Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1256: Soft legs

Chapter 1256


Li Yunxiu nodded, as if thinking of something, "Will you be reluctant?"

"Huh? What can't you bear?"

Jin Nanfeng smiled disdainfully, "Yu Xi is still that kid?"

"Of course it is the child." Li Yunxiu glared at him, "I heard your mother say last time that it was probably a daughter."

He knows best that Jin Nanfeng wants a daughter.

"Anyway, you will give birth to me in the future. I can't bear to do what she does?" Jin Nanfeng's voice dropped abruptly, "I

The only blessing to her is to hope that she will not be treacherous and lowly like her mother. "

"Ears and eyes may be very difficult."

"That's nothing to do with me, I only care about things related to your Li Yun embroidery."

Li Yunxiu smiled embarrassedly, and pushed him away, "Okay, don't get tired of it. You will stay in the movie to say those words.

Go, it's not too nauseous. I'm going to pick up Chenchen from the presidential palace. Are you going? "

"No hurries?"

How could Jin Nanfeng let off Li Yun embroidery so easily, and he pulled Li Yun embroidery back and pressed it again.

Under the body.

"what are you doing?"

Li Yunxiu was dragged around, really dizzy.

"I solved Yu Xi's matter. How are you thinking about your promise to me?"

Li Yunxiu paused, and quickly realized what Jin Nanfeng was talking about.

The misunderstanding is resolved, and everything that should be said is said. It’s time to let go of him and accept him again.

He touched himself.

Thinking of this, Li Yunxiu simply grabbed Jin Nanfeng by the collar and took the initiative to kiss Jin Nanfeng.

Jin Nanfeng's body stiffened slightly, and a huge surprise flashed under his eyes.

She didn't say a word, but her initiative had already told him the answer he wanted most.

Jin Nan stayed quietly, letting her kiss herself tenderly.

Li Yunxiu's kissing skills were terrible, like a young girl who had just begun to have a passion for her first time.

The scratching of his boots aroused Jin Nanfeng’s greater appetite, but he was very patient, even though his body had already been reversed.

Yes, but he still quietly enjoyed the kiss offered by Li Yunxiu.

Such opportunities are not many.

Every minute and every second is worthy of his collection.

Until the end, Li Yunxiu had no strength.

Seeing Li Yunxiu's soft voice, Jin Nanfeng couldn't help but curl his lips, "Why, I'm running out of strength?"

Li Yunxiu was very embarrassed.

"Then change me."

After Jin Nanfeng finished speaking, he directly buckled Li Yunxiu's head and kissed her lips fiercely, which was different from Li Yunxiu

Water-like shallow kisses, Jin Nanfeng’s this one touched the fuel oil like a spark, it was hot, overwhelming, and

The air was burning wildly hot.

Li Yunxiu hurried himself like a drowning fish, longing for the air, but was pulled deeper and deeper by Jin Nanfeng until he finally followed

Let him sink together.

I don't know how long it took, Jin Nanfeng let her go, his eyes flashed with expectation and caution.

When he opened his mouth, he realized that his voice was trembling slightly, "Can you? Little Hydrangea..."

Li Yunxiu's face turned redder, and he almost got into the quilt in embarrassment.

This is the point where he still asks himself this kind of question, is he an idiot?

In Jin Nanfeng's scorching gaze, Li Yunxiu finally nodded gently and whispered "um".

Jin Nanfeng got permission, just like a cheetah who had been given instructions, and instantly rushed over—

Facts have proved that men cannot be hungry for too long. Jin Nanfeng, who has not been satisfied for half a year, is like a tireless

The sleepy beast toss Li Yunxiu from the bed to the bathroom, the floor desk...

Li Yunxiu no longer knew when she lost consciousness. When she woke up again, it was already afternoon.

It's four o'clock.

She and Jin Nanfeng have been together for a whole day!

