Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1228: .I promise

When he said that, he went to pick up the scarf on Li Yunxiu's face. Li Yunxiu looked at him very upset, "Who made you laugh, now

Okay? Was discovered. "

"How can you blame me? Obviously what they said was so interesting, I couldn't help it." Jin Nanfeng wrapped the scarf around himself

On his neck, "Let's go, pick up the son, they should be over there too."

When he found the two, Qi Yi was taking Chenchen to grab the doll in front of the claw machine in the cinema.


Chenchen happily passed the "trophies" in his hand to Jin Nanfeng, very excited, "Brother Qi Yi helped Chenchen catch

Yes, brother Qi Yi is super awesome. "

Li Yunxiu also let out a surprised "Yeah", "It's amazing. I don't know how many times I have played this claw machine.

I couldn't catch it any time. "

Qi Yi picked up a doll again, and then handed it to Li Yunxiu, faintly curling his lips, "I think it’s okay.

It's already the fifth one. "

"Brother Qi Yi is great!" Chenchen slapped his hand with a "crackling" sound, and his eyes were full of admiration, "Brother Qi Yi, I think

Want that Pikachu. "

Chen Chen said that he was going to Qi Yi again. Jin Nanfeng watched Qi Yi, a little kid, coaxed his wife and son together.

I was stunned for a moment, I only felt that a jealous feeling could not be suppressed and surged upwards, grabbing the little guy’s clothes and pulling people

Tie slipped back.

"Talk to Dad what you want, what do you find someone else?"

After that, Jin Nanfeng took out his wallet and bought game coins, "I will help you catch what you want."

"That Pikachu."

Chenchen's little finger clicked on the farthest yellow doll in the claw machine.

Jin Nanfeng snorted in his heart, how difficult can this kind of thing be?

Is it still hard to get him Jin Nanfeng?

Insert the coin, gently manipulate the remote control lever with your finger, move the paw on top of the doll, and then press the switch.

The doll was picked up by its paws, swayed, and fell again!


Chen Chen was very disappointed.

Jin Nanfeng didn’t believe that he would be stumped by this little claw machine. More importantly, in the face of his own woman and son.

Before, how could he lose to Qi Yi, the little kid who didn't even grow his hair?

Jin Nanfeng reinvested the coin and tried several times in one breath.

But I don’t know if God deliberately embarrassed him or something. Jin Nanfeng didn’t put a box of game coins.

The Pikachu that Chenchen wanted was brought back.

"Haha, father is so stupid."

The little guy laughed at his father relentlessly.

Jin Nanfeng: "..."

"You wait, I will buy some more game coins."

Jin Nanfeng secretly vowed that he would not have his surname Jin unless he caught this Pikachu today!

It's a pity that the little guy just hummed softly, holding the doll in his hand, "Daddy is so stupid, waiting for you to catch Tiandu

It's bright, I'm looking for brother Qi Yi to help me catch it. "

After speaking, the little guy ran to Qi Yi's side, took Qi Yi's hand, pulled him to Jin Nanfeng's side, and squeezed Jin Nan away.

Feng, "Brother Qi Yi, I want this."

"Well, wait, one minute thing."

After Qi Yi finished speaking, he put a coin in less than 30 seconds and gave the baby that Jin Nanfeng hadn’t caught for 20 minutes.

Catch it loosely.

"Wow! Brother Qi Yi, you are great!"

Chenchen looked at Qi Yi with dazzling blue eyes.

Jin Nanfeng frowned, "Chen Chen, come here."

The one who knew Chenchen was Jin Nanfeng's son, but the one who didn't know thought it was Qi Yi's son.

It's a pity that Chenchen only wants to be with Qi Yi now, so she looked at Jin Nanfeng with Pikachu unconvinced, "I don't want it."

"Li Jingchen."

Jin Nanfeng almost gritted his teeth.

Seeing that Jin Nanfeng was about to get angry, Chenchen could only walk in front of Jin Nanfeng in fear.

Jin Nanfeng hugged him with one arm, then looked at Qi Yi, "We will not go back to the presidential palace tonight, you are alone.

