Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1251: .How about having a baby sister?

"Yes, when my sister told me Chen Chen’s father was Jin Nanfeng, I was shocked. Jin Nanfeng’s

The eyes are black, and human genes are really amazing. "Li Yunxiu once again turned the topic around

On Li Yunjin's body, "Brother, don't you really consider having one? Maybe you can also give birth to a blue-eyed child."

"Uncle, are you going to have a baby?" Chenchen was very excited, "Chenchen wants a sister, uncle, you have a baby sister

How about sister? "

"If you want your sister, go back and find your parents. I'm not your father."

After speaking, Li Yunjin glanced at Li Yunxiu's body.

However, he saw Li Yunjin sitting quietly in the corner of the sofa, his head slightly lowered, his eyes were a little surprised, a pair of beautiful

His brows were frowning tightly, with a worried look.

"Li Yun embroidery."

Li Yunjin called out.

Only then did Li Yunxiu turn his head to look over, and a trace of panic and guilty conscience passed quickly under his eyes.

"What's wrong? Brother."

"What are you in a daze?"

Li Yunxiu shook his head, "It's nothing, just thought of something just now, it's not a big deal." She gently

He smiled, "Why, what are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about when will you and brother-in-law give Chenchen a sister."

Li Yun smiled.


The smile on Li Yunxiu's face stiffened slightly, and then quickly lowered his head, and said lightly, "Not yet

The plan is. "

Shi Qing glanced at Li Yunxiu meaningfully, knowing that her daughter was probably on her mind again.

She is the one who can't afford to make such a joke the most. She has a thin face. If it were placed in the past, her face would have been red, but now her

The face is only nearly transparent and pale, and the long eyelashes are constantly trembling. The whole person is in a huge

In restlessness and tension, like the string of a full bow, it will break at any time.

Shi Qing got up and patted Li Yunxiu's shoulder gently.

"Little Hydrangea, go bake a cake with me."

"it is good."

Li Yunxiu got up and followed Shi Qing to the kitchen.

"They don't like sweets very much, so don't put them in."


Li Yunxiu took out the flour from the refrigerator.

Shi Qing lowered her head and was busy with the cake, and asked, "Little Hydrangea, what's wrong with you and Jin Nanfeng?"


Li Yunxiu paused, then shook his head and smiled, "It's nothing."

"You still want to lie to me? You were born to me. Can I still not tell if you have something on your mind?" Shi Qing frowned, "No

Is it Jin Nanfeng, that is Yu Xi? Did she trouble you? "

"How is it possible." Li Yunxiu shook his head again, "How could she trouble me? Besides, I am not a soft bag.

Son, will not be bullied by her. "

"Then what's the matter with you?" Shi Qing sighed, "It seems that it is because of Jin Nanfeng?"

Seeing that Shi Qing could not be concealed, Li Yunxiu put down the flour in his hand and looked at Shi Qing embarrassedly.

Do you often quarrel? "

Shi Qing froze for a moment, and then laughed, "Yes. It is often noisy. Look at your third uncle and Aunt Ji Xiao, who have been arguing for so many years

Now there is no honest day. Even if it is a husband and wife, no matter how close the relationship is, the two are completely different

Such people are unwilling to polish each other's edges and corners, and naturally there will be a lot of friction, which is normal. "

"What will you and dad quarrel about?"

Shi Qing frowned, thought about it carefully, and then said, "Many, in fact, most of them are small things. For example, he doesn’t

Allow me to cook by myself, but I am bored, so he will be angry. "

"Dad will ignore you for a few days?"

When Shi Qing saw Li Yunxiu's question, she realized, "Little Hydrangea, are you and Jin Nanfeng in a cold war?"

Li Yunxiu didn't know how to answer, just smiled faintly, "I don't know if we are in a cold war."

In Li Yunxiu’s view, perhaps this is not a bad thing. Both she and Jin Nanfeng’s tempers are too stubborn and not direct.

Suddenness is the best.


Li Yunxiu thought of the lipstick mark again, and his heart felt like a huge stone.

