Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1255: Ai Yutong's true identity

Chapter 1255 Ai Yutong's True Identity

"So you just go outside and casually recognize your sister to retaliate against me, right?"

Li Yunxiu's eyes were red, and tears filled his eyes.

Thinking of him holding hands with Ai Yutong and entering the crew, he was pushed to the cold ground, and he could only watch.

Seeing them walk in, Li Yunxiu felt uncomfortable for a while, unable to breathe.

"What kind of sister?" Jin Nanfeng froze for a moment, and then reacted, "You mean Ai Yutong?"

Seeing Li Yun embroidered scarlet eyes, Jin Nanfeng laughed out loud, "She is my cousin."

"What? Your cousin? Then why is her surname Ai..."

Li Yunxiu's eyes enlarged.

"His father is my uncle. He took his wife and daughter to settle abroad a few years ago. My uncle and aunt are very affectionate and gave birth.

Two children, the first is named Jin, and the second is my aunt's last name, Ai Yutong. "Jin Nanfeng didn't think about it

At this point, Li Yunxiu misunderstood, and smiled helplessly, "That little girl has to go to the country to develop, my uncle asked me more

Take care of her. She doesn't want to disclose the relationship between the two of us. She also likes to make jokes, so the media misunderstood. "

Jin Nanfeng smiled, "The little girl has never had any hardship since she was a child, and she was raised in the hands. I am really worried about her personality.

It's good to be bullied in the entertainment circle, or to deter those stinky men in the entertainment circle. "

Hearing Jin Nanfeng’s explanation, Li Yunxiu realized that he had misunderstood, and actually thought of the relationship between the two of them like that...

Her cheeks were slightly red, very embarrassing.

Jin Nanfeng stared at Li Yunxiu with scorching eyes, lowered his voice, "Qi Yi and you are not related yet, I am

You can’t eat vinegar. Yutong is my serious cousin. You’re so jealous, Li Yunxiu, do you think

Are you a little overbearing and unreasonable? "As he said, Jin Nanfeng's brows frowned, "How do you say that sentence?

Now, only the state official is allowed to set fire, what is not allowed? "

Li Yunxiu was even more embarrassed. She was so ashamed that she could hardly face Jin Nanfeng.

"I don't know... I don't know... She is your cousin."

Li Yunxiu defended himself with no confidence.

"Well, you don't know." Jin Nanfeng nodded, "Actually I am very happy. You will be jealous, which means you care about me."

Li Yunxiu's face is even redder, so Jin Nanfeng will be jealous because of Qi Yi and because he cares about her too much?

"I will keep away from Qi Yi in the future."

Li Yunxiu dared not look at Jin Nanfeng’s eyes, his blush almost dripped blood, "I promise, it must be normal.

Associate. "

"Can you not associate?"

Jin Nanfeng felt a headache when he heard that name.

Li Yunxiu frowned.

"Good, good." Jin Nanfeng compromised again, "Associate with each other, I believe you, but there are some requirements."

"Huh? Request?"

Li Yunxiu was puzzled.

Jin Nanfeng squeezed Li Yunxiu's chin and gave the order, his eyes were full of majesty, his tone was arrogant, without any discussion.

Leeway, "You must notify me in advance of what you do with him."


"It's not allowed to go to the movies, eat, go shopping, and do things that couples can do without permission."


"I can't help but answer my phone when I'm with him."

"Oh..." Li Yunxiu just responded, and then suddenly remembered something, and looked at Jin Nanfeng angrily, "Neither do you

Don't answer my phone, even if you are at work, let Yang Yun contact me..."

Jin Nanfeng paused, and then asked, "When will I not answer your call?"

"On the second day you left, I called you, and a woman picked it up."


Jin Nanfeng paused and reacted quickly, "It may be a staff member. My mobile phone may have fallen into

Makeup room. "

"What's the matter with the hickey on that dress?"

