Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1288: Did you miss mommy?

Chapter 1288 Do You Miss Mommy?

"You came to see me?" Xin Mei seemed to hear some joke, and a sneer appeared at the corner of her mouth, "You killed my son,

Do you dare to visit me, do you think it is not enough to make me sick? "


Xin Mei pulled the door directly and got into the car, took a cold look at Li Yunxiu, then put on sunglasses, "A week,

How about you send Chenchen to me well, or you just wait for the news of your marriage to fly in the sky. My son died

Now, it doesn’t matter if he is shameless, I want to see if you need the face of the Presidential Palace. "

After that, Xin Mei directly ordered the driver, "Drive."

The car drove away.

Li Yunxiu's face was pale and stood in place, his brows were already wringed out of nowhere, as if to wring out.

Mo Lai.

After returning home, Li Yunxiu shut himself in the bedroom, thinking about how to solve the matter.

Thinking too much, she didn't even hear Shi Qing's voice calling her.

"Little Hydrangea, I'm here."

Shi Qing was worried that something happened to Li Yunxiu, so she pushed the door and walked in. She saw Li Yunxiu sitting by the bed with her head down.

Know what to daze.

"Little Hydrangea, are you okay?"

Shi Qing walked over.

Only then did Li Yunxiu recover, and quickly smiled at Shi Qing, "Nothing."

"You have something on your mind, don't you?"

"Mom, don't worry, what can I have in mind."

"You are my daughter, do you have any concerns, do I not know?" Shi Qing sighed helplessly.

Sit down next to Li Yunxiu, gently holding Li Yunxiu's shoulders, letting her lean in her arms.

"Little Hydrangea, when you were young, you would tell me anything, but now, you don’t want anything.

Tell me. "

Shi Qing's voice was a little frustrated, "Little Hydrangea, what's the matter with you... Can't you tell me something?"

Li Yunxiu paused, his heart very uncomfortable.

It’s not that she doesn’t want to tell Shi Qing, she just doesn’t want to make her worry about herself anymore, but the distance between each other makes

Their relationship became even more distant, and Li Yunxiu felt helpless.

I could only smile faintly before saying, "I went to see Nanfeng today."


"I met Mrs. Jin." The smile from the corner of Li Yun's mouth disappeared little by little. "She knew I was going to get married.

Love, she said she wanted me to return Chenchen... to their Jin family to raise. "

Shi Qing's eyes were frozen, "Xin Mei really said that?"

"Yeah." Li Yunxiu's heart was a little unbearable, "Mom, I don't want to send Chenchen away."

Shi Qing nodded, "I know, I know." With a sigh, Shi Qing said again, "But Little Hydrangea, do you have

I have thought that life at the Jin family is also very difficult. They only have Jin Nanfeng as a child, and now Jin Nanfeng is gone.

They hope Chenchen will return to Jin's house, and this feeling is justified. "

"Mom, do you want me to send Chenchen back?"

Li Yunxiu's eyes were red.

"You are Chenchen’s mother. The decision is in your hands. If you don’t want Chenchen to go, mom and dad will

Protect Chenchen for you, so that the Jin family won't just take Chenchen away. "

Shi Qing held Li Yunxiu's hand, "You have to ask Chenchen's opinion on this matter. He has grown up and some things are not

You can change it forcibly. No matter what happens, we will support you. "

"Does it include marrying Shen Chengyan?"

Li Yunxiu asked suddenly.

Shi Qing was taken aback, then smiled at her, "Of course."

Li Yunxiu lowered his head.

"Okay, don't think about it, take a break early, go to your brother to see Chenchen tomorrow, you have been a long time

I haven't been to see him. He must miss you very much. "

"Well, I got it."

Early the next morning, Li Yunxiu went to Li Yunjin's.

She thought about it last night, she still can’t send Chenchen back to Jin’s house, but she is willing to negotiate with Xin Mei for a week

Chenchen can be allowed to stay there for three days, if Xin Mei agrees, that would be great.

If she doesn't agree, then she can only think of other ways.

Li Yunjin probably hadn’t gone to work at this point. When Li Yunxiu arrived, she saw Chenchen and Li Yunjin at work.

Eat breakfast.


