Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1244: .I love you

"I and Yunxiu are normal friends, I think it's better to ask Mr. Jin not to think so dirty." Qi Yi did not

Knowing what he thought of, he smiled suddenly and looked at Jin Nanfeng with a smile, "Or, you guys

Older men think this way? "

Jin Nanfeng's face turned black for an instant, and a touch of coolness rose in his eyes.

But Qi Yi ignored it at all, just reached out and grabbed his hair, then sneered low, then turned and left.


Although the two people did not quarrel too fiercely, Jin Nanfeng felt uncomfortable because of Qi Yi.

I didn't speak much all night.

When Li Yunxiu saw Jin Nanfeng still sitting on the bed in a daze, he felt strange and walked over.

Reached out and shook his eyes.

Jin Nanfeng still did not respond.

He frowned tightly, as if lost in some kind of thinking.

Li Yunxiu was helpless, and stretched out his hand to push abruptly on his shoulder, "Jin Nanfeng, what are you in a daze?"

Jin Nanfeng returned to his senses, looking at Li Yunxiu, he couldn't say a thousand words.

"It's nothing."

"Why are you weird tonight? Are you angry about Jian Zixun and Qi Yi?"

Li Yunxiu frowned, "Well, I won't let them come over in the future."

"If you don't let them come, you can still go out and meet, right?"

Jin Nanfeng couldn't control the acidity in his words.

Qi Yi is right. He is so much bigger than Little Hydrangea, he does not belong to the same age at all. If one day, he really

What will she do if she is older than her?

Jin Nanfeng, who had never doubted his age and appearance, fell into deep anxiety.

"You don't want to eat this inexplicable flying vinegar again, okay?" Li Yunxiu was too lazy to explain again, "I'll take a bath."

But when Li Yunxiu came out of the bath, she was shocked again, because she found that Jin Nanfeng was still sitting on the spot, with lots of hands.

I took a mirror and looked at it dreamily.

Li Yunxiu couldn't help but "cock" in his heart. It's over, this guy, what happened tonight?

Could it be a quarrel with Qi Yi?

But how could that little kid Qi Yi quarrel with a black-bellied fox like Jin Nanfeng?

Li Yunxiu walked over worriedly, "What the **** is wrong with you?"

Jin Nanfeng quietly looked at his face in the mirror.

The skin is well maintained, and there is no obvious difference compared with his twenties. He rarely drinks alcohol, although his diet

Although it’s not regular, he seldom eats greasy and spicy food, and the sugar content is well controlled. As a star, he

There is a face enough to make thousands of women bow down.

I just don't know if it is Jin Nanfeng's illusion. Looking at himself tonight, he always feels something weird.

"Hey, Jin Nanfeng! What's wrong with you?"

Li Yunxiu has never seen Jin Nanfeng look like this. His face turned pale and his voice was shaking, "Would you like to go to the hospital?

take a look? Are you unwell? Don't hold on, I'll call for an ambulance..."

Li Yunxiu went to grab the phone on the cabinet while talking.

But Jin Nanfeng was like an attacking cheetah, holding Li Yunxiu's arm in one hand, and turning her body arbitrarily.


Li Yunxiu had just finished taking a shower, only wearing a thin bath towel. Such a vigorous action made Li Yunxiu's hand instant

As soon as it became loose, the bath towel fell to the floor.


Li Yunxiu's face burned red instantly, and he had to pick it up subconsciously.

"Am I getting old?"

Jin Nanfeng asked dullly.


Seeing his scarlet eyes, Li Yunxiu looked at himself scorchingly, and felt even more shy, "You let me go, I'm not wearing any clothes."

The low voice is like a mosquito.

"Am I getting old?"

Jin Nanfeng drew her closer, and now the bodies of the two of them were almost stuck together.

The softness of Li Yunxiu's chest against Jin Nanfeng's shirt made her even more embarrassed.

"Jin Nanfeng, you let me go, I really want to wear clothes..."

Li Yunxiu begged.

"Answer my question first."

It is a pity that Jin Nanfeng is still reluctant, like a little boy, unable to get his own candy, so entangled.

"Am I really old?"

Li Yunxiu sighed depressed.

Forget it, he had already seen it anyway.

"Jin Nanfeng, what irritated you? It's a good idea to suddenly ask this kind of question..."

"Today Qi Yi said I am an old man..."

Jin Nanfeng remembered Qi Yi's words, his beautiful sword eyebrows couldn't help but twisted to death. He was never accidental.

People, God is very kind to him, he didn’t think it mattered if he gave him this face, only today did he open

Hajime took it seriously, he didn't want to make himself unworthy of Li Yunxiu...

"Am I really old?"

Jin Nanfeng's voice brought some caution.

Li Yunxiu was shocked for a moment, then couldn't help but laughed out loud.

"What, don't you tell me, what makes you restless all night is worrying about this kind of thing?"

Even if he felt Li Yunxiu's ridicule, Jin Nanfeng nodded honestly, "Yes."

"Because Qi Yi said that you are an old man, you are like this? Do you know that you are scaring me to death."

Li Yunxiu couldn't help but stretched out his hands into fists and hammered Jin Nanfeng's chest twice.

of. "

"Of course there is." Jin Nanfeng frowned, with a serious expression, "I don't want people to think that I don't deserve you."

Seeing that he was serious, Li Yunxiu suppressed the joking smile at the corner of his mouth. Then he spoke, looking at him with shining eyes.

"Jin Nanfeng, everyone will get old, you will, I will, and Qi Yi will be too, it’s no big deal, I

Knowing that you are very upset, you are afraid that others will discuss us, but I never cared about those..."

She has loved Jin Nanfeng for so many years. If she really cared, this relationship would have been broken long ago.

"Jin Nanfeng, I love you. I will be with you for the rest of my life, so don't scare yourself, nor

Want to scare me? "

Li Yunxiu stretched out his hand and hugged Jin Nanfeng tightly, with a voice like a kitten, stretching out his paw on Jin Nanfeng’s heart

Scratch and scratch.

Jin Nanfeng was scratching it.

"Don't care about Qi Yi's words, in my heart, you are the most handsome."

At a glance, Wannian probably said that.

After listening to Li Yunxiu’s words, Jin Nanfeng’s eyes flashed with great joy. The restlessness and worries of the whole night were also here.

Carve away.

And because of a blessing in disguise, he also heard the little hydrangea say that he loves him, you know, this woman’s shy character, ask her to say

It's harder to say this than to go to the sky.

Jin Nanfeng couldn't help but want to listen to it once or twice.

"Just say you love me again, little hydrangea."

"Didn't I just say it?"

Li Yunxiu blushed again.

"I didn't catch it."

"You obviously heard it."

Otherwise, he would not say "say it again".

"No matter, it doesn't count.

Jin Nanfeng is reckless.

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