Chapter 1289 Master Yun

Li Yunxiu's tears still fell uncontrollably, and couldn't stop it.

"I rejected her at that time because I felt... Chen Chen was still young, and he couldn't live without me..." Li Yunxiu remembered just now.

Chen looked indifferent to himself, his heart ached and he couldn't breathe, and his tone was flustered, "Maybe it’s me

Love, Chenchen hates me so much, maybe it's right to send him back. "

Li Yunjin's brows were tightened, regretting what he said just now.

"Don't think about it, actually..."

"Brother, you can find time to send Chenchen back, I'll leave first."

After Li Yunxiu finished speaking, he let go of Li Yunjin's hand and ran away with his head covered.

I don’t know how long I ran like this, feeling that my heart was so stuffy that it was about to explode, Li Yunxiu stopped breathing heavily.


There is a lot of confusion in my mind. Chenchen’s words and Li Yunjin’s words are like lines from old movies, which are repeated in her

Repeated in the ear, like a terrible nightmare.

She sat down on the side of the road with some fatigue, and gently buried her head in her knees, like a wounded ostrich.

Li Yunxiu sat on the side of the road for two full hours before getting up and leaving.

Shen Chengyan called and asked her to have lunch at noon, and by the way, some details of the wedding arrangements.

She rushed to Shen Chengyan's home, scarlet eyes startled Shen Chengyan.

"What's wrong with you? Did someone bully you?"

Shen Cheng frowned, his expression very concerned.


Li Yunxiu shook his head.

"Actually, you can tell me that we will soon become husband and wife after all. Although it is fake, it is legal

In the sense, I have the right and responsibility to protect you. "

"It's really nothing, but Jin Nanfeng's family wants me to send Chenchen back to Brother Jin to raise."

Li Yunxiu faintly explained.

Shen Cheng paused for a moment, and then said, "It turns out that it is. You agree?"

Thinking of what Chenchen said to herself, Li Yunxiu's nose was sour, and she pinched her palms, so she didn't let herself be disappointed.

Just cry out.

"Well, I'll take him over in two days."

"Are you really willing?"

"What else can I do?"

Xin Mei said something so bad, she didn't do it, Xin Mei is not allowed to really send any news on the Internet, let alone

Besides, Chenchen hates herself so much, so why should she keep Chenchen by her side so desperately that she hates her

Abandon it?

Let's send it back. The Jin family will treat their only offspring well.

Li Yunxiu gently comforted herself in her heart.

"The Jin family can take good care of him. I am pregnant now, and I really don’t have time to take care of him. He can’t always

Stay with my brother. "

My elder brother also has his own life to live, so what does he always worry about for her?

This is the end of the matter, Li Yunxiu wanted to understand thoroughly.

Also accept this fact.

"If you can figure it out, that's the best. Then don't be sullen."

Shen Chengyan smiled softly, "What do you want to eat at noon? Do you want to eat pudding?"

"Whatever, I can do it." Li Yunxiu closed his eyes, feeling a little uncomfortable, "I'm a little sleepy, can I go to the guest room to sleep for a while?"

"I haven't sorted out the guest rooms..."

"I can also sleep on the sofa, just let me lie down for a while."

She is really tired now, just want to sleep well,

"How can it be possible to sleep on the sofa? If you catch a cold and get sick, don't you want to trouble someone to take care of you? Go to my bedroom."

"No, this..."

"Okay, the two of us will be grasshoppers on a rope from now on. What are you doing so politely with me?

Right. "Shen Cheng couldn't help but push Li Yun embroidery into the bedroom.

"Sleep well, I will call you when the meal is ready."

Li Yunxiu nodded and gave a soft "um".

Shen Chengyan closed the door and went out, and Li Yunxiu looked around Shen Chengyan's bedroom.

Very simple layout, there are not many clutter, the most thing is all kinds of medical books, neat and tidy

Full of most of the bookshelf.