Let's go back. "

After that, Jin Nanfeng held Chenchen and Li Yunxiu's hand, and abducted his wife and son together.

"I want to play with Brother Qi Yi."

Chenchen was very wronged.

"Go home tonight."

When Jin Nanfeng saw him take Qi Yi one at a time, he didn't even hit him with anger. "Who is Qi Yi? You are called older than you.

Is the son still kissing? "

"south wind……"

Li Yunxiu wanted to soothe his emotions. The man's temper was not light or heavy, and it would be bad if he frightened Chenchen.

"you shut up."

Jin Nanfeng turned his head and glared at Li Yunxiu fiercely, "Obviously we are a family of three, you have to bring one more man.

What's coming out? "

"I do not have……"

"Are you embarrassed to say you haven't? You shut up, and he will go home after I teach you."

After Jin Nanfeng finished speaking, he looked at Chenchen again, and saw that the little guy was aggrieved and he was holding that nasty Pikachu playing in his hands.

I reached out and took the doll directly and threw it into the trash can on the side of the road.


Chenchen finally couldn't help crying, "I hate you!"

"Do you hate me?" Jin Nanfeng sneered, "I am your father."

"Then I hate you too." Chen Chen threw into Li Yunxiu's arms after speaking, crying aggrievedly.

Both the young and the young were in a bad mood, and Li Yunxiu didn't have much to say, just patted Chenchen's back gently.

"Okay, okay, stop crying, Mommy will buy you a new one tomorrow."

"I don't want it. I want Brother Qi Yi to catch me. Dad is a badass and I hate him."

"Chenchen, you can't say such things." Li Yunxiu frowned, and gently wiped Chenchen's tears, "That's Dad."

"But Dad can't just throw away things. The teacher said it's very rude."

"This one……"

Li Yunxiu was speechless, Chen Chen was right. Jin Nanfeng was too impulsive about this.

She hurriedly winked at Jin Nanfeng and motioned him to stop talking. Jin Nanfeng saw Chenchen cry out of breath, although

However, he felt uncomfortable, so he stopped talking and drove back to the villa.

Once back to the villa, Li Yunxiu carried Chenchen upstairs, and Chenchen cried all the way aggrieved, but Li Yunxiu could only coax patiently.

Hold him.

"Well, Chenchen, didn't you say that you want to be a man to protect Mommy? How can a man cry?"

After hearing this, Chenchen got up from the bed, rubbing his eyes with two small paws, "Chenchen stops crying..."

"Dad is in a bad mood tonight, Chenchen, don't you blame Dad, OK?"

"Does Dad don't like me playing with brother Qi Yi?" Chenchen was wronged, "but Chenchen has no other friends.

Friends, only Brother Qi Yi is with me..."

"Dad is not that you like you and Qi Yi, he doesn't like me and Qi Yi..."

Li Yunxiu thought that this explanation might not be understood when Chen Chen is so small, so he touched his head, "Okay.

Ah, okay, go take a bath and then go to bed, OK? Mommy promises you that Dad will come to Chen tomorrow morning

Chen apologized. "


"Well, I promise."

Li Yunxiu walked to the closet and took out the little guy's pajamas, "Okay, hurry up and take a bath."

Chenchen went to the bathroom, and Li Yunxiu let out a deep breath before returning to the bedroom of himself and Jin Nanfeng.

Jin Nanfeng was sitting by the bed watching something, probably the script of the new movie. He just sneered when she came in, and then

He lowered his head again.

Li Yunxiu thought that a few hours ago, they sat in the cinema so warmly and watched an ambiguous two-person movie.

But now that it has become like this again, I can't help but feel a little embarrassed and helpless.

"Can you stop being angry?"

Li Yunxiu walked up to him and looked down at him.

Jin Nanfeng said nothing, and continued to look at the script in his hand.

Li Yunxiu was very upset. She knew Jin Nanfeng's temper too well. Once she really got angry, it would not be a simple three.

Just a few words can be good.

Still... don't mess with him, right?

She went to the guest room to sleep well tonight.

Li Yunxiu made a decision and turned around to leave.

Before going out, I heard Jin Nanfeng's cold voice, "Where are you going?"

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