Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1208: . No longer an enemy

"Uh, don't be so polite."

Hearing the words "thank you" from his mouth, Li Yunxiu was flattered.

Shi Feng took two more steps and stopped again, "Although I have no choice but to let you go, what happened today,

I owe you a favor, and I will pay it back. "

After speaking, the man gently took the door and went out.

Only then did Li Yunxiu sighed depressed, what he said was the same as what he didn't say.

Since she can't let her go, no matter how big her favor is, it's useless.

However, today is not without gain.

At least after this incident, she and Shi Feng really can't be regarded as enemies, right?


Jin Nanfeng's villa.

"Brother Jin, I have received a new package."

"What is it?"

"Photos." Yang Yun hurriedly handed a few photos to Jin Nanfeng.

Jin Nanfeng took a tired look. When he saw that the person in the photo was Li Yunxiu, there was an uncontrolled light in his eyes.


"Little Hydrangea..."

Li Yunxiu in the photo was sitting on the corner of the sofa, curled up and hugged himself.

"Little Hydrangea..."

Jin Nanfeng grabbed the photo. At this moment, his heart seemed to be torn apart.

"These bastards!"

He stood up suddenly, but his brain was dizzy.

"Brother Jin!" Yang Yun hurriedly supported him, "Brother Jin, take care of your body. You haven't closed your eyes for two days and nights.

Go to sleep for a while. If you continue like this, your body will be overwhelmed. "

Jin Nanfeng gasped deeply, then suppressed the anger and irritation in his heart, sat down heavily, squeezed his fingers gently

Nasal bone, "have the stock been bought?"

"I bought it, one for 600 million."


"Mr. Jin, it's not good!" At this moment, a person rushed in from the door suddenly, "Media

I don't know how to know about Miss Li's kidnapping, and now there are many reporters at the door! "

"What?" Jin Nanfeng looked at Yang Yun immediately.

Yang Yun frowned, "It's definitely not leaked by our people, it must be the prisoner."

"Mr. Jin, what should I do now?"

"All away!"

At this time, he still has time to deal with these reporters.


Jin Nanfeng's cell phone rang suddenly.

Shi Qing called.

Jin Nanfeng frowned slightly. I'm afraid that as soon as the news from the media is released, Li Beixun and Shi Qing also know that Xiao

Did something happen to the hydrangea?

Jin Nanfeng put the phone in his ear and connected, "Mrs. Li."

"Jin Nanfeng, where is the little hydrangea?"

"Mrs. Li, I'm sorry, I didn't protect her."

There was no voice in Shi Qing for a moment, and she didn't need to think about it to know that she must be scared and wondering what to say.

"Jin Nanfeng."

There was another person on the phone, Li Beixun.

"Mr. Li."

"Come to me at the Presidential Palace."


Jin Nanfeng closed his eyes and froze for a while before he got up to go to the presidential palace.

"Mr. Jin, there are all reporters outside."

Jin Nanfeng turned a deaf ear and walked out resolutely.

As soon as the door was opened, countless people swarmed up, flashing lights and microphones like the tide, swarming them


"Jin Nanfeng, some people say that your ex-wife, Miss Li Yunxiu, was kidnapped by an unknown person. This incident really happened.

Are you born? "

"You have been absent from many activities recently. Is it also related to this matter?"

"Mr. Jin, you are so concerned about the safety of your ex-wife. Does it mean that you still have feelings for her? Then you again

Why choose divorce? "

"We got news that the kidnappers asked for 600 million shares of Li Group. Is it true?"

"Mr. President ended the visit early and returned to the imperial capital temporarily. Is this also related to this matter?"

"Jin Nanfeng, please respond."

"Mr. Jin..."

More and more reporters came in, almost making it difficult for Jin Nanfeng to move.

Yang Yun and a few bodyguards hardly protected Jin Nanfeng, not letting the reporter approach, and forced a way forward for Jin Nanfeng.

The way.

"Don't squeeze, I won't comment. Please go back."

Yang Yun's voice was instantly drowned in the reporter's louder voice.

