Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1250: .Is it not coming back?

"Jin Nanfeng, why did you go drinking?"

He turned on the lights in the room.

Jin Nanfeng was wearing a gray sweater and a coat in his hand. Although he drank, he was sober and listened.

When Li Yunxiu asked, he didn't speak, but just threw his coat aside, and then lay down directly with his back facing Li Yunxiu.

Li Yunxiu knew this, he was going to have a cold war with himself.

"Jin Nanfeng, let's talk."

"Nothing to talk about, I'm asleep."

After Jin Nanfeng finished speaking, he pulled up the quilt.

Li Yunxiu just wanted to push him, but suddenly he smelled a faint scent of perfume.

His face instantly stiffened.

She doesn't use perfume, this smell is naturally not hers.

Ladies perfume, Jin Nanfeng was dyed on her body, which means that Jin Nanfeng stayed with that woman for at least one night.

Li Yunxiu's heart was violently painful, but he couldn't ask anything.

After a long silence, she quietly lay back on the bed.

Somewhere far away in an apartment.

Yu Xi grasped the phone, her fingertips trembling slightly with force.

"Brother Black, when are you going to do it?"

"Yu Xi, we are already discussing this matter. You know, Li Yunxiu's identity is special, and we don't know.

Are there any bodyguards and guards around her? If she misses her hand, it will be difficult to act next time.

Now, Yu Xi, we need time..."

"I know, you don't have to figure out your own way. I already know how to deal with Li Yunxiu.

Just listen to my orders. "

Yu Xi’s eyes are full of hatred, "After the thing is done, I will give you 10 million, but if you want to

Yin me behind, don't blame me for keeping you all walking around. "

"Yes Yes Yes."

Li Yunxiu didn't know when she fell asleep. When she woke up, Jin Nanfeng didn't know where to go.


The dirty clothes he changed yesterday were still casually thrown on the ground, and Li Yunxiu reluctantly walked over, planning to pick it up and take it with him.

Send them down for the servant to wash.

Just when Li Yunxiu picked up Jin Nanfeng’s white shirt, she suddenly found another thorn on Jin Nanfeng’s collar.

Purpose lip mark, the bright red mark is like the sharpest needle point, piercing her heart fiercely, hurting her nose

Sore instantly.

Lip print...

Li Yunxiu's mind almost instantly saw a woman lying on Jin Nanfeng's body and kissing him passionately.



A tear fell on the back of her hand.

"Madam, are you up?"

A servant's knock came from outside the door.

"Well, get up."

Li Yunxiu wiped away tears in a panic, and opened the door as if nothing had happened.

"Madam, good morning. I'll clean up the room."

The servant smiled respectfully at Li Yunxiu.

"Well, it's a hard work." Li Yunxiu raised his foot and walked downstairs. After walking two steps, he remembered something. He stopped and turned his head to look there

A maid, "When did Nanfeng leave?"

"Mr. Jin got up at six o'clock, and Mr. Yang Yun came to pick him up when he left the door at about seven."

"He didn't say anything?"

Li Yunxiu didn't want to believe it. Jin Nanfeng really left without saying anything.

"Mr. said he will be back late tonight, so you don't want to wait for her."

Li Yunxiu's heart sank.

"Madam, are you okay?"

Li Yunxiu quickly smiled, "Well, it's okay."

Today is the weekend, Chenchen finally had winter vacation. Li Yunxiu originally wanted to take him out for fun, but

Now Jin Nanfeng is in a cold war with her, she has no thoughts anymore.

"Mommy, you slept late today." Chen Chen was lying on the sofa and reading when she saw Li Yun embroidered a small whirlwind.

run over here.

"Why did you get up so early today? It doesn't matter if you sleep longer during winter vacation."

"Mum, you forgot about it. You said that you will take me on an outing with Dad today."

Li Yunxiu paused, eyes full of helplessness. In this situation, where would she go to find Jin Nanfeng.

"Mommy, you can't talk to children wirelessly. The teacher said this is wrong."

"This one……"

Li Yunxiu was very helpless, watching the little guy's mouth collapsed, and could only comfort him, "Okay, then I'll give my father

Would you like to make a call? "

"it is good."

Li Yunxiu picked up the phone and tried to call Jin Nanfeng.

She didn't know if Jin Nanfeng would answer his call, sweat was dripping out of her nervous palms.

To Li Yunxiu's expectation, Jin Nanfeng's call was answered almost without hesitation.

When Li Yunxiu was about to talk, a beautiful woman's voice floated from the phone to Li Yunxiu's ears.


"Hello, who do you call?"

Li Yunxiu's face was pale, as if his throat was pinched by a hand, unable to speak a word.


The woman on the other end of the phone seemed a little strange, "Why don't you speak..."

Li Yunxiu hung up the phone in a panic.

"Mommy, will Dad come back?" Chenchen asked Li Yunxiu, raising his head.

Li Yunxiu only felt empty in his heart, as if he had been taken away so quickly, and he was sweating all over.

Why... Another woman answered Jin Nanfeng's call?

Why... His phone is in another woman's hand?

He has almost no female friends, except for Gu Xiuxia, she has never heard of what Jin Nanfeng still knows outside

Woman... But the voice just now is obviously not Gu Xiuxia...

Who will it be?

Countless thoughts flashed in Li Yunxiu's mind for a moment, and the imprint of the dazzling lipstick on the collar of Jin Nanfeng's shirt was like that

The sharpest sword stabbed fiercely in the heart.


Chenchen yelled again when Li Yunxiu was silent.


Li Yunxiu just woke up like a dream, lowered his head and smiled hard at Chenchen.

"Mommy, is Dad not coming back?"

"He..." Li Yunxiu paused, then knelt down and touched Chenchen's head, "Sorry, dad has a

Work, so I can’t come back. Mommy will take you to your grandpa and grandma, OK? "

"it is good."

The presidential palace is very lively today.

When Li Yunxiao returned from a business trip, he still caught up with his old age this year. Li Yunjin also took a rare day at home, plus Li Yunjin

Yun Xiu came back suddenly, and the whole Li family was complete.

"Good uncle, good aunt smile." Chenchen's blue eyes were shiny, "Chenchen wishes you a New Year greeting."

Li Yunjin sneered, "I won't give you lucky money, brat."

"Huh." Chen Chen raised his head unhappy, and looked at Li Yunjin faintly, "Then I will go to the barber to help me tomorrow.

Cut your hair. "

Uncle shaved his head in the first month, and the little guy didn't know where he learned it.

Li Yunjin's face turned dark, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, Chen Chen slipped over, pressed it on his knees, and raised his hand to the ass.

We greeted twice.


Chenchen struggled.

"Grandma, save me!"

Shi Qing quickly let Li Yunjin release Chen Chen.

"Don't trouble him."

Li Yun laughed and joked, "Yeah, yeah, brother, I think you like children so much, so just give birth to one yourself.

Okay, with the gene of our Li family, we will definitely not lose to Chenchen. "

"Take care of yourself."

Li Yunjin glanced at Li Yunxiao coldly, his eyes cold, "Besides, who said I like children."

A creature like a child is simply a demon.

He just felt a little different because Chen Chen was a child of Little Hydrangea.

Li Yunjin glanced at the blue Yingying Chenchen, frowned, "Come here."

Chenchen immediately ran in front of Li Yunjin.

Li Yunjin squeezed Chenchen’s chin and looked at it for a long time before making a comment, “It’s so long that we don’t lose our Li family.

Face, just these eyes are too strange. "

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