Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1266: Deliberately lead you to the bait?

Chapter 1266 I'm Here

He still felt that Li Yunxiu's disappearance had something to do with this woman.

For the next two days, Jin Nanfeng stayed at the dock with people almost all day long.

However, even if he didn’t sleep 24 hours a day, Jin Nanfeng did not check dozens of ships.

The total amount of some ships is just a drop in the bucket.

"Brother Jin, the ship over there is almost checked. There is still a part of the farther sea area, I will let someone

Check it out. "

After Yang Yun finished speaking, she was a little embarrassed, "Brother Jin, this is not okay, there are too many, or let's call the police, or

The author informed Young Master Li that if the Li family could help, we might be able to find Miss Li sooner. "

"I notified Li Yunjin, and his assistant said that he didn't know where Li Yunjin went anymore.

Hydrangea, I will inform Mr. Li. "

Just as Jin Nanfeng spoke, the phone rang again.

Still that strange number.

Jin Nanfeng clicked on the text message. This time, the picture was no longer the previous photo, but a broken human finger.

It was bloodstained, and the broken finger had a diamond ring on it!

That was the wedding ring between him and Li Yunxiu!

Jin Nanfeng was poked his heart almost instantaneously, and his mind buzzed.

"Brother Jin..."

Yang Yun supported Jin Nanfeng, glanced at the contents of the phone, and let out a cold sweat.

Miss Li?

"Keep looking."

Jin Nanfeng coldly pushed Yang Yun away, then returned to the car with his mobile phone and sent a text message to the other party.

"who are you?"

The message fell silent, and Jin Nanfeng's heart seemed to have fallen into a cold valley.

The **** fingers were like a terrifying nightmare, and he couldn't breathe for a while tortured him.

"What are you going to do? I can give you whatever you want."

The text message still did not reply.

Jin Nanfeng slammed his fist on the steering wheel in anger. At this moment, the phone rang suddenly and violently, unexpectedly

It's the phone!

Jin Nanfeng grabbed the phone and pressed it to his ear, "Hey!"

The phone was silent, and only a faint breath could be heard in silence.

"who are you?"

Jin Nanfeng's patience was exhausted.

There was a weird low smile on the phone, some kind of weird voice that was obviously processed by the voice changer.

"Does it matter who I am? The important thing is, next time I will send you a picture of Li Yun embroidery? I like that very much.

A woman’s ears are small and delicate. You like them too. How about I cut them off and give them to you..."

"No!" Jin Nanfeng panicked, his throat tightened, "Don't hurt her! If you move her hair, I will not

Will let you go. "

"Oh? How can you not let it go?" The distorted voice of the voice changer was sharp and piercing. "Jin Nanfeng, you are very smart.

Know that I locked Li Yunxiu on the boat, but are you sure you can find her? If it takes too long, your beloved

The little hydrangea can't hold it anymore. She shed a lot of blood and is now unconscious..."

Jin Nanfeng clenched his fists tightly and said dumbly, "What do you want? Money? Or what?"

"I am not short of money. Also, don't think your money can solve any knowledge, I am not rare."

"Then what do you want?!" Jin Nanfeng finally roared, but then turned into a lowly pleading, "Count me

Please, don't hurt her..."

She is so delicate, how can she bear it.

She obviously did nothing wrong.

Thinking of this, Jin Nanfeng's heart was about to break.

The phone fell silent again, Jin Nanfeng was a little afraid that the other party would hang up again, this kind of waiting

He didn’t know how long it took to speak again, three minutes, or five minutes, but it was enough for Jin Nan

The wind felt that a lifetime was so long.

Finally, he heard the voice again.

"At twelve o'clock tonight, I will give you a coordinate. I want you to exchange Li Yun embroidery alone, Jin Nanfeng, don’t play.

What tricks, if you let me see your disobedient little tail dragging behind you, you just wait to go to the sea and give it to Li Yun

Embroider the corpse. "

After speaking, the phone was cut off.

Jin Nanfeng sat in the car for a long time in a daze, and then called Yang Yun in.

Quickly told Yang Yun what was on the phone.

Yang Yun's expression changed, "Brother Jin, it's too dangerous for you to go alone."

On the sea, if you follow the kidnappers' requirements, there will be no time to save anything.

