, just when she was also drowsy, Shifeng suddenly woke up.

"you're awake?"

Li Yunxiu immediately stood up.

Shi Feng moved his body hard, trying to sit up.

"Hey, you are injured. I can't help you stitch up the wound. I just did the simplest hemostasis. You can't move now."

Li Yunxiu pressed his shoulders and prevented him from getting up.

However, how could Shi Feng listen to Li Yunxiu's words, and struggled several times, once again, glaring blood came out of the wound.

"I told you not to move, you see, I finally helped you stop the blood."

Li Yunxiu became a little angry.

Shifeng paused and looked up at her, perhaps because of the severe pain he had to bow his head, so this

Once, he did not resist Li Yunxiu again, but honestly leaned on the head of the bed and watched Li Yunxiu quickly restore himself

wrap the wound.

The woman’s face was very close to him, and the soft hair made him feel the urge to touch it. He couldn’t understand the woman Li Yunxiu.

People, to her, she is a bad person, a **** who imprisoned her, but she is actually worried for herself?


"Huh?" Hearing Shi Feng's voice, Li Yunxiu answered incomprehensibly, but the movement in his hand did not stop, "What is

what? "

"Why save me?" Shifeng asked.

"There is no other reason, how can a life not be saved?"

Li Yunxiu tied Shifeng a bow, then looked up at him and smiled lightly, "If you have to

What is the reason, it may be that I don't think you are a bad person. "

"I won't help you get out of here if you save me."

Shi Feng looked at Li Yunxiu coldly. This was the first time Li Yunxiu stared Shifeng's eyes in such a quiet atmosphere.

Shi Feng's pupils were pitch black, like a bottomless seabed, awe-inspiring and terrifying.

"Don't waste your work on me."

Li Yunxiu lowered his head and smiled softly after a long time, "I know, although there is such a way to save you

Part of the reason, but that's not the most important thing, I just don't want to watch you die. "

Shi Feng was silent.

"By the way, how could you get hurt? Fortunately, it didn't hurt the internal organs, otherwise I can't save you."

"It has nothing to do with you."

Still in a cold tone, resisting people thousands of miles away.

When Shi Feng finished speaking, he lifted the quilt on his body, picked up the **** shirt, and put it on again.

Then he raised his foot and walked outside the door.

When he reached the door, he stopped suddenly and turned his head slightly, "Miss Li."


"..." He paused for a while before saying, "Thank you."

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