Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1232: .Take you to enjoy a better life

Li Yunxiu stayed in a famous seaside hotel, outside the hotel is a beach, connected to the blue sea.

This time in China is already freezing winter, and it is indeed warm spring here.

Li Yunxiu felt the warm sunshine, and his mood was lightened.

Someone on the beach was barbecuing me, and the alluring aroma penetrated into Li Yunxiu’s nose, and Li Yunxiu found himself living

I was a little hungry.

Qi Yi also said, "Let's go barbecue too."

"Eating too much of that thing is not good for your health."

Li Yunxiu shook his head.

"Li Yunxiu, I ask you to figure it out. You are less than thirty years old. At our age, we want to be crazy and want to indulge.

Yes, how do you live the same way as the elderly? "

After Qi Yi finished speaking, he directly took Li Yunxiu's hand, "Go, barbecue, Master, I will take you to enjoy a beautiful life."

Li Yunxiu struggled subconsciously, but Qi Yi ignored her at all, so he dragged him to the barbecue area and bought tools

And some ingredients.

Seeing that Qi Yi had already rolled up his sleeves and was getting ready to work, Li Yunxiu also let go of his nervousness and walked to him to begin.

Sort out the ingredients.

There are a lot of people on the beach at this point, and there are young handsome women in bikinis and swimsuits everywhere. Listen

With those laughter, Li Yunxiu couldn't help but smiled, "I feel like I'm several years younger."

"You seem to be very old." Qi Yi curled his lips. With a disdainful sneer, "You are about the same age as them."

Li Yunxiu paused and looked over subconsciously. Several girls were chasing each other on the beach, full of vigor.

Li Yunxiu was a little embarrassed, "Where am I like them..."

She herself felt old-fashioned.

"You are just bound by Jin Nanfeng. With your identity and status, you should live a more unrestrained life than them.

Correct. "Qi Yi said, blinking, "Do you want to come out in a bikini tomorrow?" "

Li Yunxiu said "Ah", his face flushed instantly, " is it possible!"

"Why is this impossible?" Qi Yi looked angry, "Please, Miss Li, this is the beach, sunny, handsome

Brother, barbecue, party, do you need to wrap yourself up like the nuns in the church? Do you understand

Enjoy life. "

Li Yunxiu's face turned redder, "What does it have to do with enjoying life? I can enjoy life without wearing a bikini.

Live. "

Qi Yi closed his eyes in despair. At this moment, he even wanted to pry Li Yunxiu's head open to see what was inside.


He put down the barbecue fork, ran to the place where swimsuits were sold not far away, and picked a pretty regular swimsuit for Li Yunxiu.

Then he walked back and threw it to Li Yun embroidery, "You will wear this tomorrow."

"I don't wear..."

Li Yunxiu couldn't help blushing after only one glance.

"It’s not a bikini, it’s a normal swimsuit. We’re going to surf tomorrow. You can’t wear this suit on your body.

Skirt? "

Qi Yi was a little speechless.

Without waiting for Li Yunxiu to speak, he sat down and started the barbecue. After a while, there was a fragrant smell of meat.

Came out.

Li Yunxiu had hardly eaten anything when he came here, so at the moment, his stomach made a grunt.

Qi Yi didn't change his face, but handed Li Yunxiu the meat skewers that had just been grilled.

"Try it."

Li Yunxiu took it and took a light bite. The soft and sweet taste spread quickly on the tip of his tongue. Li Yunxiu had

Looking at Qi Yi with some surprises, "It's delicious."

"If it tastes delicious, eat more. You see you are thin, does Jin Nanfeng usually not give you food?"

Qi Yi glanced at Li Yunxiu's waist. The thin willow waist seemed to be able to be held with one hand.

This woman doesn’t seem to know that her whole body is like a piece of treasure that has been dug up by just one corner.

People have unlimited reveries.

Li Yunxiu ate the meat skewers with peace of mind. He really didn't know what Qi Yi was thinking about right now.

Perhaps Qi Yi’s method of barbecue is too superb, and people from several other countries around have also come over, Qi Yi

They generously distributed the baked products to them. A few foreigners were very grateful, and they did not forget to drag Li Yunxiu over and

They dance together.

Li Yunxiu gradually forgot who she was, and she seemed to be the only one left in her world here.

The tension disappeared, leaving only joy and joy.

At the end of the day, Qi Yi and Li Yunxiu took photos with these foreigners.

On the way back to the hotel, Li Yunxiu looked at the photos on the phone, his cheeks were red, apparently still immersed in the daytime


"How? Does it feel very exciting?" Qi Yi looked at the blush on Li Yunxiu's face and said, "Don't deny it.

Actually you are really happy today. "

Li Yunxiu paused, turned his hand on the switch, and then said, "I didn't deny it."

She really hasn't been so indulgent like today for a long, long time.

She also went out on a date with Jin Nanfeng, but she had to worry about Jin Nanfeng’s identity, so she and Jin Nanfeng

Every minute and every second of getting along, she worries about whether she will be recognized by others and will bring Jin Nanfeng to the meeting.

Trouble, this worry limits her to a large extent.

But today, she doesn’t have to worry about being discovered who she is. She is just one of the most ordinary tourists here.

Enjoy wholeheartedly.

"Thank you, Qi Yi, I am really happy today."

Li Yunxiu seriously looked at Qi Yi beside him.

"This will be an unforgettable memory of my life."

"Am I also your unforgettable memory for life?" Qi Yi asked suddenly.


His sudden question made Li Yunxiu stunned. What was he talking about?

"Nothing." Qi Yi reacted abruptly, grabbed his wet hair from the sea, and hit it.

A big yawn, and then he said, "rest early, remember to wear a swimsuit tomorrow, master, let me take you to experience

Happier things. "

After speaking, Qi Yi advanced into the elevator, closed the elevator door with a snap, and left.

Li Yunxiu went back to the room, took a shower, and then looked at today’s photos on her phone. After looking at it for a long time, she picked one

Come out, put it on my Weibo, add the text, "I am very happy to have a barbecue today", and click send.

At the same time in China, Jin Nanfeng was about to go to bed after taking a bath, and suddenly heard a Weibo message from his mobile phone.

Prompt tone.

He only set this reminder for one person, and that was Li Yunxiu.

Li Yunxiu originally started this Weibo to watch the news. He usually doesn’t post one for 10,000 years. Jin Nanfeng is good.

Qi picked up his phone and clicked on Weibo.

There is only one picture in a short line of text.

There is only one arm in the picture, holding a kebab, and a red coral bracelet on the wrist.

Jin Nanfeng couldn't help but smiled.

This girl, he said every day that he wanted to lose weight, but didn't he go to barbecue?

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