Jin Nanfeng's face was cold and he walked forward with cold eyes.

"Mr. Jin, please say a few words. Is your ex-wife really kidnapped?"

"Mr. Jin..."

The reporter made Jin Nanfeng almost unable to move, and the fire in his heart grew bigger and bigger.

At this moment, a small female reporter slipped in under the arm of the bodyguard, regardless of Jin Nan.

How ugly Feng's expression was at the moment, he handed the microphone directly to Jin Nanfeng's mouth.

"Mr. Jin, has the kidnapper ever contacted you? It is said that it has been almost two days since the kidnapping happened.

Is it possible for the hostages to be torn apart? "

Jin Nanfeng's steps suddenly stopped.

Cold eyes stared directly at the female reporter.

The hustle and bustle all around disappeared strangely at this moment. Everyone could not help holding their breath, looking at Jin.

south wind.

"Which reporter are you?"

Jin Nanfeng looked at her coldly.

The female reporter was numb with Jin Nanfeng's glaring scalp, and her hand holding the microphone trembled uncontrollably.


"I don’t know where you heard about this news, but now that you know, help me and those bastards

In other words, listen, if you dare to touch a hair of my wife, I will definitely make you pay the price. "

After that, Jin Nanfeng lifted his foot to leave.

As a public figure, being prudent in words and deeds is a skill they are born to learn. Jin Nanfeng’s past image has established

Very well, in the impression of most people, Jin Nanfeng is mature, steady, gentle and polite. In such words, in front of reporters

He never said it. It is precisely because of this that none of the reporters dared to speak anymore, even in Jin

When Nan Feng came over, he took the initiative to give way.

He called Li Yunxiu his "wife", but everyone knows that Jin Nanfeng divorced Li Yunxiu a few months ago.

No one knows what happened in the middle, here at this moment, they understand, in Jin Nanfeng’s thoughts

Here, this mysterious woman who has never fully appeared, Li Yunxiu, occupies the most important position in his life.

So much so that he could say such things as irrational.

All the reporters at the scene watched Jin Nanfeng get into the car in a daze. It was not until Jin Nanfeng left with someone that he was relieved.

Half an hour later, Jin Nanfeng rushed to the presidential palace with a gloomy face.

The situation at the Presidential Palace is not much better than that at his place. I was surrounded by reporters inside and out.

When Jin Nanfeng appeared, the media instantly stirred up anxiously.

"Go away."

Jin Nanfeng spoke before them.

The reporters were stunned, and said to the reporter "Go away." Isn't Jin Nanfeng crazy?

Jin Nanfeng ignored them when they entered the presidential palace. It was Yang Yun, for fear that they would provoke him when Li Yunxiu was kidnapped.

More questions came up, so he politely said to the media, “My media teachers, thank you very much for your

The relationship between Mr. Jin and Ms. Li, we regret that this happened. Mr. Jin and Ms. Li have known each other for a long time.

No matter what the relationship between the two people is, no one wants to see such things happen. Now Mr. Jin

He and the Presidential Palace just want to rescue Ms. Li as soon as possible. I really can’t separate the energy to do other things. Mr. Jin and Ms. Li have

After having a marriage, the two people have truly loved each other. Now Miss Li has an accident, and Mr. Jin is emotionally upset.

Control, please be tolerant of all media teachers, and I would like to ask you to compare your hearts, think differently, and understand Mr. Jin and Li Xian.

In the mood of the moment, we will cooperate with the police in the rescue mission.

Explain the whole thing. "

After speaking, Yang Yun respectfully bowed to the group of reporters.

He said sincerely, his tone choked for a few moments, and everyone present was so unbearable. I don’t know who it is. First

Said "I hope Miss Li is safe."

Then soon, the crowd left.

Jin Nanfeng didn’t know that the reporters had dispersed. When he walked into the living room of the Presidential Palace, Li Beixun was talking

People call.

Seeing him, Li Beixun quickly said a few words to the end of the phone, then put down the phone.

"What's the situation now?"

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