Li Yunxiu yelled, then went to see Chenchen, "Chenchen, do you miss Mommy?"

Chenchen lowered his head and quietly drank the porridge from the bowl without saying a word.

"Eat slowly and be careful not to choke."

Li Yunxiu saw him eating with big mouthfuls, gradually letting go of his heart, and subconsciously reached out to touch Chenchen's head.

Who knows, Chen Chen dodged abruptly, avoiding Li Yunxiu's hand.

"Don't touch me."

The little guy's voice was cold.

It was a strange tone that Li Yunxiu had never heard before.

Li Yunxiu seemed to be slapped loudly, embarrassment mixed with panic and pain, and his heart was instantly messy.

The outstretched hand is still hanging in the air, forgetting to take it back.

"Chen Chen..."

The little guy didn't look at her at all. He jumped off the chair and picked up his schoolbag, "Uncle, I'm going to school."


"Can you pick me up when school is over?"

"Not today, I will let the assistant pick you up."

Li Yunjin explained.

"I will pick you up."

Li Yunxiu looked at Chen Chen a little uneasy, his heart throbbed wildly with traces of pain.

Unfortunately, Chen Chen just said coldly, "I don't want you to pick me up\", and then left directly with the housekeeper.

Li Yunxiu stood on the spot with red eyes, trying to catch up.

"Don't go, he doesn't want to see you now."

Li Yunjin stopped Li Yunxiu.

Li Yunxiu's heart hurt again, "Why..."

Chenchen has never hated herself so much. Not long ago, the little guy told himself that he would replace his father.

Protect her, how can she blink, and she doesn't even want to talk to herself.

"Why?" Li Yunjin frowned sarcastically, "Why don't you know why?"

Li Yunxiu's face turned pale, and he lightly bit his lip, "Because I want to marry Shen Chengyan, right?"

"It's obvious." Li Yunjin's slender fingers held the water glass, and Yu Guang glanced at Li Yunxiu coldly, "Look at him.

Come on, you betrayed Jin Nanfeng and want to abandon him for another man you don’t know. What kind of attitude can he treat you?

degree. "

"I didn't want to abandon him..." Li Yunxiu wanted to explain in a panic, but accidentally caught a glimpse of the faintness in Li Yunjin's eyes.


What I wanted to say was stuck in my mouth instantly, and a word couldn't come out.

After a long time, she laughed at herself and looked at Li Yunjin, "Even you see me like this?"

Li Yunjin didn't speak, just drank the water in the cup.

"You also think that I am a stubborn, profane, scumbag who can't wait to find another man when my husband dies.

Isn’t that woman? "

Li Yunjin paused and frowned, "I have never said anything like this."

"But you think so, you are, so is a smile, and Chenchen thinks of me the same way now..."

Li Yunjin didn’t want to argue with her, Li Yunxiu’s mood was too unstable now, quarreling would only affect him at this time

The feelings between our siblings.

"I'm going to the company."

"Li Yunjin, stop for me!"

Li Yunxiu's tears couldn't help falling from the corner of his eyes, and he rushed up to grab Li Yunjin's arm, "Tell me, are you?

Are you really looking at me like that? "

"What I think of you doesn't matter at all, just take care of your own affairs."

Li Yunjin was a little irritable, "I don't want to follow you anymore to help you clean up these messes. Also, yourself

My son, please take more time to care about it. Since you are no longer sad for Jin Nanfeng, anyway

Put the thoughts on the new man into Chenchen's body. "

Li Yunxiu was stunned, almost staring at Li Yunjin dumbfounded.

This elder brother who loved him since childhood, like Chenchen, seemed to give her a loud slap in the face.

Li Yunxiu's tears rolled down unconsciously.

But there was no sound, just looking at Li Yunjin quietly, feeling like a joke.

Li Yunjin frowned, and realized that he just said something that shouldn't be said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that.

Think, don't worry about it. "

"I understand what you mean." Li Yunxiu smiled hard, lowered his head, quickly wiped away tears, and worked hard.

He kept smiling, "Actually...I met Mrs. Jin two days ago."

Li Yunxiu fiddled with his fingers awkwardly, like a child who had made a mistake, nervous and cautious.

"She wants me to send Chenchen back to Jin's house."

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