Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1245: .I'm old?

"Hurry up and let me go, do you want me to catch a cold?"

Although there is heating in the room, Li Yunxiu felt a little cold without wearing any clothes.

Jin Nanfeng let her go.

Li Yunxiu covered the spring beauty on his chest with one hand, picking up the bath towel and putting it on tightly.

Jin Nanfeng is more relieved, yes, everyone will be old, the little hydrangea will, he will also, even their little

Ghost, will be old in the future...

Thinking about it, Jin Nanfeng suddenly realized something, and his face changed suddenly.


He suddenly hooked Li Yunxiu's waist.

Like a hungry wolf, "Everything you just said means I am indeed old?"

"This one……"

Li Yun embroidered for a while, and then said honestly, "It's not old, but it's really not younger than Qi Yi."

"You!" Jin Nanfeng's mood of being soothed with difficulty was once again filled with anger.

Okay, this dead girl dared to compare him with that Qi Yi.

He will teach her a lesson tonight.

Said Jin Nanfeng, he hugged Li Yunxiu up, and threw her directly on the soft big in Li Yunxiu's exclaim.


"what are you going to do?"

Li Yunxiu shrank to the corner of the bed.

"Be you."

Jin Nanfeng tore off his tie with one hand, and his sturdy body firmly pressed the soft Li Yun embroidery.

"You... don't be impulsive."

Li Yunxiu looked at the scarlet red in Jin Nanfeng's eyes, feeling a little scared.

"I'm not impulsive, I'm very calm." Jin Nanfeng pinched Li Yunxiu's chin, "That's why I want you to look better.

Look, I am stronger than Qi Yi. "

"It's not comparable, I know you are the best."

Fearing that he would be the devil tonight, Li Yunxiu quickly begged for mercy and said good things.

Unfortunately, Jin Nanfeng couldn't hear anything. He just wanted to prove it to her with actions.

As soon as he bowed his head, Jin Nanfeng had already kissed Li Yun's soft jelly lips fiercely.


His brutal kiss caused Li Yunxiu to let out a low whimper from his throat, and he was quickly swallowed in Jin Nanfeng's breath.


Jin Nanfeng’s big palm lifted up Li Yunxiu’s bath towel. She didn’t wear other clothes, which made it more convenient for him to treat Li Yun.

Embroider up and down.

Li Yunxiu gradually felt that he was surrounded by fire, and his breath was full of the cold smell of Jin Nanfeng's body.

The gradual infection of her, like two extremes, stimulated the awakening of every sense in her body.

Only when he felt the changes in Jin Nanfeng's body, Li Yunxiu couldn't help but stretched out his hand to hold his shoulder, thinking

To push him away.

However, this time, she did not continue to refuse.

Tonight... just accept him, right?

Li Yunxiu heard a voice in his brain saying this to himself.

Yu Xi has been pregnant for seven months, and they haven't done such intimate things for so long.

She chooses to accept Jin Nanfeng. Such a day will come sooner or later. The future for her and Jin Nanfeng is still very long. Could it be that she

Want to refuse him forever?

Li Yunxiu, why bother? Is this something meaningless?

It is better to let go of the body and mind and accept him again.

Thinking of this, Li Yunxiu could not help but slowly put it down on Jin Nanfeng's hand.

However, unexpectedly, Jin Nanfeng stopped suddenly.


Li Yunxiu looked at Jin Nanfeng panting.

Jin Nanfeng’s eyes and cheeks were red, there were fine beads of sweat on his forehead and nose, his breathing was short, his chest was

The disorder of breath fluctuated violently.

"I'm going to take a shower, be good."

Jin Nanfeng kissed Li Yunxiu's forehead gently again, then quickly got up and left Li Yunxiu's body.

He went into the bathroom without looking back.

Li Yunxiu paused, she quickly thought that Jin Nanfeng had agreed to her, as long as she did not agree, he would not be

What have you done...

This man is really a fool.

Li Yunxiu smiled helplessly.

It has been forty minutes for Jin Nanfeng to come out after taking a shower.

"Can you find me pajamas?"

Jin Nanfeng wiped his wet hair.

Jin Nanfeng opened the closet, found Jin Nanfeng's pajamas, and handed it to him.

When she handed over the clothes, she accidentally touched Jin Nanfeng's arm. The cold touch made Li Yunxiu startled.

"Why are you so ice?"

Li Yunxiu frowned, and instantly understood, "You took a cold shower?"


Jin Nanfeng faintly responded. He probably won't be able to sleep tonight if he doesn't take a cold shower.

"You are crazy, are you? You don't look at what month it is now."

During the Chinese New Year, the room temperature outside the imperial capital was around minus five degrees. Is this man going to die?

"It's okay, I'm used to it."

Recently, he has taken too many cold showers.

Jin Nan's mouth is hard and his mouth is hard, but his body is still quite honest. At two or three o'clock in the middle of the night, Li Yunxiu was covered.

Bian's hot body woke up.

Seeing Jin Nanfeng curled up and his shoulders trembling slightly, Li Yunxiu's heart instantly tightened.

Jin Nanfeng's forehead was hot, and I don't know when he had a fever.

"South wind? South wind?"

Li Yunxiu hurriedly woke him up.

"Um..." Jin Nanfeng said in a daze, vaguely, "My head is heavy, little hydrangea, don't make trouble, let

I sleep for a while. "

"Don't go to bed, you have a fever, I will take you to the hospital."

Li Yunxiu pulled the hot Jin Nanfeng from the bed.

"It's said that your body can't take a cold bath. You still don't believe it. Now that you are sick, do you believe it?"

Li Yunxiu walked to the closet and took out Jin Nanfeng's clothes.

Then dress him up.

Jin Nan was so dizzy that he was pulled into the car by Li Yunxiu and arrived at the hospital half an hour later.

Late at night, there are not too many people in the hospital. Most of them are parents with children. The outpatient clinic is not open. Li

Yunxiu went to give Jin Nanfeng an emergency room.

There was a middle-aged female doctor sitting in the consulting room. Seeing that Jin Nanfeng was still wearing a mask on her face, she frowned and said,

Yes, his mouth opened. "

Jin Nanfeng sat still.

"Pick it."

Li Yunxiu pushed him, even considering his identity, he had to see a doctor.

Jin Nanfeng then reached out and gently took off the mask on his face.

The female doctor glanced at Jin Nanfeng, and noticeably paused, but she quickly recovered her calm again and made Jin very stern.

Nanfeng cooperated with himself in the inspection.

"Go get a blood test."

"There is no need for a blood test," Li Yunxiu said quickly. "He got a fever because he took a cold shower."

"Take a cold shower?"

The female doctor looked in disbelief, "Why are you still taking a cold shower?"

Jin Nanfeng did not speak, his throat hurt so badly that he didn't want to say a word.

Li Yunxiu is not easy to explain, she can't tell the doctor why Jin Nanfeng went to take a cold bath, right?

After so hesitating, the doctor spoke again.

"Family members should usually pay more attention. If they don't take good care of their bodies when they are old, they will suffer from problems."

"I will pay attention to remind him more often, thank you doctor."

"Go for a blood test, just to be on the safe side."

The doctor handed Li Yunxiu the case and medical list.

After arriving at the blood test, Jin Nanfeng hid behind Li Yunxiu, "It hurts."

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