Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1259: Don't care about me

Chapter 1259: Don't Care About Me

"Hey, I see this kid is very familiar with it. It seems to be the end of a variety show with Jin Nanfeng before.

The kid on the show, right? "

"When you said that, I remembered it too. The eyes are blue, isn't it him?"

"I rely on, so Jin Nanfeng was recording the show with his own son? No wonder people say that they are the two most

It's like a father and son. People who have been doing it for a long time are really serious fathers and sons. "

"If you want me to say, this child's mother must still be the one that Jin Nanfeng announced at the beginning." The speaker was very determined.

"Didn't Jin Nanfeng just make that one public? If this child wasn't born to Jin Nanfeng and her, Jin Nanfeng would not be so.

Take this child seriously. "


At this time, Yang Yun came out from inside and heard the voice of the group of people. She coughed a little bit displeasedly.

Wu immediately changed his face, pretending that nothing happened and left to do his own thing.

Jin Nanfeng has two scenes in the morning.

Ai Yutong did not come today, and it was the second man who was playing with him.

The relationship between the actor who plays the second male and Jin Nanfeng is pretty good. The two have cooperated several times and they have a good understanding.

High, basically no ng, two scenes are over.

Jin Nanfeng usually stays in place to talk to young newcomers in the crew, but today Chenchen is on the set, he thought

I'm always not at ease, so I went back to the lounge to find the little guy when it was over.

The little guy is looking at the tablet computer attentively, holding potato chips that he doesn't know who bought it.

Seeing that the little guy's cheeks were bulging, Jin Nanfeng frowned and walked over, "You should eat less junk snacks."

"Just this time, Chenchen hasn't eaten potato chips for a long time."

Chenchen held the bag of potato chips tightly, for fear that Jin Nanfeng would grab it.

Jin Nanfeng chuckled helplessly.

Just about to talk, the phone rang suddenly, and when I took it out, it turned out that Li Yunxiu was calling.

The fundus of the eyes instantly melted and opened a trace of tenderness, and I put it in my ear without thinking about it.

"Woke up?"

Li Yunxiu's voice looked embarrassing, "No one wakes me up..."

"It's okay, it doesn't matter if you sleep longer. I'll let the servant not call you."

"Don't do this in the future, it will disrupt my plan." Li Yunxiu was a little helpless, she originally thought that the father and son would not

Now, she can find time to visit her brother’s company, and then discuss with her brother about her plans for work.

But it's better now, it's all this point, the time agreed with Li Yunjin has already passed.

"Where is Chenchen?"

"Beside me, it's been fine all morning. Want to talk to him on the phone?"

"No, just take care of him."

"Yeah. I might be back later in the evening."

"After I meet my friends, I will go to the crew to find you and Chenchen, and go home with you."

"Okay, call me when I get to the crew, and I will let Yang Yun go out to pick you up."


"Then I wait for you."

Li Yunxiu hung up the phone, then got up to change clothes and wash.

At three in the afternoon, Li Yunxiu went to Li Yunjin's company.

"Miss Li, President Li is in a meeting now, it will take about forty minutes to end. You can wait a while."

The secretary smiled at Li Yunxiu politely.

"Well, you can do your job, don't care about me."

Li Yunxiu let the secretary out.

Li Yunjin’s office was obviously renovated. It was not like this when she came last time. She went to the book

In front of the shelf, his gaze slowly swept across the book above, but suddenly he noticed a CD-ROM between the book and the book.

It turned out to be a music album of a folk singer.

Behind the music album, there is also a piggy pattern drawn with a black marker.

"When did Li Yunjin become interested in this kind of thing?"

Her good brother, except for work, sees air.

Li Yunxiu faintly felt that this album was probably something of a woman.

Brother's girlfriend?

This thought flashed through Li Yunxiu’s head, it’s normal for my brother’s age to have a girlfriend, I don’t know.

What amazing woman can conquer my brother's heart...

Li Yunxiu put the CD into the DVD player in the office, and soon the singer’s clear and affectionate voice, like a mountain

A Wang Qingquan makes people fascinated.

Li Yunxiu gradually became a little quiet in such a voice, and she became groggy when the heating in the office was too much.

Shen, she actually leaned on the sofa and fell asleep unconsciously.

"Li Yunxiu, get me up."

In a daze, Li Yunxiu seemed to hear Li Yunjin's voice, opened his eyes and saw that it was Li Yunjin who finished opening.

Will be back.

The well-tailored blue handmade suit, condensing majesty, is looking at herself with a frown, obviously dissatisfied with her

I dozed off in my office.

"Have you finished the meeting?"

"If you want to go to bed, go home and sleep. I am not here for you to sleep." Li Yunjin frowned tightly.

"Who made you have a meeting for too long? I'm bored."

"I waited for you for two hours in the morning and didn't say anything boring." Li Yunjin walked to the DVD player and pulled out the disc.

"Brother, this album is pretty good, can you give it to me?"

Li Yunjin's expression was stunned, then he looked back at Li Yunxiu coldly, and was very decisive, "Don't even think about it."

Li Yunxiu "hum", "The president of the dignified Li Group, can't even give away an album? Li Yunjin,

You are too stingy. "

"I can buy as many copies as you want, this one is impossible."

Li Yunjin put the album away, carefully put it back in the gap between the books on the shelf, frowning, "Without my permission

Don't mess with my things. "

Li Yunxiu raised his eyebrows, deliberately revealing a gossip look, which was meaningful, "Which woman gave it to you?"

"What's your business? If it's okay, leave as soon as possible, and don't hang around with me."

Seeing that Li Yunjin’s face was getting worse and worse, Li Yunxiu shrugged helplessly. Then he said back to business, "Brother, I want to register

A small company. "

"Huh? Why are you making trouble?" Li Yunjin loosened his tie, and squinted at Li Yunxiu coolly. "Cafe, Huahua

Store, branch... Haven't you played enough yet? "

"Where am I playing?" Li Yunxiu was very aggrieved. "No matter the flower shop or the coffee shop, I am very serious about it.

Do it, but now I’m not in Xiacheng, the flower shop is transferred to someone else, and I don’t need my help over the cafe..."

"Then you can honestly go back to your husband and son."

Li Yunjin interrupted Li Yunxiu impatiently.

"You know I am not that kind of woman at all."

Li Yunxiu became a little angry.

Sitting on the sofa angrily, his face turned pale.

She never wanted to be the woman hiding behind Jin Nanfeng, and didn’t want people to think she was just Jin Nanfeng’s subsidiary

Pin, since childhood, parents have been teaching her that girls must be independent and self-reliant, even if they are wives and mothers, they must

You must have a job and career that belongs to you, so that others will truly respect you and achieve a strong personality.

Although she feels that Jin Nanfeng will respect herself even if she does not work, but she is still so young and slow

Growing up slowly, she still wants to keep herself busy.

Seeing that Li Yunxiu had a temper, Li Yunjin sighed helplessly, got up and walked to her and sat down.

Her voice was a bit low, as if she was coaxing her, "Don’t be angry, I’m just joking, let’s talk about it.

what happened. "

Li Yunxiu said, “When I passed by the west of the city last time, I found that there were many elderly people there.

According to the investigation, their age is generally between 50 and 60 years old. Therefore, the children and grandchildren are not around, so the old life is very

alone. "

Li Yunxiu paused, and then said, "During my investigation, I discovered that many of them actually wanted to continue.

Continue to work, but few companies are willing to hire them at their age. "

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