Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1213: .thank you

"Little Hydrangea?" Shi Feng finally put down the book in his hand, turned around and took a look at Jin Nanfeng, "You mean Miss Li?"

"You know who I'm talking about, don't pretend to be a fool!"

Jin Nanfeng was almost crazy.

"Didn't Jian Zixun tell you? Miss Li has passed away."

Jin Nanfeng raised his head and slammed Shi Feng's head with his gun, "I want to see people!"

Shi Feng's head was knocked on the table, and it took him a long time to come back, "You can't see it, Mr. Jin, Mr. Yu is unlucky for abandoning the dead body, and has already found someone to throw Miss Li under the cliff.

"what did you say?"

Jin Nanfeng's pupils suddenly widened, grabbed Shi Feng by the collar, and roared, "You **** say it again?"

"Mr. Jin, Miss Li's body has been thrown under the cliff." Shi Feng looked at Jin Nanfeng without fear. In fact, his expression had not changed since the beginning, even when Jin Nanfeng used a gun. With his mouth against his head, he was still so calm.

Pale lips moved lightly, saying almost word by word, "Mr. Jin, please be sorry."

"I'm going to kill you!"

Jin Nanfeng roared.

Li Yunjin rushed forward and pulled Jin Nanfeng away, motioning with his eyes to take away the gun in Jin Nanfeng's hand.

Jin Nanfeng breathed quickly. He looked at Shi Feng’s calm face, his dark pupils turned scarlet little by little, like a trapped beast that had been touched by its scales, showing sharp fangs at this moment. .

The whole room was extremely quiet, and Li Jin walked over at this time, "Mr. Li, Yu Motang has been caught, right there, they have no one, what do you think?"

"Is the little hydrangea there?"

Li Jin's face changed slightly, "I didn't find the young lady, Yu Motang said that the young lady was...dead, and he also ordered...people to throw the young lady under the cliff..."

The sharp voice became smaller and smaller.

Li Beixun closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his pupils were already red.

"Sir, what will Yu Motang do?"

"Send it to the police station first. If the little hydrangea is really... I will let him pay for his life."


After leaving hard, this small rest room fell into an unnatural silence again.

Jin Nanfeng pushed away Li Yunjin behind him, like a doll whose soul had been taken away, sitting numbly on the sofa.

Shi Feng picked up the book again, flipping through some of them.

"Where did you throw the little hydrangea?"

Jin Nanfeng asked tiredly.

"I have no obligation to tell you." Shi Feng replied indifferently, "When I finish reading this page, I will go to the police station with you."

"Tell me, where did you throw her...?"

Jin Nanfeng's throat was choking.

It's so cold here, so biased, he wants to take her home, and he also promised Chenchen to take mommy home...

"I do not remember."

Shi Feng's tone was still cold.


Jin Nanfeng suddenly stood up from the sofa, looking at Shi Feng with hatred in his eyes.

But the next second, he suddenly bent his knees and knelt down to Shifeng with a "puff".

"I beg you, Shifeng, please, tell me, where is she?"

Shi Feng looked at the book in his hand quietly. After a long silence, he carefully closed the book and put it back on the shelf.

"You seem to love her very much."

Jin Nanfeng gritted his teeth, "Of course."

"But you are not a qualified husband."

Jin Nanfeng was silent. He did not understand what Shifeng and himself meant.

Seeing Jin Nanfeng’s expression, Shi Feng’s eyes rarely showed a hint of playfulness and sarcasm, “It’s okay to tell you, but it hurts me what you just hit. How about giving yourself a shot?”

"Did I do this and you will tell me where the little hydrangea is?"


Shi Feng said.

"Good." Jin Nanfeng stood up from the ground and looked at the bodyguard behind him, "Give me the gun."

The bodyguard looked embarrassed, he seemed to glance at Li Yunjin for help.

Jin Nanfeng couldn't wait, walked over and took his gun directly, and then held his arm without hesitation.

