Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1280: Pregnant again

Chapter 1280

The two of them calmed down again. Li Yunxiu didn't know what to say, so he lowered his head to calm himself.

Of eating.

After eating, Shen Chengyan suggested that two people go out for a stroll.

There was nothing wrong with it, so Li Yunxiu agreed.

"Are you going to the mall?"

"Why go to such a place?" Li Yunxiu looked at Shen Chengyan.

"Don't girls generally like to buy some beautiful clothes or something?"

Li Yunxiu couldn't help smiling, "I'm not an ordinary girl."

"I know."

Li Yunxiu just said casually. Who knew that Shen Chengyan actually answered like this, which surprised her a bit.

"What do you say?"

"I heard my mother say many things about you. I have heard about the things between you and...Jin Nanfeng one after another.

some. "

Li Yunxiu's face was white again, and he quickly lowered his eyes, his voice dull, "Really."

"You are brave, and you can definitely live a good life."

"What about you?" Li Yunxiu suddenly raised his head, almost questioning, "Can you forget her too, live a good life?"

"Isn't I just living a good life?" Shen Cheng smiled, "Is it that important to forget her?"

Li Yun embroidered for a while, then frowned, "I don't understand."

Loving someone who will never come back, how can she live a good life.

Every time she dreams of Jin Nanfeng, when she wakes up from the struggle, she can't help crying.

She didn't know how long this kind of day would last, whether or not it would never end.

A good life, for her, is probably a luxury.

"Come with me to the lake."

Li Yunxiu's eyes became a little longer.

Shen Chengyan didn't say a word, but just said softly, "I'm going to drive."

Half an hour later, the car stopped by a beautiful lake in the Imperial Capital.

"Have you never been here?"

Seeing Li Yunxiu's somewhat surprised gaze, Shen Chengyan laughed out loud, "How come you are a local person who is just better than me?

People who have returned to China are even unfamiliar with what they are doing here. "

"Huh?" Li Yunxiu paused, and then replied embarrassedly, "I have been abroad before, but later I returned

The Queen of China spends most of her time in other places, so the imperial capital... is not very familiar. "

"It turned out to be like this." Shen Cheng nodded sternly, "This is Bailu Park Lake, which is quite famous."

Li Yunxiu's heart sank suddenly, looking at Shen Chengyan in surprise, "This is Bailu Park Lake?"

Seeing Li Yun's eyes full of unnaturalness, Shen Cheng smiled, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing……"

Li Yunxiu quickly shook his head and lowered his head, but his eyes were red.

Next to Bailu Lake is a wetland. Before Jin Nanfeng’s accident, they passed by here one evening, Jin Nan

Feng said at the time, if you want to go to the lake, he also said that if you are lucky, you can see the egrets, but unfortunately, that night

She seemed to be in a bad mood and directly rejected Jin Nanfeng.

Unexpectedly, that time actually became her lifelong regret.

She didn't even expect that now, she came here with another man.

Looking at the calendar, Li Yunxiu's heart suddenly became heavy, and the evening breeze still made Li Yunxiu breathless.

There is even a slight nausea.

Li Yunxiu couldn't help holding his chest with his hands.

"Are you OK?"

Shen Cheng held her arm with serious concern.

"It's okay, maybe it's because I ate too much in the afternoon, and I was a little supportive."

"Then I will help you sit there for a while."

"No, it's late. I have to pick up my son from school, so I will go back first."

She can no longer continue walking with Shen Chengyan here, and her thoughts of Jin Nanfeng are coming fiercely, she is really afraid of herself

I would cry like this in front of outsiders.

Shen Cheng looked at Li Yunxiu's pale face and scarlet eyes, faintly guessing that it seemed to be the return of her and Jin Nanfeng.

The land of remembrance, Jin Nanfeng is a forbidden place for this woman, now he accidentally touched it, it is inevitable to be rude.

