Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1231: .For you

"I'm here on vacation, what do you come to do with me..." Li Yunxiu felt helpless.

"Mr. Li told me to come over, saying that you are not safe here alone and worry that you will be taken away again."

"How can I be kidnapped so easily." Li Yunxiu helplessly, looked at Qi Yi suspiciously, "It's really my father who let

Are you here to find me? "

Everyone in the family knows why she came here alone to relax, how could dad let Qi Yi come over?

Block yourself...

Just think about it...

Seeing Li Yunxiu’s suspicion in his eyes, Qi Yi immediately "tsk", "If you don’t believe it, you can call Li

Sir, do I need to lie to you? If you don't want to see me, then I will disappear and promise not to disturb you. "

Qi Yi was about to leave after pulling up the suitcase.

Li Yunxiu hurriedly stopped him, "I didn't want to see you, but you came so suddenly, I didn't have any preparation."

"Is there anything to prepare for this?" Qi Yi frowned. "You just think that there is one more person to accompany you on the tour?"

"Alright." At this point, Li Yunxiu could only smile and nodded, "Have you checked in?"

"not yet."

"Then you go quickly, after putting away the luggage, we will go outside, there is the sea outside, you can go surfing."

Li Yunxiu smiled.

Qi Yi nodded and walked towards the counter, not knowing what she thought of, she suddenly stopped again and turned to look

Li Yunxiu said, "By the way, what is your room?"

"1705, what's the matter?"

"I want a room next to you."

Qi Yi successfully settled in 1704. After putting his luggage, the two of them went to the shopping street outside to buy things.

The foreign customs have dispelled the haze in Li Yunxiu's heart over the past few days, and her mood has become much brighter.

"Boss, how much does this cost?"

In a small booth, Li Yunxiu saw a pair of red coral bracelets.

She has always been interested in these weird things, and the coral is so beautiful, so she can’t move.


The owner of the stall was an old man with pale hair and said a number with a smile.

"It's so expensive..."

Li Yunxiu was taken aback by the price. This small string of bracelets actually cost two thousand yuan.

Although it is very beautiful, but thinking about it, it is still not worth it.

Li Yunxiu didn't plan to buy it anymore. Just about to leave, Qi Yi had already walked up to her and took out the bank card directly.

"Qi Yi, what are you doing?"

Li Yunxiu stopped him and frowned.

"I want to buy a bracelet."

Qi Yi looked indifferent.

"No, Qi Yi, this price is a bit uneconomical, you don't need to help me..."

"I didn't buy it for you, can't I buy it for myself?" Qi Yi hummed.

Li Yunxiu was speechless. After all, Qi Yi spent her own money to buy things, and she couldn't stop anything.

Li Yunxiu could only watch Qi Yi buy the two bracelets.

"Didn't you say that you were poor last time? Why are you rich now?" Li

"I sold my piece of jade."

Qi Yi said lightly.

"What? The jade that your mother gave you? What do you do for selling jade well?"

"If I don't sell it, how can I come here to find your travel expenses? Are you an idiot?"

A piece of jade on Qi Yi’s neck is said to have been given to him by Qi Yi’s mother. Qi Yi is usually heartless.

But it’s not good for that piece of jade, but now, he actually came here to find himself and put such a precious

Did you sell something?

When Li Yunxiu was surprised, he was more angry, watching Qi Yi lower his head and put the two bracelets he just bought, anxious.

Anxiously asked, "Who did you sell that piece of jade to?"


Qi Yi didn't react.

"I said to whom did you sell that piece of jade?"

Li Yunxiu became a little impatient.

"I didn't sell it to anyone...just the owner of a jade shop, sold for one million."

"Are you crazy?" Li Yunxiu was a little angry. "Your piece of jade is worth ten million less."

Qi Yi still didn't care, "No matter how much he is worth...this is for you."

Qi Yi handed over a coral bracelet in his hand.

"I do not want."

Li Yunxiu immediately shook her head, so she didn't want Qi Yi to buy the bracelet with the money she bought for her jade.

"What's your temper? You obviously like this." Qi Yi frowned in confusion.

"This is your money for selling jade..."

"So?" Qi Yi frowned, interrupted Li Yunxiu's words directly, and asked her, "So what?"

"What? What about it? It was given to you by your mother. You should cherish it. Why are you?

If you can sell it casually, your mother will be sad to find out. "

"My mother is dead, so she won't be sad." Qi Yi blurted out.


Li Yunxiu was stunned for an instant. She had never heard Qi Yi talk about her family. For the first time, Qi Yi's mother

Has passed away?

"My mother passed away ten years ago. She didn't accompany me to grow up. What good can I keep a piece of jade for?" Qi Yi said coldly

He smiled and said, "To me, jade is just jade, it's just a bit more expensive stone, nothing special, such as

If he can exchange money, it is his good fortune to spend on more meaningful things. "

Li Yunxiu was dumbfounded, "You are obviously arguing."

"Who said that? Don't you think what I said makes sense?" Qi Yi took two steps forward and stopped in front of Li Yunxiu

Come, and then gently pulled Li Yunxiu's right hand, and tied the red coral bracelet to Li Yunxiu's wrist.

"You wear it beautifully."

The red coral, the skin lined with Li Yun's embroidery is even more white.

People can't help but salivate.

Li Yunxiu did like this bracelet, but when she thought of the origin of the money, she felt a little uneasy.

So he said, "Let’s do this, I will accept the bracelet. After I go back, I will ask Uncle Li Jin to pay for you first.

Redeem the ring, OK? "

Qi Yi didn't speak.

Li Yunxiu frowned, "If you don't agree, then I won't want this."

Li Yunxiu said that he would take off the bracelet.

"I know, I will redeem it."

Qi Yi said dullly.

Li Yunxiu nodded in satisfaction and stretched out his hand, "Where else is there?"

"What else is there?"

"Coral bracelet, this is a pair, there is one more."

"How can I give you both, I want to keep it for myself." Qi Yi quickly put the other hand ring on his own

On the wrist.

"Qi Yi, this..."

Li Yunxiu was a little embarrassed. Will this make people misunderstand the relationship between her and Qi Yi?

Wearing a pair of coral bracelets looks like something a couple would do.

Li Yunxiu was a little uneasy.

"Wear it well. The things Qi Yi sent out have no reason to come back."

Qi Yi pouted.

Seeing Li Yunxiu still frowned, he suddenly lowered his voice, "Do you hate me very much?"

"Huh?" Li Yunxiu was stunned.

"I came here to find you, you are not happy, I buy you a bracelet, you are not happy...Do you really hate me?"

Qi Yi's voice was full of caution.

Li Yunxiu shook his head quickly, "I don't hate you, don't think too much."

She has always treated Qi Yi as her younger brother, how could she hate him.

"You don't hate me, so you still dislike what I gave you?"

"I just think..." Li Yunxiu just wanted to explain, thinking about this kind of thing, it would inevitably be endless and endless.

He sighed crisply, "I don't want to dislike it, you give it to me, I am very happy. Thank you."

When Li Yunxiu said this, Qi Yi's face looked slightly better, "Then you can wear it well and you are not allowed to take it off.

Come, if you take it down, you're lying. "

After talking, Qi Yi went to the front again.

Li Yunxiu looked at the bracelet on his wrist, and finally sighed helplessly.

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