The gray sheets were laid meticulously and neatly.

Li Yunxiu's heart settled a lot, her head hurt so badly, she couldn't care about anything, she walked to the bedside, thinking

To undress.

As soon as she unbuttoned her, she seemed to have thought of something again, put her clothes back on, and just lay down in my quilt.

This time, Li Yunxiu slept well. When she opened her eyes and woke up, it was already more than one o'clock in the afternoon.

Then she hurried out of bed and walked out, and saw Shen Cheng sitting on the sofa, quietly reading the newspaper.

Hearing her voice, he quickly smiled, "Wake up? Go wash your hands, I'll heat up the food."

Li Yunxiu glanced at the dining table, the dishes and chopsticks were neatly arranged, three dishes and one soup, very rich.

He blushed in embarrassment, "Why didn't you call me..."

"Seeing that you were sleeping very heavily, so I didn't call you. Hurry up and wash your hands and talk while eating."


The food was quickly heated up, and Li Yunxiu sat in a chair awkwardly, eating the bowl in silence.

"I have also found the master of ceremonies for the wedding, and the list of concierges has also been counted. What do you think of the design of the invitation card?

Li Yunxiu paused, and then smiled lightly, "Whatever you want, you can find someone to design it."

"Well, then I will find someone to design." Shen Chengyan nodded, "I told the emcee, we don't like the lively

Atmosphere, so on the wedding day, there will not be too many activities except for ring exchange, so you don't need to be too nervous. "

"Thank you." Li Yunxiu glanced at Shen Chengyan with some gratitude.

The last time I took a wedding photo, she had already killed her half life. If she were to be in front of so many people,

Love even hugs and kisses some strange men, so she might run away on the spot.

"You're welcome." Shen Chengyan gave her a piece of chicken wings, "eat more, you still have a baby in your belly."

"Ok, I know."


In the night of this day.

A black car slowly stopped in front of the presidential palace.

Sitting in the car is a woman with delicate makeup and elegant temperament, her back is straight and her eyes are focused.

To the front.

"Master Yun, here we are."

The driver said respectfully to the woman.


The woman responded, and then reached out to push the man beside him who was closing his eyes and rested, "Hey, here it is."

The man puts his hands around his chest, and his head is slightly lowered, making it difficult to see what he looks like. After being pushed by a woman like this, he turns

Waking up, raised his head.

A large mask covers most of the face, and the black bangs are softly attached to the forehead, which can be seen vaguely.

A scar was hidden inside.

"Is this here? This is your home?"

The man nodded lightly, and then quickly shook his head.

The woman's name is Hao Yun, who is the daughter of a shipyard owner in a neighboring city. Three months ago, she accidentally sent a message when inspecting the ship.

This man appeared.

He was lying on a broken wooden board, he had lost consciousness, and his face was covered with blood.

She felt compassion, so she saved him without telling everyone.

It took him two months to wake up.

The man's name is Jin Nanfeng. He is a famous star in the imperial capital. He will leave the first thing after he wakes up, but that

At that time, he was covered with plaster all over, and she was left in the ward with a strong attitude.

After half a month, after the man was finally able to get out of bed, she took Jin Nanfeng back here.

Hao Yun was a little dissatisfied when he saw that he was just looking out the window quietly, "Aren't you clamoring to come back? Now I

But I personally sent you back, and you are still unwilling to get off in the car, Jin Nanfeng, you are really very good

Meaning. "

Jin Nanfeng moved his body slightly and stretched out a hand towards her.


Hao Yun frowned.

Jin Nanfeng pointed his finger at his face.

Hao Yun just realized this, took a mirror from his pocket and threw it to him.

Jin Nanfeng held the mirror, paused, and then slowly pulled off the mask on his face.

His skin was very white, faintly showing an abnormal paleness that was almost sickly, but in the handsome

On his face, a five-centimeter scar was winding down from the corner of his forehead, almost shocking.

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