Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1219: .Mummy, you lie


Yuxi Apartment.

Several photos embroidered by Li Yun were torn apart with a knife and thrown on the floor.

"Unexpectedly, this Li Yunxiu would be so fateful that he could come back safely after being kidnapped for so many days?!"

Yu Xi's eyes almost breathed fire.

Wang Ming was eating potato chips, looking at Yu Xi, frowning, "Then what are your plans next?"

"What else is there to plan? They didn't solve Li Yunxiu, of course I can only do it myself."

Yu Xi stepped on Li Yun's picture.

"Yu Xi, I'm serious, we can't beat Li Yunxiu, she is the president's daughter, or Jin Nanfeng's heart

People, don’t you take the egg against the stone when you do it to her? "Wang Ming put down the snacks in his hand and walked to Yu Xi's body.

Later, he gently hugged her from behind, "Yu Xi, just listen to me. When this child is born, let’s ask Jin

Nanfeng asks for a lot of money, and then we go abroad and go happy. Think about it, Jin Nanfeng likes Li Yun so much.

Embroidery, you and this child are now a stone stumbling between them, as long as you promise to take this child forever

The disappearance of far away will no longer appear in front of Li Yunxiu, let alone fifty million, it will become five billion, Jin Nan

Feng might not even blink, so why do you have to marry the Jin family? "

As Wang Ming said, his broad and rough palms gently touched Yu Xi’s high-rise belly, lowering his voice.

"And I want my own flesh and blood to be called Dad Jin Nanfeng, have you considered my mood?"

Yu Xi paused, and then as if being touched by Ni Lin, his eyes were scarlet, and he stared at Wang fiercely.

Ming, and then he slapped the past fiercely!

"Fuck you shit, this kid belongs to Jin Nanfeng, who is your biological bone."

Wang Ming slapped him and said for a long time, "You think I don’t know, you are seven months pregnant, Jin Nanfeng

It was six months ago that you were drugged. How could your child be Jin Nanfeng? The doctor who helped your gynecologist

The student and you are junior high school classmates. If he helps you tamper with the result of the examination, wouldn’t it be a matter of minutes? "

"shut up."

Yu Xi glared at Wang Ming, "I said he belongs to Jin Nanfeng, and he belongs to Jin Nanfeng. You are here to talk nonsense.

Copies? "There was a faint threat in Yu Xi's eyes," I warn you, Wang Ming, you close your mouth for me, you

If you dare to miss a word, I promise you will get nothing in the end. "

Wang Ming's shoulders trembled, and he lifted it up and looked at Yu Xi, whose expression had almost been distorted by me.

A trace of fear.

This expression also stunned Yu Xi. They had known each other for more than ten years, and it was the first time she read in Wang Ming’s eyes.

Out of fear of myself.

Only then did she reflect that she had lost her temper. She hurriedly smiled and walked forward and took the initiative to encircle Wang Ming's waist.

"Wang Ming, you love me. Don't you?"

"Yes, I love you."

If you don't love, how can you watch her make yourself so crazy, how can you watch her do so many wrong things?

"Then since you love me, then you should help me." Yu Xi's voice softened, acting like a baby and praying.

Begging, "It’s the last step. If Li Yunxiu is resolved, everything in the Jin family will be ours, you said

Yes, this child, he is not Jin Nanfeng's, do you think he was born as an ordinary person, muddled

Og Og grew up, doing nothing for a lifetime? "

Yu Xi’s voice was full of temptation, “If I marry Jin Nanfeng, he will be Jin Nanfeng’s son. His whole life

It will be full of auras that ordinary people can't touch, don't you want to see such things? "

"But I want you to be with Jin Nanfeng...I..."

"Don’t worry, Jin Nanfeng’s heart is not on me. Even if I marry him, I have a lot of time with you.

