Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1227: .Your wife is so pretty

Afterwards, Jin Nanfeng got up and left.

Li Yunxiu naturally read what Jin Nanfeng meant. Not long after he left, he also got up and went out.

As soon as he left the theater, he saw Jin Nanfeng wearing a mask on his face and leaning against the wall wearing a hat.

She walked quickly over, "What's the matter?"

Jin Nanfeng grabbed her hand and said, "Let's go to another movie."


Li Yunxiu was confused.

"Aren't you not interested in children's articles?"

Adults naturally want to watch their movies.

"But Chenchen and Qi Yi..."

Li Yunxiu was a little worried about the two people inside.

"Let them see those two little kids. It seems that bringing Qi Yi out is not only bad, but also good and convenient.

The two of us have been to the duo world. "

After that, before Li Yunxiu refused, Jin Nanfeng took her to the ticket office.

"Two "March South Winds"."

Jin Nanfeng bought a ticket.

When he left the ticket counter, Li Yunxiu frowned in confusion, "Isn’t this the movie you acted in? And I did it a long time ago

seen it already. "

"March of the South Wind" is a school drama performed by Jin Nanfeng seven years ago. Jin Nanfeng played the heroine in the movie.

Lian’s senior, this kind of plot was still very hot seven or eight years ago. Li Yunxiu remembers that it was still going up when it premiered.

A lot of discussion.

"Well, the director of this movie passed away last month. In order to miss him, I took this movie out and re-released it.

A few days. "Jin Nanfeng gave a faint explanation, then pulled Li Yun into the movie hall.

This kind of plot is not very popular in the current market, plus it is the second release, so people who watch it are very

The small, big movie hall, plus Li Yunxiu and Jin Nanfeng, is no more than seven or eight people.

Li Yunxiu and Jin Nanfeng found their seats and sat down. There were people in the front row. Two girls aged 17 or 18 were seated.

Li Yunxiu watched this movie when it was first released, but Jin Nanfeng was not the leading role, so after watching Jin Nanfeng

Li Yunxiu left early for the part of the show.

Okay, just watch it as a new movie.

Li Yunxiu quietly looked ahead, immersing himself in the plot.

"The South Wind in March" tells the story of two men and women who come here to study together in a far away city.

Prom and strong.

The heroine Xiao Yao admires the senior played by Jin Nanfeng of the music club. She mustered up the courage to tell her senior

Bai was rejected by the senior.

Seeing Xiao Yao crying sadly in the heavy rain, Li Yunxiu was also a little bit sorrowful. This feeling of being unable to love her had

I have also experienced it, and... is a very long, very long ten years.

Li Yunxiu couldn't help but turned his head and leaned against Jin Nanfeng.

Knowing that she was going to speak, Jin Nanfeng lowered his head and put his ear to her mouth.

"You said, why did seniors reject Xiao Yao?"

As the heroine, this girl has a kind heart, a gentle personality, and she is generous and beautiful, almost perfect.

Jin Nanfeng was silent slightly, then lowered his voice and replied, "I didn’t know when I was acting, no

I know now. "


"Senior has someone I like."

With a pun, Jin Nanfeng said that Li Yunxiu's heart was beating wildly, and he sat up straight, his ears flushed.

Jin Nanfeng reluctantly leaned over, regardless of her shyness and embarrassment, and stubbornly completed the sentence, "He is very

Ai loves the girl named Li Yunxiu very much. "

Li Yunxiu's face was hot, and even his breathing was horrible.

The hero in the movie is still comforting the heroine, but Li Yunxiu's heart beats almost inaudibly.

She was sitting on a chair, feeling that a fire was trapped all over her body, and all the oxygen was burned out, leaving only the

Jin Nanfeng's taste, domineering and arrogantly occupy her.

Jin Nanfeng stretched out his hand and gently grasped her clenched fist on her knee.

Li Yunxiu's tight heart was instantly loosened, and his fists were also unfolded, wrapped in Jin Nanfeng's warm palms.

She was embarrassed, and also full of helplessness and perplexity towards herself.

Obviously and Jin Nanfeng have done what they should do countless times, just because they came out to watch a movie together, just because of him

Folding in her ears, that nasty love sentence, she was still like the little girl who had been in love many years ago.

So shy into this way.

Jin Nanfeng, how charming is it?

She smiled helplessly in her heart.

Suddenly the two girls in the front row were also discussing in a low voice.

"Jin Nanfeng is really handsome, he was only in his twenties at that time, so tender. His face was almost pinched out of water."

"How do you describe it as a little girl?" Her companion was smiling faintly, "Jin Nanfeng is also very handsome now, okay?

My idol has always been online. "

"No, no, this kind of handsome is different, now Jin Nanfeng is a mature and stable handsome, then he was a young neighbor

Boy. "

"Little virgin?"

"Almost, handsome little virgin, who is not tempted to put him on him."

"That's really a pity, Jin Nanfeng has been married early."

"Want to know who broke Jin Nanfeng's virgin body..."

The conversation between these two girls made people laugh, Li Yunxiu kept smiling at the corners of his mouth, but Jin Nanfeng couldn't help it.

, Actually "poof--" laughed out.

The sound was not loud, but the two girls sat in front, and when they heard the sound, they turned their heads almost immediately


Jin Nanfeng did not wear a mask in the movie hall, so the two girls saw that the person they were discussing was wearing lightly.

Casual casual wear, wearing a black peaked cap, smiling and shaking his shoulders.


The girls couldn't help but enlarge their eyes.


Seeing that he was recognized, Jin Nanfeng did not hide it at all. He just stretched out his index finger and gently pressed it against his lips as a sign.

Two girls, don't disturb other people watching movies here.

The girl’s eyes looked back and forth on Jin Nanfeng and Li Yunxiu’s faces, and then their cheeks suddenly seemed to understand.


The next movie was even more tormenting for Li Yunxiu. The two girls in the front row looked back at her from time to time.

She lowered her voice and whispered in a low voice, not knowing what she was talking about, which made her face red and her palms could not help but appear.

Khan, can only stare fiercely at the man next to him who is still suffocating. It was him who caused him to be ashamed.

Laugh here!

Li Yunxiu couldn't help but raised his knee and kicked him gently.

After the movie ended, the two girls naturally pestered Jin Nanfeng for autographs and a group photo.

After the two were together, Jin Nanfeng always protected Li Yun embroidery very well, so even after so long, Li Yun embroidery

His appearance has not been truly published on the Internet, the only ones are a few, but they were only when he once showed affection.

Take pictures of faceless backs or fuzzy silhouettes posted on Weibo.

Thinking about it, this is the first time that Jin Nanfeng and Li Yunxiu have been clearly witnessed side by side.

Therefore, Jin Nanfeng asked the excited girl in front of him, “You can take as many photos as you want, but you can’t put it online.

Go. There is also today's matter, which cannot be extended. "


The girls nodded vigorously and looked at Li Yunxiu, "Jin Nanfeng, your wife is so beautiful."

Li Yunxiu was even more embarrassed, with hot cheeks, and couldn't help hiding behind Jin Nanfeng.

Knowing that Li Yunxiu has always been thin-skinned, Jin Nanfeng turned around and wrapped himself around his neck while talking to the girl.

The scarf was taken off, and Li Yun embroidered it tightly around it.

When the girl saw Jin Nanfeng’s action, she knew that she was disturbing the young couple, so she took a few more photos.

Left in a hurry.

Jin Nanfeng turned around and Li Yunxiu said, "Okay, they are gone."

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