"The Cold War hurts feelings the most." Shi Qing sighed at this time, "Little Hydrangea, if there is any contradiction, you must

Speak out and let him know how you feel. If many things are kept in your heart, they will change over time.

Dao, when the time comes, there will be no way to speak. "

How many feelings are consumed in the endless cold war, even if at the end one of them regrets wanting

It is too late to repent.

"Little Hydrangea, you have grown up, I believe you can handle the matter between you and Jin Nanfeng." Shi

Qing smiled, "Chenchen stay with me tonight, you go back alone, be obedient, and have a good relationship with Jin Nanfeng

Talk about it, if he is still very angry, you might as well be soft. "

"I am right."

Li Yunxiu frowned, obviously that man was jealous.

"Is right and wrong in marriage that important?" Shi Qing shook her head, "You just do what I say, trust me, most

The number of men has no resistance to this trick. "

Shi Qing repeatedly asked, and Li Yunxiu nodded thoughtfully and agreed.

After lunch, Li Yunxiu went back to the villa alone.

I wanted to call Jin Nanfeng to get him back early in the evening, but when it was the last step, Li Yunxiu was still timid.

Now, what should I do if the woman who answers the phone is still?

Thinking of this, Li Yunxiu no longer had the courage to contact Jin Nanfeng. After taking a shower, Li Yunxiu was almost lying on the bed.

Turn toss and turn.

After thinking about it, she couldn't help contacting Yang Yun.

"Miss Li?"

"Yang Yun, it's me, I want to ask, what is Nan Feng doing now?"

"Brother Jin is filming, you may not be free to find him for the time being. There are still three scenes to be filmed tonight, and one underwater

It is estimated that I will go back very late. "


Li Yunxiu was bored.

"Then I will hang up if Miss Li has nothing to do. It's busy here. Brother Jin will call me anytime."

"Okay..." Li Yunxiu just said a word, but thought of something, and stopped him, "By the way, Yang Yun, Jin Nanfeng today

Where have you been... Have you seen anyone? "

"No, I went to the crew early in the morning, and all the people I saw were from the crew."

Yang Yun was very confused, "What's wrong with you, Miss Li? Did you ask Jin Ge for something? I'll tell Jin Ge later..."

"It’s okay, I just want to ask him if he wants to come back for dinner tonight. If he doesn’t eat, I won’t keep him the meal.

It's food...other...nothing, don't tell him that he called, that's it, goodbye. "

Li Yunxiu finished speaking in one breath, and hung up the phone busy.

The palms are all sweat because of a guilty heart.

Jin Nanfeng is on the crew all day, so why would a woman pick up his cell phone? Is it an actress?

Li Yunxiu's heart shrank instantly.

As if thinking of something, I hurried to the study and turned on the computer.

Go to check the crew of Jin Nanfeng.

The movie Jin Nanfeng is currently making is just recently launched. Jin Nanfeng plays a policeman in it, and the heroine is a

A 17-year-old newcomer, Ai Yutong, is said to have a good family background, and her evaluation on the Internet is also quite good.

Young, beautiful, and innocent, such a girl seems to be the most unusual and beautiful in the entertainment industry.

No one will dislike the fantasy.

If you continue to read, you can still see the news that Jin Nanfeng gave Ai Yutong a gift from the media, and you can even see two

Group photo of individuals.

In the photo, Ai Yutong smiled in the brilliant sunshine, leaning slightly on Jin Nanfeng’s body, which was more than this triumphant V shape, and

Jin Nanfeng smiled faintly, putting a hand gently on Ai Yutong's shoulder.

Li Yunxiu doesn't care much about the entertainment industry. It is only until today that she understands that this photo is being used by fans.

It has been reposted hundreds of thousands of times, and the comments below are almost all Shiyishui's "good match" "be together"...

Li Yunxiu's brows couldn't help but frowned.

Looking further down, it is a video of Jin Nanfeng and Ai Yutong interviewed by the media.

Li Yunxiu opened it easily.

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