Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1212: .What about the corpse?

"Forget it, I just joked with you, Shi Feng, how could I not believe what you said? I know you didn't lie to me by looking at your expression." Yu Motang turned and walked back and sat again. Build blocks on the sofa.

"What should I do with the corpse?"

"There are many cliffs around here, so just throw them down."

Yu Motang was very careless, "Oh yes, remember to take a few more photos of that little beauty, and when the Li family's matter is resolved, send them the photos. I want them to taste the ruined house. "


Shi Feng nodded in response, turned and left.


Li family, presidential palace.

It was another night that couldn't sleep.

Li Beixun was whispering something to some people searching for Li Yunxiu. Jin Nanfeng and Li Yunjin were looking at Yu's family information, and the whole living room looked strangely quiet.

Seeing that Jin Nanfeng was a little absent-minded, Li Yunjin was very dissatisfied, "What are you in a daze?"

Jin Nanfeng was stunned for a moment, then he recovered, "I always feel like something happened..."

His heart has been beating fast since the afternoon, and it hurts badly.

It was as if an invisible hand suddenly reached the bottom of his heart, taking away something very important from him, and hollowing out his whole person.

This fear of losing made him particularly uneasy, and even his back was constantly sweating outside.

"Don't think about it, it's the business to find the little hydrangea now."

Li Yunjin threw a bunch of materials as he said.

Li Yunxiao also raised his head from the table on the side at this time, "This is not enough." She rubbed her sore eyes, "Investigate every student in Yu Motang from childhood to every possible person. The workload is simply too much. We only have five days now, and there is no time at all."

"There is no better way, you can only do this."

Li Yunjin glared at Li Yun and smiled, "Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and keep watching. Pick out all those who may still have connections with Yu Motang."

"Oh, got it."

Li Yunxiao lowered his head again.

At this moment, Jin Nanfeng's cell phone rang aside.

He squeezed his nasal bone in exhaustion, and then picked it up. Within ten seconds, Jin Nanfeng stood up from the chair, his complexion flushed red, "Is it true... OK? , I'll rush over immediately, you take someone to go first."

Jin Nanfeng's voice made everyone in the living room look over.

Is his expression like this...

Jin Nanfeng hung up the phone, hurried to get his jacket, and said as he put it on, "Brother Huo hired him. He said that he sent Jian Zixun to a basement in the outer suburbs, and maybe the little hydrangea was also locked there."

Li Beixun and Li Yunjin couldn't help but looked at each other, with a hint of surprise in their eyes.

"Take someone and go over immediately."

More than a dozen vehicles roared to the basement in the outer suburbs.

When looking for the little hydrangea, their people had been here for a generation, and they also secretly investigated some residents here, but they didn't find anything unusual.

Damn, they just ignored it, the villa here has a basement!

Jin Nanfeng sat in the cab, tapping the steering wheel with his slender fingers.

I don't know why, the closer he gets to that place, the more disturbed his heart is. There is a bad premonition in his subconscious. The anxiety is like a huge black hole, consuming him little by little.

In order not to provoke an alarm, everyone stopped the car one kilometer away from the basement and rushed there on foot.

Li Beixun also deliberately brought a well-trained special force.

The whole villa was quickly enclosed.

After confirming the entrance to the basement, Jin Nanfeng rushed in first.

When the guard at the door saw someone break in, he didn't have time to react at all and was restrained.

"Open the door."

Jin Nanfeng stepped on his back.

The man screamed, tremblingly took out the key, and opened the door.

"Mr. Jin, there may be danger in the house, we will move in later..."

Before he finished speaking, Jin Nanfeng kicked the iron gate open and walked straight in!

"Little Hydrangea!"

"Jin Nanfeng?"

Jian Zixun stared blankly at Jin Nanfeng who broke in, and tears burst into his eyes.

"Jian Zixun?"

Jin Nanfeng walked over a few steps and pulled Jian Zixun, who was paralyzed on the ground, up, "Jian Zixun, where is the little hydrangea? Tell me, where is the little hydrangea?"

Jian Zixun shook his head, unable to say a word.

"Talk to you! Is Little Hydrangea with you!"

Jian Zixun still shook his head. Li Beixun and Jin Nanfeng are both here. He really can't tell how little Hydrangea is dead.

Seeing Jian Zixun's silence, Jin Nanfeng let go of him angrily.

"Brother Jin!"

At this moment, Yang Yun yelled and hurriedly dragged something from the guards and ran to Jin Nanfeng.

"Brother Jin, look at this!"

Jin Nanfeng's brain buzzed when he saw the string of blue crystal bracelets.

Little hydrangea?

She is really here!

"Is there another woman locked up with this man?"

Jin Nanfeng picked up the guard's collar and pressed him to the wall.


The guard was too scared to say a word.

"is not it!"

Jin Nanfeng smashed it with a punch.

The guard screamed "Ah," and blood poured out of his nose, before he nodded, "Yes, there is a woman. It hasn't been long since."

"What about people?"

"she was……"

The guard hesitated.

"Say it." Jin Nanfeng raised his fist again.

"I said, I said you don't fight." The guard immediately cried, holding his head, "She committed suicide yesterday afternoon. I heard that she is dead..."

"what did you say?"

Jin Nanfeng was stunned for an instant.

After a few seconds, he grabbed the guard's clothes severely and threw him on the ground heavily.

The guard was trembling with fright. He knelt down and kowtowed to Jin Nanfeng, "I really didn't lie to you. At that time, I was the doctor I was looking for. The doctor came and took her away. I heard about her after a while. I lost too much blood and passed away. A few big brothers, it’s really nothing to do with me. I’m just a janitor. I don’t know anything. I didn’t force her to commit suicide. If you don’t believe me, ask about it. Brother, he has always been with that woman, he must know why that woman committed suicide..."

Compared with Jin Nanfeng, Li Beixun and Li Yunjin seemed a little calmer. They were not sad, but did not believe them.

They couldn't see Li Yunxiu's body, they absolutely didn't believe that their little hydrangea died like this.

"Do you know where the doctor sent her?"

Li Beixun asked.

"I don't know this. I said. I'm just a gatekeeper. I'm responsible for looking at them. I really don't know anything about the others. You can go to Mr. Shifeng, who came with the doctor. ."

"Shi Feng?"

Li Beixun frowned, "Where is he?"

"Just next door, there is a rest room...Mr. Feng will be there usually."

Before Li Beixun had time to speak, Jin Nanfeng had already walked out. When passing by a special soldier, he did not forget to bring the pistol from the waist of the man.

Next to the basement is Shifeng’s residence. If Yu Motang didn’t ask for it, he would normally not leave here. When Jin Nanfeng walked in with his pistol, Shifeng quietly sat at the desk and read a book. book.

Hearing the movement behind him, he didn't seem to react at all, never even turning his head.

Jin Nanfeng walked over a few steps, his muzzle was on his head.

"Are you Shifeng?"

Shi Feng paused, then turned a page of the book calmly, and then replied, "Yes, Mr. Jin, I am Shi Feng."

"Where is the little hydrangea?" Jin Nanfeng squeezed the trigger of the pistol, "Where did you take her?"

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