Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1264: Child is yours

Chapter 1264 The Child Is Yours

Yu Xi's words were like a basin of icy cold water, pouring down his head.

Seeing that the wooden door was closed and the surroundings plunged into thick darkness, Li Yunxiu wanted to calm down in a moment.

But it’s difficult. People really think a lot in this environment. Her brain is filled with all kinds of things.

In the west, Yu Xi wants to attack Jin Nanfeng. She now hopes that Jin Nanfeng will save herself, but also hope that he will not come.

Just when Li Yunxiu didn't know what to do, she suddenly heard another messy footsteps outside.

She panicked and shrank her body to the corner of the cargo box. Before she could hide herself, she saw outside the door.

Three or five men broke in.

The visitor immediately took Li Yunxiu out of the cargo box, turned over and pressed it on the floor.

"let me go!"

Li Yunxiu's chin was pressed against the deck, and the pain caused her to struggle violently.

"Don’t move around. We will leave when we are up. It won’t hurt you. If you move around again, don’t blame us for treating you.

You're welcome. "

Li Yunxiu's heart sank, and the nightmare of Yuhe Town once again swept over her, making her teeth tremble involuntarily, her only

Fortunately, she was tied with a strong rope, and these people couldn't take off her clothes for a while.

At the moment when the rope on his body was cut with a knife, Li Yunxiu exhausted his life’s greatest strength from the ground.

Get up and run crazy towards the wooden door.

"Grab her."

As soon as Li Yunxiu heard the sound, he felt that his hair was grabbed, and he violently pulled it back. The huge inertia made her fall again.

Falling on the board of the hull, the knee seemed to be broken.

"What are you doing?"

Another man walked into the door, frowned and looked at what was happening in front of him, and scolded, "Don’t go too far.

If she has any shortcomings, Yu Xi’s plan will be completely disrupted, and you will not be able to eat it.

Go. "

The people who had come in couldn't help but looked at each other several times, and then pushed each other away.

Li Yunxiu breathed a sigh of relief now, she had vaguely recognized who the person came in.

When he lifted himself up, he smiled gratefully and said "Thank you."

Wang Ming was a little embarrassed and looked quite sorry, "I'm sorry, Miss Li, I actually don't want to do this...

I persuaded Yu Xi for a long time, and I told her not to do such crazy things, but she just wouldn't listen to me, I..."

Wang Ming stumbled and wanted to explain something.

"It's okay." Li Yunxiu knew that Wang Ming was also forced to do so. He loved Yuxi deeply, so naturally he would be passive everywhere and frightened Yuxi.

At the mercy.

But Wang Ming still has a conscience in her heart, which is a good thing for her.

"Wang Ming, do you know where I am now?"

"On a boat." Wang Ming explained quickly, "In two days, Yu Xi will release your position to Jin Nanfeng, she will

Ask Jin Nanfeng to come here alone. "Wang Ming looked around cautiously and said when he saw that there were no people around.

"Everyone on this boat is from Yu Xi. Jin Nanfeng can’t come here. Yu Xi didn’t plan to let you and Jin

Nan Feng walked out alive. "

Li Yunxiu's heart sank suddenly, frowned, and grabbed Wang Ming's hand, "Wang Ming, I beg you, can you help?

I contact people outside and let them..."

"Miss Lu, I'm sorry, I can't betray Yu Xi."

Not surprising Li Yunxiu, Wang Ming decisively rejected Li Yunxiu.

Li Yunxiu was a little unwilling, "Wang Ming, you know exactly what Yu Xi is doing now, and you know me and Jin Nanfeng.

If I die, you will not escape. "

"No." Wang Ming shook his head. "Yu Xi is a very smart woman. You think she just found someone from this boat to come over.

To help her deal with you and Jin Nanfeng? She had found a scapegoat long ago. "

"Wang Ming..."

"I won't help you, Miss Li, sorry."

Wang Ming refused again.

Li Yunxiu's heart tightened and looked at Wang Ming helplessly, "Then can you help me contact Jin Nanfeng, at least... let him

Don't come on this ship. "

"This is simply unnecessary. If Jin Nanfeng knew you were here, I guess Yu Xi hadn't asked for it.

Please, he will come, contact Jin Nanfeng, you will only harm him. "

Wang Ming gently placed the dinner plate in front of Li Yunxiu.

"I have prepared some food for you, Miss Li, you can eat some."

"I have no appetite."

"It's better to eat a little bit. Only when you are full can you have the strength to face it. Then you and Jin Nanfeng will have a line of survival

Hope. "

Li Yunxiu sighed helplessly when Wang Ming said this.

Pick up the chopsticks on the plate.

The food is quite plentiful, with good color, fragrance and taste.

Li Yunxiu hasn't eaten anything since he got here by Yu Xi, he hasn't even drank a drop of water, and he smelled the fragrance of food.

The taste is also hungry.

"Thank you."

She thanked gently, and then began to eat.

"Don't say thank you, I actually regret it, I didn't contact you in advance, maybe I won't let Yu Xi treat you

The opportunity to start. "Wang Ming scratched his hair embarrassedly, looking helpless, "Now things have reached this place.

Step, I can’t stop it, I can only accompany Yu Xi to fool around, but you can rest assured that I

Will come to give you food, and will not let those people hurt you. "

"You will be rewarded for your kindness."

Li Yunxiu was very grateful.

What she worries most is not what Yu Xi does to her, but that what just happened will happen again.

If she is insulted here, how will she face Jin Nanfeng...

Fortunately, Wang Ming could still protect her a little bit. Hearing his assurance, Li Yunxiu was a little relieved.

Wang Ming is a very casual and honest man. When Li Yunxiu is eating, he sits quietly and cross-legged opposite her.

Look at her.

Li Yunxiu couldn't stand the silence, so he asked about Yu Xi.

"How did you and Yu Xi meet?"

"She and I are classmates. She has been a very strong person since she was a child. She refuses to give up easily.

Try to find it, or it will ruin it. "

What is not available will be destroyed. Is this also true for Jin Nanfeng?

A chill flashed across Li Yunxiu's eyes.

Wang Ming knew she wanted to know more, he couldn't help Li Yun embroider too much, his cowardly character, Yu Xi simply couldn't appreciate it.

He, but he still willingly became a puppet controlled by Yu Xi.

"Yu Xi’s parents and Jin Nanfeng’s parents knew each other. Yu Xi’s parents used to be home teachers for Jin Nanfeng.

The two families had some relationship at that time. Yu Xi said that when she was young, her parents took her to Jin

At home, she fell in love with Jin Nanfeng at a glance. Later, her parents passed away one after another, and she always contacted Xin Mei every Chinese New Year.

She has a sweet mouth and looks so gentle and lovely. Many people have been deceived by her appearance. In fact, she... eh. "

What Wang Ming hadn't finished speaking turned into a sigh after all.

"She also has a kind time."

Li Yunxiu nodded. One's growth experience will indeed have a great impact on the future character. She is for Yu Xi

While feeling sorry, I am also very fortunate that I have a parent who loves me so much that I have given her the best and most correct since childhood


"She said the child in her belly belongs to you."

"It's mine." When Wang Ming said this, Wang Ming was obviously excited, his eyes lighted up, "You all have seven pregnant women.

Is it a month? "

Li Yunxiu watched Wang Ming dance with excitement, "Actually, it has been eight months. She had already been in bed with Jin Nanfeng.

After having this child, it is mine. "

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