Not to mention how many people the other party has, whether they have weapons or not, they don't even know.

Let alone save Miss Li, I am afraid that even Jin Nanfeng will fold in.

Jin Nanfeng frowned, "I know, but..."

He must go. No matter what is waiting for him, he must go. For the little hydrangea, he has no second choice.

"But Brother Jin, it's really too dangerous. What if those people deliberately led you to the bait?"

"Needless to say, I have already decided."

Jin Nanfeng frowned, his eyes were very determined, "Yang Yun, you prepare some quick-handed people to stand by nearby, I will think

Do everything possible to contact you, I will notify you when I ensure the safety of the small hydrangea. "

"But..." Yang Yun was obviously worried.

"No need," Jin Nanfeng interrupted him, "Everything listens to my commands and orders. This is my personal assistant.

Responsibilities. "

Yang Yun stared at Jin Nanfeng in a daze. Now that he has no need to persuade Jin Nanfeng, he is very clear.

No matter how much I say, it’s just a waste of time and energy. It’s better to think of a perfect way to

Li Yunxiu and Jin Nanfeng were rescued immediately.

It is one o'clock in the afternoon, and there is still a long time before twelve o'clock in the evening.

Jin Nanfeng suddenly calmed down a lot, although he didn’t know what was waiting for him on the ship ahead, but

At least the ending will not be worse than it is now, he can see the little hydrangea.

Yang Yun's constant contact was obviously looking for someone to get out of trouble, but Jin Nanfeng drove another car back home.

"Mr. Jin."

The housekeeper opened the door and looked at Jin Nanfeng’s scarlet pupils, shocked, "Mr. Jin, are you okay?"

"It's okay." Jin Nanfeng smiled palely, "Where is Chenchen?"

"Little Master is playing in the room."


Jin Nanfeng raised his foot upstairs and opened Chenchen's door.

I saw Chenchen sitting on the carpet playing with a disassembled airplane model.

"Chen Chen."

"Dad!" Chen Chen immediately rushed over and slipped into Jin Nanfeng's arms very aggrieved. "Dad, where have you been recently?

Inside? Why don't you and Mommy go home again? Don't you want to be stunned again? "

"Why?" Jin Nanfeng frowned, "You stinky boy thinks all day, when did Mommy and I say

Don't want you? "

"Then you are not playing with Chenchen. It has been several days. Mommy won't call me and you won't go home.

Grandpa stayed with me. He is so boring. "

Chenchen had a temper again.

Jin Nanfeng paused slightly. He was very sorry for this child. He has not been with him since he was born.

I didn’t fulfill my duty as a father. Even if I recognize him, I often throw him away because of his busy work.

Someone took care of it, and now... even the mommy that the little guy cares about the most is lost.

Jin Nanfeng has acted in so many plays. Over the years, he has played more than one hundred roles. Everyone praises

Praise him for his excellent acting skills and what he acts like.

But the biggest failure is probably the husband and father, right?

Jin Nanfeng sat down cross-legged on the carpet gently and hugged Chenchen in his arms, "Mommy has something recently.

She will be back soon. Dad will play with you today. "

"Then can you help me put together this model?" Chen Chen seems to have been used to Jin Nanfeng's "busy", embroidered by Li Yun

"Something happened", so he didn't chase him, and his attention quickly shifted to the airplane model in front of him.

This is a model for adults to play. Chenchen, a child under ten years old, naturally can't fight well.

Jin Nanfeng smiled, thinking of the unknown storm tonight, his heart heavy, "Okay, Dad will play with you."

All afternoon, Jin Nanfeng stayed in the room to accompany Chen Chen to put together models.

The little guy’s attention was not as concentrated as Jin Nanfeng, and after a while he stunned in Jin Nanfeng’s arms.

Sleep, the little head is little by little.

"Hey, saliva is not allowed to run on me, do you hear? I will hit you."

Jin Nanfeng patted Chenchen's head.

Chenchen let out an uncomfortable "grunt", and then arched into Jin Nanfeng's arms.

Jin Nanfeng had no choice but to get up and hug him to the bed to make him sleep more comfortable.

I sat back on the carpet again, patiently focusing.

Halfway through the fight, Jin Nanfeng's cell phone rang.

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