Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1265: Go to the pier

Chapter 1265

"you sure?"

"Of course, I don’t know what I did? I was there when she falsified the pregnancy test. You want

Don't believe me, when you are safe, you can ask the doctor. "

After Wang Ming said something, he smiled embarrassedly, "Sorry, I forgot that you suppressed

There is no way to get off the boat. "

"It's okay, thank you for telling me this, I am... happy."

She was really happy. The joy temporarily overwhelmed her fear. She remembered the day long, long ago when she was in public

Yuli slept peacefully, and Jin Nanfeng came back.

He hugged himself as if he was about to crush her and press her into his body. With a deep anxiety, he choked and said, "Yes.

Sorry. "

Yu Xi always thought that she had never seen Jin Nanfeng that day. In fact, she wanted to say that she saw me, but she misunderstood

What does Jin Nanfeng’s sorry mean?

But even so, Li Yunxiu was gripped by his heart, and now he understands everything, thinking of his anxiety and pain that day

Suffering, that kind of deep fear, she hurts.

Jin fool.

Why should I admit what I didn’t do...

"I have never known Jin Nanfeng. I only knew him from Yu Xi on TV." Wang Ming said nothing.

Chennai, "He really loves you so much that he can drive Yu Xi a little crazy and become what he is today."

"I know." Li Yunxiu smiled proudly.

"So you will be fine."

Wang Ming seemed to be comforting.

There was a little light in the distance, the sky was white, and the sun was always seen in the depths of the sea.

A new day was about to begin, and Yu Xi didn't know what dangerous things he would do today.

"Miss Li." Wang Ming said suddenly, "Can I ask you something."


"I know that Yu Xi is crazy now. One day, she will pay for what she did, but I can

I can’t beg you, anyway, please forgive our child, I also want him to be in a normal home as soon as he is born

Ting, but... I have no abilities, I love money, and cowardly, I can't stop Yu Xi. "

"I got you."

Before Wang Ming finished speaking, Li Yunxiu nodded gently. Watching Wang Ming leave with the dinner plate, she was helpless


But now, she can't even protect herself, so what's the point of saying those words.

Yu Xi wants her to die, no, not just her, she wants Jin Nanfeng to die with herself.

Jin Nanfeng, you fool, don't be fooled by Yu Xi.

Li Yunxiu could not help closing his eyes and praying silently in his heart.

Jin Nanfeng here is still looking for Li Yun embroidery.

The surveillance video survey has encountered a lot of trouble. Yuxi said that the number of terminal surveillance is too small, there is no

He didn’t know if Yu Xi had seen Li Yunxiu before, or whether Li Yunxiu was genuine.

As Yu Xi said, the two separated after speaking.

Jin Nanfeng didn't want to tell Li Beixun and Shi Qing about this. It was not long since Xiao Xiuqiu was kidnapped last time.

Once again, he really worried that Li Beixun and Shi Qing would go crazy.

After weighing it up, Li Beixun decided to tell Li Yunjin about this first.

He drove directly to Li Yunjin's company.

"Sorry, sir, President Li has ordered, and no one will be seen today."

Jin Nanfeng was stopped at the front desk.

"Help me inform, and say that a gentleman named Jin is looking for him about the little hydrangea."

At such a critical time, if Li Yunjin also dropped the chain, it would really make the situation worse.

The front desk quickly dialed the phone, and then looked sorry again.

"Sorry, Mr. Li still said, no see."

"What is Li Yunjin doing..."

Jin Nanfeng frowned, but could only leave first.

After returning home, Jin Nanfeng felt that his heart was hollowed out, looking at the empty home.

"Mr. Jin." Seeing that Jin Nanfeng looked ugly, the housekeeper was very worried, "Are you okay?"

"Where is Chenchen?"

"This little young master shouldn't wake up yet."

Although hopeless, Jin Nanfeng still asked without giving up, "Have your wife ever called back?"


"I see, you go and rest."

Jin Nanfeng raised his foot and walked upstairs, pushing away Chenchen's bedroom.

The little guy slept very sweetly. He didn't know what was going on, and he was breathing steadily while holding a Pooh bear.

Jin Nanfeng covered him with a quilt, and his eyes were red. He just found the guy’s mommy, and now he is actually

Lost again.

Tomorrow, if he asks where Li Yun embroiders is, how will he explain...

He was speechless at all.

"Ding Dong—"

There was a sudden emotional noise from the phone in my pocket.

Jin Nanfeng pulled Chenchen's quilt, then gently took the bedroom door, walked out quickly, the phone was already

Caught in your hands.

A text message from an unfamiliar number.

At the moment when Li Yunxiu disappeared, any suspicious text message was enough to alert Jin Nanfeng.

Jin Nanfeng frowned and clicked on the text message.

There was only one picture in the message, but it was enough to make Jin Nanfeng anger round his pupils, clenched his fists, and the blue veins on his forehead madly protrude!

There was only a faint beam of light around the dark, projected on the figure in the center, she was quietly

Tied up, lying on the ground with his face down, I can't see how it is.

"Little Hydrangea..."

Is she still alive?

Jin Nanfeng mentioned his throat with his heart, and immediately dialed the phone number.

Unfortunately, the phone has been turned off.

Jin Nanfeng sent the number to a friend at the police station again, and found that it was just an unregistered phone card. In other words

Anyone can get it.

For the next three days, this mysterious phone number will send Jin Nanfeng a photo every day.

For three days, Li Yunxiu just lay there quietly, not even changing his posture. Jin Nanfeng looked at it.

Shocked, he even wondered if she had already...

"Nanfeng." But my friend Zhang hurriedly returned from the police station.

According to Jin Nanfeng, he didn’t want this matter to be handled by the police. Li Yunxiu’s whereabouts are unknown and the police are just

Jin Nanfeng didn't want to take this risk when he started a carpet search and started to startle the snake.

He just asked Zhang Que to continue to locate this strange mobile phone.

"how about it?"

There was a glimmer of hope in Jin Nanfeng's eyes.

"The number is anonymous, and the server is displayed abroad. It seems difficult to find out who it is."

Looking at the disappointment in Jin Nanfeng's eyes, Zhang said quickly, "But I still noticed some clues."


But Zhang put all the photos Jin Nanfeng received a few days ago in front of Jin Nanfeng, "I'm looking for a friend from the Forensic Science Department to help

I watched some and turned up the surrounding brightness. What do you think this floor looks like? "

Jin Nanfeng stared at the somewhat broken and moldy wooden boards, and subconsciously said, "Cabin?"

"Yes." Zhang nodded, "Your wife may be in a boat."

Jin Nanfeng was silent, and it was a long time before he stood up.

"Where are you going?"

Zhang held him.

"Go to the dock."

"You are crazy, right, Nanfeng, the imperial capital has four docks and thousands of ships. When do you want to find out?"

"Then I can't just wait like this." Jin Nanfeng's eyes were scarlet, "Who knows that the picture that **** will send tomorrow is

what? "

Jin Nanfeng pulled away his hand directly, picked up his jacket and hurriedly walked out. When he walked to the door, he seemed to remember something.

He walked back, "Do me one last favor and check this woman."

Jin Nanfeng put the picture of Yu Xi in front of Zhang Que.

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