Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1257: What did you promise me?

Chapter 1257 What Did You Promise Me?

Li Yunxiu pushed Jin Nanfeng away fiercely.

"Sorry, I really miss you so much, so I can't help it."

Jin Nanfeng put his arms around Li Yunxiu's waist and leaned his head up, "Hurry up and get pregnant."

Seeing his reluctance, Li Yunxiu poured cold water over again, "Even if she is pregnant, she is not necessarily a daughter. Is it

Don't you want my son? "

"It's still necessary..." Jin Nanfeng frowned, thinking of Chenchen that little devil, one head became two bigger, "If the second child

Still a son, you will work harder for that little hydrangea, we will give birth to the third..."

"Think beautiful!"

Li Yunxiu unceremoniously interrupted Jin Nanfeng.

He doesn't know how hard it is to get pregnant, so he can give birth when he wants to.

To give birth to him alone.

"I'm going to pick Chenchen, do you want to go together?"

"Is your brother at home?" Jin Nanfeng asked.

"Should be there, what's the matter?"

"Then I won't go." Jin Nanfeng frowned, "He knows that I didn't accompany you to the hospital. He should have ridiculed him when he saw me."

"You are also afraid of my brother?"

"It's not that I'm afraid, I can't talk back."

Although Li Yunjin was young, he was helpless staring at the identity of his elder brother.

"Then you prepare dinner at home?"

"Well, let the driver take you there. I will wait for you and Chenchen to come back at home."

Li Yunxiu nodded, just about to go upstairs to change clothes, but was suddenly held back by Jin Nanfeng.

"What happened to your legs?"

Li Yunxiu was wearing a nightdress at the moment, and the scratches on his knees were obvious.

If you tell Jin Nanfeng that she was overthrown by the scene outside his crew, Jin Nanfeng will definitely not give up.

Going back to find those two avengers for revenge will cause a lot of trouble, so Li Yunxiu quickly smiled and said, "Nothing.

Well, I just fell accidentally last time, and it's almost good. "

"Such a big person, can you fall while walking? What do you want me to say to you?"

Although it was a reproach, the worry in his tone could not be concealed.

"I will be careful later, I'm leaving."

Li Yunxiu changed his clothes and asked Jin Nanfeng's driver to take him to the presidential palace.

When Shi Qing saw Li Yunxiu, she asked how she and Jin Nanfeng were doing. Seeing that Li Yunxiu just blushed and did not speak.

Shi Qing knew that it was mostly reconciled, so she handed Chenchen to Li Yunxiu with confidence.

"Is Dad at home tonight?"

In the car, Chen Chen was already excitedly asking Li Yunxiu.

Li Yunxiu looked at Chen Chen with some reproach.

The little guy grows up to seven years old, and the time to see Jin Nanfeng is really too little. How can a child do that every time he sees his father

So excited...

After touching Chenchen's head lightly, Li Yunxiu replied, "Yes, Dad is preparing dinner for us."

"Um..." Chenchen's brows frowned immediately, "but Dad cooks so badly."

"Why? Dad has made progress." Li Yunxiu smiled, "I can't say that Dad cooking is unpalatable later, or else later

Dad won't cook anymore. "

The little guy didn’t understand, “It’s a good thing to stay away from the kitchen, like a dad who can’t cook.”


Li Yunxiu found that he could not find a reason to refute this little guy.

After thinking and thinking, Li Yunxiu reluctantly said, "If you say that Dad’s cooking is not good, Dad will be very sad.

Yes, Chenchen doesn't want to make my father sad, right? "


"So I will eat up all the food later."

"Okay. Chen Chen worked hard."

The little guy shrugged helplessly.

When the car arrived at the villa, Chen Chen couldn't wait to open the car door and jumped down.


Li Yunxiu asked.

Chenchen had already rushed through the door.

Just when Li Yunxiu was about to walk in, his hands rang.

She lowered her head and glanced at it. There was a string of numbers on it, but it was not completely unfamiliar. It seemed to be where it was.

Seen it here.

Li Yunxiu frowned, then remembered.

