Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1279: Strong adaptability

Chapter 1279


"I told your father that I will transfer that kid Qi Yi back from the field after a while. Chen Chen likes to be with him

For play. "

"Yeah. Thank you mom."

Li Yunxiu held that kind of business card, feeling that the temperature on it was so hot that she could hardly hold it.

After returning to the room, Li Yunxiu lay on the bed exhaustedly and closed his eyes.

Her mind was in chaos, and her mood was terribly irritable.

No matter how she used her work to force herself to stop drowning in grief, but Jin Nanfeng, and even his name

Words, these simple three sons will always make her hard-to-build castle collapse once again.

Li Yunxiu clearly felt that his heart was slowly being hollowed out, and his soul was drawn away over time, leaving only

The next body.

She really didn't know how long she could hold on.

If something happens to her, then... what should Chenchen do?

Li Yunxiu sighed softly, opened his eyes, and held the business card in front of him.

The gold-rimmed business card on the black background is simple and noble, with the three characters "Shen Chengyan" written in handwriting on it.

Li Yunxiu stared at it for a long time, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

Okay, go see you.

Li Yunxiu sent a text message to Shen Chengyan according to the above contact information.

"Hello, this is Li Yunxiu. Will I have time tomorrow? Auntie and uncle want me to see you."

The other party quickly replied the text message-

"I have no arrangements for tomorrow. You can tell me your convenient time and I will arrange the restaurant."

It was a very comfortable answer, and the grudge in Li Yunxiu's heart gradually dissipated, and it was not as resistant as before.

On the second day, Li Yunxiu went to the appointment at the time agreed by the two.

The restaurant strictly ordered by Shen Cheng is a very elegant Chinese restaurant. Because it is not a meal, the customers in the restaurant are not very

Many, there are only a few tables of guests in the shop.

A young man was sitting in the window seat.

He looks about the same size as Li Yunxiu, with short hair, wearing a gray sweater and black slacks.

The afternoon sun was very warm, refracted through the window, making his facial features very gentle.

Although she had never met before, Li Yunxiu knew it almost instantly. She was looking for it.

Shen Chengyan.

"Hello, I am Li Yunxiu."

Li Yunxiu walked over a little cramped.

The man raised his head and curled his lips at her, "Shen Chengyan."

"Hello there."

Li Yunxiu felt embarrassed even more.

"Sit down." Shen Chengyan's voice was unexpectedly nice, like a winter sun, full of tranquil warmth.

"Sorry, I originally wanted to pick you up at your home, but some things in the hospital this morning were delayed."

Li Yunxiu shook his head quickly, "It's nothing, you don't need to be so polite, it doesn't matter if I come by myself."

"I think you are more polite to me."

Shen Cheng smiled lightly.


Li Yunxiu was puzzled.

"You look very nervous." Shen Chengyan's voice is also very soft, "Your hands have been holding the clothes, and your shoulders are rising.

You can't look directly at me. Do you know what you look like now? "

Li Yunxiu almost blurted out.

"like what?"

"Like a vigilant cat."

Shen Chengyan looked at Li Yunxiu with a smile.

"Do you want to see my ID card? I'm not a bad guy who wants to abduct you."

Maybe it was Shen Chengyan's joke that made Li Yunxiu a little relaxed, and she smiled, "You really are a good one.

Xiu’s psychiatrist, you can see through it all at once..."

"Do you know I am a doctor?"

Li Yunxiu nodded, "I know, my mother said that meeting you might make me feel better." Li Yunxiu's eyes were steep.

Naturally bleak, "You should also know...what happened to me."

"I'm sorry about your husband." Shen Chengyan frowned. "I have seen his movies. He is a very good actor."

Li Yunxiu's heart was aching densely.

Shen Cheng saw Li Yunxiu's pale face, paused and continued, "Then they must have not told you, they

The purpose of letting you see me is not just to let me see a doctor for you. "

"Huh?" Li Yun stunned.

"They want to match us up."

Li Yunxiu's heart suddenly tightened, and the fists on his knees instantly squeezed tighter, and he smiled hard before opening.

Mouth, "How is this possible, you are so good...I am married and have a child."

"I have also been engaged." Shen Chengyan said suddenly.


Li Yunxiu did not react.

"I am engaged." Shen Chengyan held up the tea cup in front of him, "Five years ago, my girlfriend and I ordered

marriage. But on the eve of the wedding, because she quarreled with me, she ran out in anger, and ended up in a car accident on the road..."


Li Yunxiu couldn't help but his eyes widened.

But Shen Chengyan’s expression was very calm, his eyes never trembled, as if he was telling something about himself

Completely unrelated matter. "

"I blame myself. We have loved each other since junior high school, and we were only one step away from entering the palace of marriage... I once asked

Many times, why did you argue with her that night? Obviously just a little bit...she can be mine

Wife. "

"Yes... I'm sorry."

Li Yunxiu quickly apologized, "I don't know you still have this kind of thing."

Shen Chengyan smiled lightly, "I brought it up on my own initiative. In terms of psychology, it belongs to bringing each other closer.

The relationship between me, the same experience, will make you involuntarily let go of your vigilance and produce a sense of trust and dependence. "

He pushed a glass of water in front of Li Yunxiu, his voice raised slightly, "We both lost our loved ones.

Poor man, how's that? Do you think it's a bit pleasing to my eyes? "

"I didn't say you were not pleasing to the eye."

Li Yunxiu retorted in a low voice, she was just a little nervous.

"I'm joking, don't take it to heart." Shen Chengyan soon became a little serious, "but our parents do want to

According to our intentions, if you don't marry, I won't marry. In their opinion, we are just getting married. "

"This one……"

Li Yunxiu instantly became nervous again.

Shen Cheng smiled, "Just relax, no one will force you. You can't let Jin Nanfeng go, and I can't forget her, I

Can we understand each other? "

Li Yunxiu frowned, "Yes."

"So let's get along as friends first?"


Shen Cheng looked at Li Yunxiu's puzzled eyes, almost laughed, "If you don't like it, neither will the doctors nor patients

It is not possible. "

Li Yunxiu became even more embarrassed, "That's still a friend."

The patients and doctors always feel something weird.

"You can order whatever you want, I will treat you today."

Shen Chengyan gently handed the menu to Li Yunxiu.

Li Yunxiu had no appetite, but he didn't want to give Shen Chengyan face, so he ordered a few dishes at random.

The dishes were gradually coming up, and the two of them didn't talk for a while, and the atmosphere at the dinner table was a bit embarrassing.

Li Yunxiu’s palms were full of sweat. She didn’t like this extremely quiet atmosphere, especially with

A man who is not very familiar, this feeling is really weird.

She took a sip of her drink and then took the initiative to find a topic.

"Have you always been abroad before?"


"Why come back suddenly?"

"What my parents mean, you know, elders, at that age, they always want the fallen leaves to return to their roots, so

So I came back. "

"Are you still used to it in the imperial capital?"

"Fortunately, I have always been very adaptable." Shen Cheng bends his lips slightly.

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