Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1249: .Big trotters

"Send me to the supermarket in front."

"Brother Jin, are you going to the supermarket?"

"Where do you come from so much nonsense, drive your car."

Jin Nanfeng was very impatient.

Yang Yun: "..."

It is said that after getting married, men will become like, Jin Nanfeng, you big trotter who doesn't speak much.

Although I don’t know where Jin Nanfeng was thinking about going to the supermarket, but Yang Yun still gave people away obediently.


"You go back first."

Jin Nanfeng asked Yang Yun to go first, and went into the supermarket to find someone.

This supermarket is very high-end. Basically, people living in the villa area come to buy some things, so there are not many people.

Jin Nanfeng easily found the person he wanted to find.

Li Yunxiu was standing next to a shelf selling drinks, holding a bottle of something in his hand, looking at it with his head slightly lowered.

Words, Chenchen stood beside her, the little guy leaned against Li Yunxiu half of his body.

If it weren't for Li Yunxiu's one more love obstructing ghost beside him, how beautiful this scene would be.

Qi Yi was talking to Li Yunxiu. The two were very close, while Jin Nanfeng was a little far away. He didn’t know Qi.

What did Yi say, only to see Li Yunxiu amused by him.

This kind of smile is rarely seen even by Jin Nanfeng.

The jealousy in his heart deepened, and Jin Nanfeng raised his foot and walked towards Li Yunxiu.

But over there, Li Yunxiu didn't even know that a dangerous beast was slowly approaching him.

She put the drink back in her hand, then took a bottle of orange juice down, and murmured, "I don’t know he likes it.

I don’t like to drink..."


A deep voice suddenly came from my ear, and it seemed to be a moment of familiarity, awakening Li Yunxiu's endless memories.

"Jin... Nanfeng?"

With a shake of his hand, the orange juice in his hand almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Jin Nanfeng caught it firmly.

"How will you be here?"

Seeing Jin Nanfeng put the orange juice back on the shelf with a gloomy expression, Li Yunxiu stumbled and opened his mouth and said, "You don't

Do you mean to be back at night? "

When she asked, Jin Nanfeng knew that she hadn’t read the text messages she had sent, and she had no time to read his text messages but there was time.

Here accompanied another man to the supermarket. This gap made Jin Nanfeng feel even more uncomfortable. He frowned tightly.

There is also a haze over the eyebrows, "I will come back whenever I want."

Li Yunxiu heard that he seemed to be angry, his face turned pale, "What's wrong with you?"

"Did something happen at work?"

"In what kind of work, it is obviously..."

She was obviously so angry that she was so embarrassed to ask what happened?

Unfortunately, before Jin Nanfeng finished speaking, Qi Yi had already walked over with two bags of potato chips. Jin Nanfeng didn’t have that kind.

The habit of quarreling with people in public, so I swallowed the words halfway through my mouth.

"Are you OK?"

Li Yunxiu asked Jin Nanfeng strangely and asked carefully.

"It's nothing, have you finished buying? Go home when you're finished."

"Well, it's almost there, just a drink, what do you drink?"

"mineral water."

Jin Nanfeng was cold.


With his attitude, Li Yunxiu did not dare to speak any more, he could only take a few bottles of mineral water, and then left the supermarket after checking out.

Li Yunxiu and Jin Nanfeng walked in the forefront, Qi Yi carried all the big and small bags in his hand, Chen Chen was taken by Jin Nanfeng

In his arms, all the people along the road were quiet except for Chenchen's twittering.

"What is he doing with us?"

When he was about to get home, Jin Nanfeng glanced at Qi Yi with the light.

"He is celebrating his birthday today. He is in the imperial capital alone, with no relatives and no reason, so I want to help him celebrate."

In Li Yunxiu's eyes, Qi Yi was like her younger brother. She should take care of Qi Yi.

But in Jin Nanfeng's heart, Qi Yi is a walking rival, and he can only stare at Li Yunxiu.