She chanted a couple of "crimes, sins," and quickly got up. Just when her toes touched the bottom, she "pushed" because of her soft legs.

Kneeled on the ground.

"This bastard, has he never had a woman?"

Li Yun was embarrassed, so he stood up hard while holding on to the wall, and then went downstairs to look for Jin after his body eased slightly.

south wind.

There are guests at home. A strange woman is sitting on the sofa with her back to Li Yunxiu and is talking to Jin Nanfeng.

From time to time, you can hear a pleasant laugh.

Li Yunxiu was surprised who it was, Jin Nanfeng was already smiling, "Little Hydrangea, come here."

When the girl heard the sound, she turned her head and looked over, and Li Yunxiu recognized it instantly.

Ai Yutong.

That cousin of Jin Nanfeng.

"My sister-in-law."

Ai Yutong smiled sweetly at Li Yunxiu.

"Hello there."

Li Yunxiu's complexion turned red, and he walked quickly to Jin Nanfeng's face, reproaching him, "Your sister is here, why not

Go call me..."

So she did not wake up until this point.

It's so embarrassing, does Ai Yutong think she is such a lazy woman?

"She came here suddenly."

Jin Nanfeng held her hand and smiled softly.

"Brother, you don't write drafts when you lie?" Ai Yutong shouted dissatisfied on the spot when he heard Jin Nanfeng's words.

"Obviously you called me, saying that my sister-in-law had misunderstood, and asked me to come over and explain to my sister-in-law how to get there

If your mouth becomes my own, and the sister-in-law is your little baby, am I not your pet

Are you in love? "

"Where do you come from so much nonsense?" Jin Nanfeng glanced at Ai Yutong dissatisfied, "Why are you here?

What? Leave as soon as you finish. "

Ai Yutong was irritated by Jin Nanfeng, and simply ignored Jin Nanfeng, ran to Li Yunxiu's side, and pulled Li Yunxiu over.

"Sister-in-law, don’t listen to the nonsense of the media reporters. Jin Nanfeng is my cousin. I just signed a new company. I still need

I need a certain amount of topics, and after a while, my relationship with my cousin will be disclosed. Ai Yutong blinked, very

I'm sorry, "I'm sorry, sister-in-law, I misunderstood you."

"You don't have to apologize, it's my fault... I don't understand anything, I just thought about it."

"So it's Jin Nanfeng's fault."

Ai Yutong is very determined.


Jin Nanfeng frowned, "What does this have to do with me?"

"It's not that you haven't given my sister-in-law enough security. If my sister-in-law feels safe, you will definitely not doubt me.

what. So it's your fault. "

Jin Nanfeng: "..."

Li Yunxiu was amused, this Ai Yutong is really interesting.

"Ai Yutong, don't talk nonsense in front of your sister-in-law, don’t you feel insecure enough? Yes, I’ll find someone to tell me this afternoon.

The relationship between the two. "

Ai Yutong immediately rushed to Jin Nanfeng's face with tears and tears, "Brother, no, I have to talk to

You continue to hype, you want to expose it, your subordinates are merciful, can't I make a mistake? I'm going far away now. "

After finishing talking, Ai Yutong grabbed her high-end leather bag and ran out, not forgetting to wave at Li Yunxiu before leaving.

"Sister-in-law, I will come to play with you another day."

After speaking, the little girl slipped away.

"Yutong is very cute."

Li Yunxiu smiled.

"Cute ghost, her sister is much more stable." Jin Nanfeng looked at Li Yunxiu seriously, "In the future, our girl

The child must not be like this. "

"Daughter?" Li Yunxiu paused, then smiled, "That is still a long time ago..."

"Where is it so long?" Jin Nanfeng leaned against her ear, his deep voice wrapped in strong penetrating power, "I am

After doing it four times, no measures were taken once, maybe you have it now. "

Li Yunxiu's face turned red at once, and she knew why her feet were soft

"You beast!"

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