Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1220: .Never admit


Li Yunxiu was stunned, "Who said this to you?"

Although she and Jin Nanfeng had an unpleasant quarrel about this incident, they both wanted to understand each other and did not disclose it to Chen Chenzhi.

Dao, he is still only a child and should not be involved in their adult affairs, and his parents will never say it, Chenchen

How can you take Yuxi a bad woman?

"The last time Chenchen was in the hospital, the woman came to see Chenchen. Although she kept smiling at Chenchen, Chenchen just

I don't like her..."

"Yu Xi went to the hospital to see you?"

Li Yunxiu was stunned. When did this happen, she didn't know anything.

Jin Nanfeng didn't tell her either.

What the **** does this happen?

"That annoying woman, Chenchen doesn't like her, she still touches Chenchen's head, what else is she talking about, if you're mommy

Don't be sad, you can call her mommy..." Chen Chen's blue eyes were full of anger.

"Then what did you say?"

Li Yunxiu looked at his son.

"Of course I drove her away! I said I only have a mom, so I don't want a stepmother."

Chenchen looked at Li Yunxiu triumphantly, "Her angry face turned pale."

Li Yunxiu frowned slightly.

Chenchen was nervous for an instant, and looked at Li Yunxiu grievedly, "Mommy, do you think Chenchen did something wrong? But Chen

Chen really doesn't like that aunt..."

Li Yunxiu hurriedly smiled, knelt down and touched his son's little head, "How could it happen? You did nothing wrong, Mommy.

Don't like her either. Thank you for protecting mommy. "

"Because Chenchen is a man and can protect Mommy. I will be Mommy's little hero..."

Chenchen clenched his small fist, his face was awe-inspiring.

"Okay, that little hero, can we go in, grandma will be anxious."

Li Yunxiu's heart softened when his son said such words.

To have such a caring son in this life is also her most precious wealth.

When Shi Qing saw Li Yunxiu, she naturally had countless things to ask, until Li Beixun urged her to come down for dinner several times.

Two people walked out of the bedroom.

"By the way, didn't Jin Nanfeng come?"

Shi Qing asked when Jin Nanfeng was not there.

"Yeah. He has something to deal with." Li Yunxiu continued to ask questions for fear of Shi Qing, and quickly changed the topic.

"Has the company's affairs been resolved?"

The stocks keep falling, and the company should lose a lot.

"It's almost there. Your father held a press conference in the afternoon and re-disclosed all the information about the car accident.

Now the public opinion is basically under control, and the stock price is slowly rising again. When the time is almost the same, you let Jin Nan

Just look at the wind and deal with it. "

Shi Qing said with a smile.

Li Yunxiu breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good."

"What's so good, you know or not, I'm almost scared to death by you, you stupid boy, suicide

Can you do it too? "

Shi Qing was a little angry, "How did I educate you since I was a child, and asked you to take care of your body, you all forgot that it was

Is not it? "

"I didn't think so much, I just don't want them to use me to blackmail you..."

Li Yunxiu was very helpless, otherwise, she would not do that kind of thing.

"Does the wound still hurt?"

Shi Qing's eyes were red.

"It doesn't hurt. In fact, the wound is not very deep, and Shifeng helped me find a doctor in the first place..."

Talking about Shi Feng, Li Yunxiu paused, the smile on his face froze, got up and walked to Li Beixun, frowning, "Dad

Dad, will Shi Feng be sentenced to a heavy sentence? "

"He is not the principal offender, and the sentence is between five and ten years."

Li Yunxiu's face turned pale, five to ten years, it will be so long...

"But he saved me."

"It depends on how the court decides. Although I am the president, I cannot interfere with the law." Li Beixun paused.

Then he said, "But I promise you that when he is released from prison, I will arrange a place and work for him."

It can be regarded as a reward for saving the little hydrangea.

Li Yunxiu paused, then nodded gently.

If you have time in two days, take the time to see him.

She always felt that it was a pity that a man like Feng was ruined by a man like Yu Motang all her life.


At the hospital, Jin Nanfeng persuaded himself to enter Yuxi's ward for a long time.

Because of a fall, she almost had a miscarriage. The doctor ordered Yu Xi to stay in the hospital for observation. When Jin Nanfeng entered, she

He was listening to music and his face was a little pale. When he saw Jin Nanfeng, he immediately took off the headphones.

"You came."

She sat up, her eyebrows curled up with a smile, "I'm listening to music. The doctor said it would help prenatal education.

It would be nice to be as interested in music performance as you. "

Jin Nanfeng walked to her in silence, "My mother said you have something to find me."

Yu Xi paused, and she read the impatientness in Jin Nanfeng's eyes. This naked and undisguised emotion was

She had already been used to Jin Nanfeng.

She did calculate Jin Nanfeng, and this man should hate her.

Instead of spending time to make him fall in love with herself, she might as well devote her time to more valuable things.

"I heard that Miss Li found it?" She put the earphones aside, smiling faintly, "Ms. Li has nothing to do

Love? "

"Her business has nothing to do with you, Yu Xi, I advise you not to put your idea on Xiao Hydrangea, you calculate

I, ok, I am not prepared, I think I am unlucky, if you count her, you can give it a try. "

His eyes were cold, faintly allowing people to see the cold and bright threats.

He is always nervous about Li Yunxiu's affairs. His love for that woman is so profound that Yu Xi has no choice but to


Obviously they are all women, and they obviously have children. Why is that woman a treasure in Jin Nanfeng’s eyes, but she Yu Xi,

Just say nothing.

She smiled quietly, bowed her head and adjusted her hair, seemingly casual, "I'm just pregnant

Woman, what can I do to her, Nan Feng, you are a little too nervous. "

"If you are like what you said, you won't go to the hospital to see Chenchen secretly."

Yu Xi was taken aback for a moment, a little surprised.

"Chenchen doesn't like you, don't show up in front of him again, including...Little Hydrangea." Jin Nan's voice was clean, no

It gives people a kind of pressure that is hard to breathe.

Yu Xi had another meal before he said, "I see."

"If you have nothing to do, I'm leaving."

It’s really a waste of time to come here. He knew he should devote all his time to Chen Chen and Xiao Xiuqiu.

He is not an ancient emperor, so he can't play with three wives and four concubines.

With the little hydrangea, he has no interest in any other women.

You wait. "

Yu Xi stopped him, "I have something."

"Speak up if you have something."

"Nanfeng, this child has been more than six months old now, I want to ask, what are your plans?"

"My plan has not changed since the beginning, this kid, I will not admit it."

Jin Nanfeng did not hesitate at all.

"What if I must be born?"

Yu Xi looked at him fearlessly, with clamoring capital in his eyes, "You also know that the month is so big,

Even if you want to kill this child, it is not easy. "

Jin Nanfeng did not speak.

"If I don’t marry you, then this child won’t be able to register, Nanfeng, I think about it, I really don’t

I should intervene in your relationship with Miss Li. You love each other sincerely. I am willing to quit, but this child, you

Can you raise him? Can the Jin family recognize his identity? "Yu Xi begged, "Just as I beg you, I promise

Certificate, I will disappear cleanly. "

"Impossible, I will never admit this child."

Jin Nanfeng’s pupils flickered, and he didn’t even have a second to think and hesitate, so he gave Yu Xi the most fruit.

Broken answer.

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