Hearing that Li Yunxiu was going to celebrate Qi Yi's birthday, his face turned black immediately.

"Don't be jealous, he is very pitiful by himself."

Since learning about Qi Yi's life experience in Australia, Li Yunxiu has been full of sympathy for Qi Yi.

She grew up in a warm family. Li Beixun and Shi Qing gave her all their love.

It will be the sadness of a child who has lost his mother since childhood, but he has sympathy and pity in his subconscious mind.

Although Jin Nanfeng was unhappy in his heart, he knew that if he drives away that little **** Qi Yi now, Li Yunxiu will do more

Half to get angry with himself, he squeezed his fist to forcefully suppress the unhappiness in his heart.

When he got home, Li Yunxiu went into the kitchen and went to work.

"What are you doing?"

Jin Nanfeng stopped her.

"Cook, I promised Qi Yi to cook him a great meal."

"Don't go."

Jin Nanfeng's face suddenly sank.


Li Yunxiu was puzzled.

"You are with me, I can't bear to let you cook next time, do you think I will let you cook for other men?"

Jin Nanfeng's eyes were cold, his tone was also very strong, and there was no tone of discussion at all.


"No going is no going."

Jin Nanfeng was determined.

Li Yunxiu frowned and pulled him aside, "Jin Nanfeng, can you not be jealous? I really take Qi Yi as my brother.

Brother, Qi Yi is so much younger than me, it is impossible for me to have that kind of affection for him. "

"You are embarrassed to talk about age, right?" It would be better not to mention this matter, the more Jin Nanfeng mentioned, the more angry.

"What if you are so much younger than you? Are you so much younger than me? Isn't Lao Tzu still in love with you?"

Jin Nan was in anger.

"Jin Nanfeng, don't mess around, you know what my feelings for him look like." Seeing that he didn't believe in himself,

Li Yunxiu also had a slight emotion, "I have to explain every time, are you annoying?"

After speaking, he let go of Jin Nanfeng's hand and turned to the kitchen.

Jin Nanfeng saw that she was so blatant and pale with anger, so he turned his head and left.

"Dad, don't leave."

Chenchen hugged Jin Nanfeng.

"Your mother has Qi Yi now, why should I stay? See your brother Qi Yi to play..."

Jin Nanfengte never looked back.

Li Yunxiu is also very angry here, she can’t figure it out, obviously Jin Nanfeng knows that she and Qi Yi will not happen

Anything, why does he still have to eat these meaningless vinegar? !

Doesn't he believe in himself so much?

Li Yunxiu was standing by the pool, his face pale.

"Are you okay?" Qi Yi looked at her face and frowned slightly, "Have you quarreled with him again?"

Jin Nanfeng's expression was already very difficult when he was in the supermarket, "Is it because of me again?"

Li Yunxiu said nothing.

"Okay, stop arguing, go get him back, I'll go back."

"You don't have to go." Li Yunxiu frowned and looked at him, "This is not your fault, it's that he made a big fuss."

"But you and him..."

"Don't worry about me and him. We will figure out a solution by ourselves. Today is your birthday, so please

Just be your little birthday star. "

"What if Jin Nanfeng really gets angry?"

"Follow him."

Li Yunxiu was very angry.

Li Yunxiu helped Qi Yi over his birthday. After Qi Yi left, Jin Nanfeng still did not come back.

Li Yunxiu wanted to wait for him to come back and have a good chat with him, but Jin Nanfeng did not go home until early in the morning.

Is he... really angry?

Li Yunxiu felt a little uneasy in his heart.

In the past, no matter how big their conflicts were, Jin Nanfeng would never stay away overnight.

Li Yunxiu frowned, lying on the bed tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

I don't know how long it took before Li Yunxiu heard a sound of footsteps approaching, and then the bedroom door was opened.

Before she had time to turn on the light, the first thing she smelled was a faint smell of alcohol.

It seems that Jin Nanfeng went to drink.

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