Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1260: What will be the reaction?

Chapter 1260 What will be the reaction?

Li Yunjin listened quietly, his sister, she didn't lose to him in the business mind, and she was a woman.

He, she discovered more deeply in some ways.

"I plan to open a small rental company and hire these people as drivers. The problem of difficulty in taking taxis in the Imperial City has already arisen.

It’s been several years. Firstly, this problem can be alleviated. Secondly, these people's wages will not be too high. Instead, they will be given

Our high social welfare makes them more satisfied. what do you think? "

Li Yunjin nodded, "The idea is good, but there are many difficulties in implementation. They all drive

? If not, do you have to go for training in advance? Can they learn well at their age? "

"You can rest assured that the company will only start small at the beginning. I don't intend to make big regulations at the beginning.

For the elderly who can't drive, I will offer positions in related industries. "

"Okay, do it if you have an idea, tell me what is missing, is the preliminary funds enough?"

"It doesn't matter, I have a deposit, it is not enough. I will ask Jin Nanfeng for it."

"I'll let the assistant transfer you two million later. If your family can help you, don't let Jin Nanfeng help you."

"I know, there's no shortage of money for the time being. Leave your two million to my sister-in-law."

Li Yunxiu couldn't help joking.

"Don't talk nonsense, be careful I hit you."

"Yeah, turn your anger into anger, Li Yunjin, don't worry, I won't tell my parents."

"Hurry up."

Li Yunjin became more impatient.

Li Yunxiu left numbly.

After Li Yunxiu left the company, he drove to the port arranged by Yuxi.

She arrived earlier than the prescribed time, but she did not expect that Yu Xi had already arrived.

She wore loose maternity clothes with a big belly and a heavy suitcase beside her.

Yang's man was frowning and whispering something to her, there seemed to be an imploring gesture between his brows.

However, on the contrary, Yu Xi's expression seemed very impatient.

"Yu Xi."

Li Yunxiu walked over.

The man glanced at Li Yunxiu, his eyes were a little different, he looked like he wanted to talk.

As soon as Li Yunxiu wanted to ask what happened, Yu Xi spoke first, "Wang Ming, you send your luggage on board first."

The man hesitated, but finally dragged the box on a small cruise ship under Yu Xi's threatening eyes.

"His name is Wang Ming, and he is a good friend of mine." Yu Xi smiled faintly, "He has liked me for many years."

Li Yunxiu paused. She didn't quite understand why Yu Xi wanted to tell herself this kind of thing, but she still replied lightly.

"He seems to be an honest person worth relying on. Perhaps choosing him will end up better than choosing Jin Nanfeng."

"I don't need you to teach me. You want to choose someone you don't love. Are you willing?" Yu Xi sneered, "Of course I know the choice.

Choosing Wang Ming's ending is much better, but who is really willing to give up the person he likes? "

Li Yunxiu was silent. She admitted that she was much luckier than Yu Xi, and she got everything she wanted most.

"Although Wang Ming is honest, he didn't accomplish anything. Apart from being honest, he has no other advantages."

Some disdain, "Just like Jin Nanfeng, you will never say that he is honest."

That man has countless advantages, each of which is more important than "honest".

Li Yunxiu did not answer Yu Xi’s words, she just listened quietly, love is a cruel thing, she will not treat Jin

Nan Feng handed over to others, but couldn't be proud of it as a winner.

At this moment, it would be better to be a listener.

"Li Yunxiu, I used to think I could beat you." Yu Xi's voice was a little more desolate and bitter, "I am very

Not reconciled, I obviously spent more time and effort than you, you did nothing, but relaxed

Got him. "

"It's not that I did nothing."

Li Yunxiu finally interrupted her and smiled softly, "I have loved him for almost 20 years."

Yu Xi's pupils dilated slightly.

Li Yunxiu looked towards the sea far away, and his thoughts drifted away, "When I was very young, I was on TV.

When I saw him by accident, I liked him. My parents disagreed, so I ran away and didn't go home once in five years...

Give birth to a child so hard by can it be said that it is easy? "Li Yunxiu's eyes are somewhat ironic," feelings

On the other side, whoever touches the heart first is the loser. Because he likes a person too much, it will always work hard. "

At best, she was just a little luckier than Yu Xi.

After listening to it, Yu Xi nodded thoughtfully.

Then he took a breath and looked at her, "Li Yunxiu, do you believe in eternal love in this world?"


Li Yunxiu frowned, she didn't quite understand the purpose of Yu Xi calling herself here today.

She said a lot of things, and she couldn't guess her at all.

"Wang Ming has liked it for seven years, but as long as I give him 10 million to let him leave me, he will nod without hesitation.

Agree, I'm just thinking, if you and Jin Nanfeng will have the same situation? "

Li Yunxiu frowned tighter, "Are you questioning the relationship between me and Nan Feng?"

Jin Nanfeng could not even kill for her, and she was sure that she could do the same.

"I believe that even if Jin Nanfeng died, you wouldn't have an accident." Yu Xi seemed to agree, and then he nodded.

Silk sneered, her eyes were cold, and there was unnoticeable hatred spreading silently, "It's really enviable, Li Yunxiu,

Good background, so beautiful, and there is a man who is willing to give his life for you, your existence is really too tempting

Tired. "

Li Yunxiu said, "Yu Xi, take the money and live a good life with Wang Ming. He loves you very much. You don’t need to envy you.

who. "

"I don't need you to bless me with false feelings, whether you or Jin Nanfeng, I hate it to my bones, and I want to

You are broken into pieces. "

Her naked hatred caused Li Yunxiu's heart to "chuckle" involuntarily, and he subconsciously took two steps back.

Li Yunxiu only felt that he had hit something, and a mask blocked her before he could turn his head.

His mouth and body softened in an instant, and he fell into Wang Ming's arms and lost consciousness.

"She... fainted, what should I do?"

Wang Ming looked around nervously, for fear of being discovered.

"Take her to the boat, the show has just begun."

"Yu Xi, or... let's forget it, this is illegal... we will go to jail..."

"No, when we are done, we will leave and go abroad. Who can catch us?"

Yu Xi sneered, looking at the worry in Wang Ming’s eyes, his expression became more impatient, “Don’t worry, even if the time comes

I won’t get involved with you, I will take care of all things alone. "

Wang Ming is still a little uneasy, just looking at Yu Xi’s expression at the moment, he finally gritted his teeth and lost consciousness.

Li Yunxiu was carried to the previous ship.

This boat was bought directly by Yuxi two days ago with money. The people on the boat are also from Brother Black, so there is almost no

Someone knows what happened when Li Yunxiu appeared.

After Yu Xi got on the boat, Brother Hei came over, "What are you going to do next?"

"Don't worry for now."

Yu Xi smiled faintly, with a dark glow of expectation in his eyes, "I want to see, if he knows Li Yun

What will happen if the embroidery is missing? "

With the kidnapping of Li Yunxiu last time, Jin Nanfeng must have gone crazy with fear, right?

Thinking of this, the dark glow in Yu Xi's eyes became deeper.

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