"Yu Xi..."

Why would Yu Xi call her?

Didn't she take Jin Nanfeng's money and leave?

How could... look for her at this time?

With countless questions, Li Yunxiu held the phone to his ear.


She said faintly.

"Li Yunxiu, can you come out and meet?"

Yu Xi's voice came over the phone.

Li Yunxiu frowned, "Yu Xi, between the two of us... there should be no need to meet."

Things have reached this point, what can they say when they meet?

"Yu Xi, take the money and take this child to live a good life. I sincerely wish you a good future and I also wish

Fu, you can foresee a person who truly loves you. "

"Li Yunxiu, I still want to see you." I don't know why, Yu Xi's attitude is very firm, "You should know

Now, Nanfeng gave me a sum of money, and I will leave the imperial capital soon..."

Yu Xi's voice suddenly sank, as if a little sad, "If nothing happens, I think I will

Will not come back again, just as we see the last time, can it? I still have something to say to you. "

Li Yunxiu was silent, and then asked softly, "When?"

"The day after tomorrow. At six o'clock in the evening the day after tomorrow, I will wait for you at Nangang Pier."


Li Yunxiu paused. To be honest, after the incident in Yuhe Town, she felt an uncontrollable feeling towards the port and pier.


"Well, I plan to go to Australia. On the ship the next night, my body is not suitable for flying. I want to see you before I leave.

Your side. "

"I know."

"Also, don't tell Jin Nanfeng, I want to tell you these things alone."

"Okay. See you then."

Yu Xi hung up the phone.

Then Li Yunxiu walked into the villa.

"What's wrong?" Jin Nanfeng asked.

"It's nothing, my friend called." Li Yunxiu did not tell Jin Nanfeng about Yu Xi, for fear that he would continue to ask.

Change the subject quickly, "What to eat tonight?"

"Boiled chicken soup." Jin Nanfeng took Li Yunxiu to the kitchen, as if asking for credit, pointing at the "gudugudu"

Pan, "Not bad, right?"

"Uh... what is this layer?"

Li Yunxiu pointed at the red thing floating on it.

"Goji berries."

"Gou..." Jin Nanfeng's eyes widened, "I'm sorry, please say aside, what is this?"

"Chinese wolfberry...what's wrong?"

Jin Nanfeng frowned.

"I read it on the Internet, and they said it's very unhealthy."

Li Yunxiu: "..."

"What's wrong, don't you like it?"

Jin Nanfeng was a little frustrated, "Then I will fall."

"Forget it, that's it, eat it as a medicated diet."

Li Yunxiu picked up the spoon, gently scooped a spoonful, and tasted it by his mouth.

In Jin Nanfeng's expectant gaze, his face changed without giving face, and then he held his forehead helplessly, "It's still...

Jin Nanfeng: "..."

In order to prevent Chenchen from having a psychological shadow on the food, Li Yunxiu finally decided to take Jin Nanfeng and Chenchen out for dinner.

The three of them went to a Hong Kong-style restaurant near the villa, and walked along the lake after eating. They came back completely after dark.

Chenchen fell asleep after a day of trouble. After taking a bath, Li Yunxiu asked Jin Nanfeng who was reading a magazine, "You want to

To the crew? "


"Will you be back late?"

"There will be a night scene tomorrow night, I guess it will be later." Jin Nanfeng looked at her, "What's wrong?"

"I'm going out to meet a friend tomorrow afternoon..."

Jin Nanfeng's face changed instantly.

The hands holding the magazine tightened vigorously.


Li Yunxiu was expressionless.

"Oh, then go. You should also go out and play with friends. Buy whatever you like, and swipe my card if you don't have enough money."

Li Yunxiu looked at him here and there without silver three hundred taels, and deliberately teased him, "Okay, let Qi Yi come out to accompany me tomorrow.

Go shopping. "

Jin Nanfeng's eyes dimmed, and the magazine in his hand was thrown aside, and when he reached out, he pulled Li Yunxiu over and pressed him down.

Next, "What did you promise me last time? Did you forget?"

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