Li Yunxiu's eyes turned red when he thought of the bright red lipstick mark, and asked him dumbly, "Are you?

Really spent the night with a woman? Did you go to find a woman? "

"That's fake."

Jin Nanfeng quickly wiped her tears, "It's not true. I was so angry that night, I think you care about that.

Qi Yi, so he pulled Lu Fang to drink. Tell Lu Fang about this. "

Li Yunxiu listened to Jin Nanfeng's explanation with red eyes.

"Later, Lu Fang said that I was too used to you and spoiled you. He wanted me to reinvigorate my husband, so I was on the spot.

Let a lady who accompany the wine kiss on my collar, saying that going home like this will definitely let you talk to me obediently

apologize. "Jin Nanfeng's eyes were full of regrets, "I had a fever in my brain at the time, so I just..."

Li Yunxiu couldn't help being amused by him.

"Jin Nanfeng, you are really naive."

"Then what else can I do? Who makes you little **** always anger me with Qi Yi."

Jin Nanfeng frowned, looking a little bit angrily, his voice suddenly lowered, like a nightmare that could not get away.

Swing in Li Yunxiu's ears.

"Also, if I wanted to find a woman, would I have to go there? Do you know how long I haven't had a woman?"

Regardless of the blush on Li Yunxiu's face, Jin Nanfeng continued, "Six months and fourteen days."

Li Yunxiu's heart "puff puff puff" almost popped out of his throat.

Jin Nanfeng seems to have endless "complaints", "You women have no desires. We men are different, Little Hydrangea,

For you, I have worked very hard. If you don’t forgive me, forget it, and you’ve wronged me to find a woman outside. Tell me

Look, are you too much? "

Li Yunxiu's face became stiff, even less dare to look at Jin Nanfeng.

"I didn't tell you not to look for it... If you can't hold back anymore, just go."

"Then I guess I will be frustrated by your family."

Jin Nanfeng thought of Li Beixun and Li Yunjin, but felt a chill in his back.

"Hurry up and let me go, it's really heavy."

Li Yunxiu had difficulty breathing.

Jin Nanfeng lifted her body slightly and let her go.

"The servant said, you had a fever last night."

"Well, a low-grade fever, it's all right."

"You didn't notify me."

Jin Nanfeng frowned tighter.

"I..." Li Yunxiu smiled, "It was too late at that time, and it shouldn't be a problem. It doesn't matter if I go alone."

"Then what do you want my husband to do?"

Jin Nanfeng looked at Li Yunxiu angrily.

"When I had a fever, you didn't let me go to the hospital alone. It doesn't matter if I get to you?" Jin Nanfeng

Looking at her sternly.


"Don't do this again in the future."

"Yeah." Li Yunxiu nodded with a red face.

Seeing this, Jin Nanfeng held her hand again, "Then we two are reconciled, isn't it?"

"Well, that's it." Li Yunxiu looked at him, frowning, "Don't fight with me anymore."

"I know, it won't be anymore, but I was really angry at that time." Jin Nanfeng embraced her delicate shoulders.

Let her lean in her arms, "I finally solved Yu Xi’s matter. I want to see you and tell the news.

You want to kiss you, but... you are busy celebrating another man's birthday..."

Thinking of everything that happened that day, Jin Nanfeng's chest was still violently ups and downs.

"Yu Xi's matter is resolved?"

Li Yunxiu looked at him in surprise, "What did you do to her?"

"What can I do to her?" Jin Nanfeng knocked on her head. "What kind of look is that in your eyes, thinking I killed

People set fire? "

"No, I'm just surprised."

"I found a lawyer. If she doesn't want to leave, I will sue her. She agreed to take the money and leave with the child.

"She actually agreed?"

Yu Xi's eyes full of hatred appeared in his mind, and Li Yunxiu couldn't believe it.

"She has no background, and she is leaning on my mother alone. My mother has also treated her since she knew she was threatening me secretly.

Very disgusted, she has nothing, leaving is the best ending. "

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