"Bang——" With a loud noise, Jin Nanfeng's arm was directly pierced by a bullet, blood splashed, and a few drops almost fell on Shifeng's body.

Jin Nanfeng bit his teeth, his forehead was full of sweat, and he almost did not kneel on the floor.

Shi Feng looked at him coldly, his expression more interesting.

"Where is the little hydrangea?"

"Brother Jin!"

Yang Yun's face turned pale, she hurriedly supported Jin Nanfeng's swaying body, and looked at Shi Feng angrily, "Brother Jin has done what you requested, what else do you want? Do you really want Brother Jin? Are you satisfied with death?"

"No need, I just want to test it."

Shi Feng turned his eyes faintly.


Everyone in the room paused. What is he going to test?

Before asking any questions, Shi Feng walked directly to a small compartment in the lounge, and then reached out and opened the door, "Come out, your family will take you home."

A few seconds later, Li Yunxiu walked out, still wearing a set of men's clothes.

"Little... Hydrangea?"

Jin Nanfeng was startled. At this moment, he almost forgot to breathe.

He only knew that he saw her alive, and walked in front of him step by step, gently looking at his little hydrangea.

"Are you... okay?"

Jin Nanfeng hugged Li Yunxiu and hugged her tightly in his arms, "I'm not dreaming, am I? He said you are dead..."

"He lied to you." Li Yunxiu frowned, "Jin Nanfeng, you are injured, let me go first."

With so many people there, it is difficult for her to hug Jin Nanfeng so intimately.

It's a pity that this man wouldn't think so much. He hugged Li Yunxiu tightly, but he didn't want to let go. Li Beixun and Li Yunjin were relieved to see that Li Yunxiu was fine, and turned around to deal with Yu Motang's affairs. , One took his hand and called to return the peace, which was also considered to relieve Li Yunxiu's embarrassment.

"You let me go, Jin Nanfeng, you are bleeding,"

"I won't let it go." At this moment, Jin Nanfeng is like a little boy who has stirred up his little emotions. His voice is full of grievances, "I'm almost scared to death, I won't let go."

Li Yunxiu was helpless and funny, "Hey, obviously I was kidnapped. I should be the one to be afraid of, right?"

She patted Jin Nanfeng's back gently.

"I don't care, I don't want you to have trouble again."

"No, I won't have an accident."

"you sure?"

"You are here, you won't let me have an accident, will you?"

Li Yunxiu's voice was very soft.

Perhaps it was her words that played a consoling effect. Jin Nanfeng finally let go of Li Yunxiu slowly. Li Yunxiu looked at his wound pierced by the bullet, frowning and asked Yang Yun to stop Jin Nanfeng's bleeding.

He went to Shifeng.

"Be careful."

Jin Nanfeng was on the verge of an enemy, and immediately pulled Li Yunxiu behind her back. Li Yunxiu couldn't help but look like a nervous guardian. She patted Jin Nanfeng and said, "It doesn't matter, he is a good man. It's not him, I'm already dead."

Jin Nanfeng was skeptical and glanced at the calm Shifeng weirdly. He really couldn't put the words between the man who ordered him to be injured and the good man together.

However, looking at the firmness in Li Yunxiu's eyes, he could only let go of her and watched Li Yunxiu walk to Shi Feng.

The alert heart dare not let go for a moment.

"Shifeng, thank you."

Li Yunxiu looked at Shi Feng gratefully.

After being carried out of the basement, he was quickly out of danger, but Shifeng did something she did not expect. He bought the doctor here and concealed the news of his death.

Place yourself temporarily in this hidden storage room in the lounge.

Shi Feng told himself that Yu Motang had no intention of letting her go out alive, so this move was also helpless. A week later, he would find an opportunity to quietly let her go, but he did not expect that Jin Nanfeng would grab her. Found here before him.

Even so, Li Yunxiu was still grateful to him.

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