Together, Wang Ming, the person I love is you. If you love me, it’s because you sacrificed for me. "

Wang Ming's face turned pale, looking at Yu Xi, but frowned and did not speak.


In the evening, Shi Qing called and urged Li Yunxiu to go home several times. Li Yunxiu did not want Shi Qing to bear the burden for herself.

Xin, so I went to the study to find Jin Nanfeng.

Jin Nanfeng was standing in front of the bookshelf, with his back turned to Li Yunxiu, while calling and looking for something.

Li Yunxiu didn't bother him, and planned to close the door and go out, and heard Jin Nanfeng say again.

"Didn't I tell you? I don't care about Yu Xi's affairs."

Li Yunxiu's heart immediately "cocked", and the hand holding the doorknob tightened involuntarily.

She has never liked to eavesdrop on other people’s phone calls. It’s shameful for her to do that, but at this moment, she doesn’t

No matter what, I can’t convince you to leave as if nothing happened.

After hesitating for a while, I heard Jin Nanfeng's voice again, "I said, her life and death have nothing to do with me!"

This time it was obviously angry.

"Why should I be like this? Isn't it the result of you drugging me? If there is no such thing

Matter, do I need to be so annoying now..."

"Responsibility? I, Jin Nanfeng, is neither a **** nor a ghost. I have to bear any **** responsibility, right?"

Jin Nanfeng hit the bookshelf with a fist, the wooden bookshelf shook, and the top books fell on the floor.

Jin Nanfeng ignored them and sat down straight on the sofa beside him, holding his forehead exhaustedly, sinking for a long time.


I don’t know what the person on the phone said to him. After a long time, Li Yunxiu heard that Jin Nanfeng was tired.

Horrible voice.

"I know, I will go to the hospital."

After that, Jin Nanfeng hung up the phone, but still kept his head down. He turned his back to Li Yunxiu, so Li Yunxiu could not see

The expression on his face at the moment, she just felt that Jin Nanfeng at this moment looked so tired.

Maybe caught between her and Yu Xi, he really doesn't know what to do, right?

However, she didn't want to compromise, she didn't want a second woman to appear in her marriage and family with Jin Nanfeng.

She really can't do it.

In this daze, Jin Nanfeng has stood up and turned his head.

She subconsciously wanted to hide, but it was too late, so she simply walked over and said, "Sorry, I didn’t mean to listen.

To your call. "

"It's okay, and there is nothing to hide from you."

Now, Jin Nanfeng knows very well that he must be more candid than anyone on Yu Xi’s issue.

Li Yunxiu had a deep wall for him in his heart, and the world cut off by her was full of anxiety and tension.

The more he concealed from her, the stronger the uneasy atmosphere would be until it crushed her.

"Is it your mother's call?" Li Yunxiu smiled lightly, "She wants you to go to the hospital to see Yu Xi?"

"Well, I said that Yu Xi just fell and it was not very good."

Jin Nanfeng sneered, "I hope that she is really in bad condition."

"Go and see, I will take Chenchen back to the presidential palace."

"You want me to go, don't you?"

Jin Nanfeng frowned.

Li Yunxiu paused, then shook his head, "I don't want you to go, but my hope is useless."

Jin Nanfeng was not facing her alone, but Xin Mei and Yu Xi.

In essence, her wish cannot change Jin Nanfeng. What's more, she heard that he had already made a decision just now.


That being the case, I asked him again, which seemed a bit too hypocritical.

Thinking of this, the corners of Li Yunxiu's mouth couldn't help but raised gently.

Jin Nanfeng remained silent for a long time. He didn't know how long it took before he said, "I will send you to the Presidential Palace."

After sending Li Yunxiu and Chenchen to the presidential palace, Jin Nanfeng left without staying.

Chenchen was very upset, "Didn't Dad say that he wants to accompany us?"

"He is very busy at work."

"Mummy, you lie." Chen Chen's blue eyes were full of anger, "I know, he went to see that bad woman."

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