More important things, the feeling of being separated from the yin and yang of the beloved one, he had experienced it five years ago, so he knew

The comfort of outsiders is so feeble and pale.

The best way is to remain silent and not disturb her world privately.

Leave room for her to clean up her mood.

Shen Cheng firmly held Li Yunxiu's arm, "I will send you back."

"Thank you."

Just as Li Yunxiu wanted to move forward, the feeling of nausea surged up again. She couldn't hold back it and pushed Shen Chengyan away.

Rushing to the side of the road, holding a tree, bending down.

"Are you ok?"

Shen Chengyan gently handed out a handkerchief.

"Nothing, don't worry."

As a result, Li Yun embroidered with a hard smile, "Thank you."

"I'll take you to the hospital for an examination."

"No." Li Yunxiu stood up straight, took a deep breath, and suppressed the strong nausea.

Go, "It's just a bit disgusting."

"Let's go to the hospital to have a look."

"No need to……"

This time, Shen Chengyan did not wait for Li Yunxiu to finish, but directly took her arm, and his voice sank, "Li Yunxiu."


"Don't be aggressive in front of the doctor."

Li Yunxiu was finally forced into the car by Shen Cheng.

"I really just felt a little sick suddenly."

"The body will not be suddenly uncomfortable. Nausea is a warning from the body." Shen Chengyan helped him get up.

Said with a frown on the steering wheel.

I don’t know if it’s Li Yunxiu’s illusion. She felt that the man in front of her suddenly became strict when he mentioned work.

So many.

Li Yunxiu was half joking, "Have you ever said that you are serious and fierce?"

"You are the first one." Shen Cheng paused, and glanced at Li Yunxiu with the corner of the eye, as if a smile was caught.

Mixed inside, "But I really like your comment on me. The doctor just wants to be fierce, right?"

Li Yunxiu's breathing stopped, Shen Chengyan's gaze made her feel very dangerous, and she always felt that he would be watching something.

She quickly retracted her gaze, pretending to ask casually, "Then can you see what disease I am?"

"I think you are pregnant."


Shen Chengyan almost didn't make Li Yunxiu jump up from the chair.


What is he talking nonsense?

"What are you kidding? How could I get pregnant?"

"This... it seems you should know better than me." Shen Chengyan's expression was a little unnatural, "Are you sure you are not likely to be pregnant?"

Shen Chengyan's words made Li Yunxiu suddenly fall into a panic and anxiety.

Yes, is it really impossible for her to get pregnant?

In the days before Jin Nanfeng’s accident, she and Jin Nanfeng were too indulgent...

Li Yunxiu glanced at his stomach subconsciously, his heart beating wildly.

God, is she really pregnant?

"Don't think too much about it. I'm just guessing. I'll know it when I get an examination in the hospital."

Shen Chengyan's words did not comfort Li Yunxiu, she frowned, and her mind was in a mess.

If she really has Jin Nanfeng's child, what will she do?

After a while, Shen Chengyan and Li Yunxiu arrived at the First Hospital.

"Wait a moment, the doctors in the obstetrics and gynecology department should be off work now. I will help Li contact my friend and ask her to

Check it for you. Lest you go back and think about it. "

Shen Chengyan made a phone call, and after a while, a female doctor came over.

"Sister Zhou." Shen Cheng smiled, "I have a friend, you will check her."

Sister Zhou glanced at Li Yunxiu, her eyes flashed with an unnatural dark glow, she squeezed to Shen Chengyan's side, "Your kid?"

"How is it possible? Stop talking nonsense, Sister Zhou, it's really my friend."

Sister Zhou laughed, and did not continue to question the relationship between Li Yunxiu and Shen Chengyan, but looked at Li Yunxiu, "Come with me."

Half an hour later, when Li Yunxiu saw the checklist, his whole body was shaking slightly.

"Doctor Zhou, are you sure you made no mistake... Are you sure I am really pregnant?"

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