Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1290: I am her friend

Chapter 1290 I'm Her Friend

Although the scar lay on his face, it did not make people feel ugly, but it always seemed to destroy his overall beauty.

Jin Nanfeng looked at his face in the mirror with a look of helplessness.

More than two months ago, he unchained his body within the last ten seconds of the bomb activation and jumped into the cold water


The shock wave produced by the explosion directly made him lose consciousness, only vaguely felt that he was constantly in the sea.

Ups and downs.

Later, he seemed to have caught something, and later, he couldn't feel anything.

When he woke up again, it was already two months later.

He was seriously injured, and a dozen bones were broken all over his body, although most of them have gradually been gradually broken during his coma.

He recovered, but he still betrayed and lay on the hospital bed for another half month.

Except for the scar on his face, his most serious injury was in his throat. The shock wave of the explosion hurt his throat and made him

It is difficult to speak again.

The person who rescued him was called Hao Yun, and he was called Lord Yun. Although she was a woman who looked normal, this woman

His bones are full of crazy possessiveness, it seems that he has to obey her orders once she has saved herself.

In this way, she almost imprisoned him, not even calling him.

He endured this for half a month before finally persuading Hao Yun to let him go.

It's just that Hao insisted on sending him back, which always made him feel a little uneasy.

Here, Hao Yun only glanced at the presidential palace, and then smiled, "The outside world says that your hidden wife is the president’s daughter.

Son, I didn't expect it to be true. Let me guess, is your wife Li Yunxiao? "

Jin Nanfeng paused, then shook his head.

How could it be Li Yunxiao.

"Isn't Li Yun smiling?" Hao Yun frowned, as if a little puzzled. "That's weird, Mr. President is not only two

Daughter? Not Li Yunxiao, who could it be? "

Jin Nanfeng looked at Hao Yun quietly.

Hao Yun laughed, "What are you doing looking at me like this? You won't tell me that it is Li Yunxiu? This is impossible, my father

I have some friendship with the Presidential Palace. Last week, my family also received an invitation notice from the Presidential Palace.

My daughter will get married soon, and we sincerely invite us to the wedding. "

Jin Nanfeng's pupils suddenly enlarged, and his hands holding the mirror tightened tightly.

"Don't be so surprised. I may have mistaken my memory. Mr. President might be three daughters."

Hao Yun lowered his head and smiled.

"Jin Nanfeng, hurry up and take a look. We have to go back after reading. I told my father specially, today

I will take you back to dinner later. "

Jin Nanfeng's chest was violently up and down, and his head "buzzed".

Isn’t Mr. Li’s eldest daughter just a little hydrangea?

She is getting married?

how is this possible……

He just disappeared for more than two months, even if she would fall in love with other people, it would not be so fast...

Not to mention, he firmly believes that Li Yunxiu's feelings for him will not change.

Jin Nanfeng laughed suddenly.

Hao Yun glanced at Jin Nanfeng coldly, asked the driver to open the door and let Jin Nanfeng down.

Jin Nanfeng put on his mask again, pressed his hat down, and walked deep and shallow towards the gate of the presidential palace.

The injury on his foot has not fully recovered, which makes his movement speed a bit slow.

The presidential palace at night is very quiet, and the sound of a little footstep is especially clear in the night, which is alarmed to doze off.

The security guard immediately came out and stopped Jin Nanfeng.

"Who are you?"

Jin Nanfeng paused, glanced at the direction of Li Yun's embroidered room, then lowered his head and quickly typed a line on the phone.

"I'm looking for Li Yun embroidery."

He could go home directly, and even send text messages to Li Yunxiu directly.

But he missed her so much. He wanted to surprise her and see what she would be like when she found out that she was not dead.

An emoticon.

The security guard looked at the man wearing the mask in front of him weirdly, and asked vigilantly, "Who are you? He Yunxiu Xiao

What's the relationship between sister? What are you looking for? "

"I... is her friend."

Jin Nanfeng handed the phone over again.

"Friend?" The security guard was obviously not convinced, "Have you never heard that Miss Yunxiu has a friend like you? You dress up like this

It looks like, if you ask you something, don’t you tell me, do you want to plot against my lady? "

"I just want to see her. Could you please inform me?"

There was a flow of heat in Jin Nanfeng's heart.

He can’t wait to see her, he wants to hug her, even if he can’t speak now, tell her,

How much does he miss her...

"How could we introduce you to you, a stranger?! If you don't leave, don't blame us for being indifferent to you

Angry! "

The tone of the security guard is already very unpleasant.

Jin Nanfeng frowned, paused for a moment, and quickly typed a line on the phone again.

"I am Jin Nanfeng."

The security guard stared at the phone for a long time, and suddenly "haha" laughed, "I said you are really immortal.

Heart, do you think you can fool us by playing this little cleverness? You are too ridiculous, I tell you, you are

Cleverness is mistaken by cleverness! "

"Who doesn't know that Mr. Jin passed away two months ago, and the Jin family has even held a funeral. Where are you?

Jin Nanfeng coming out of it? If you don't leave, I will really call someone to come. "

Jin Nanfeng stood there quietly, feeling helpless for a while.

Also, no wonder the security guard didn't believe it, even if Li Yunxiu stood in front of him, most of it didn't believe it when he saw him.

The corner of his mouth under the mask reluctantly pulled up a bitter smile.

It seems that trying to surprise her is impossible.

He thought that he was about to stretch out his hand to remove the mask. Although the scar on his face was terrible, it would not hide the fact that he was Jin Nanfeng.

He was still wondering how shocked the security guard should be when he saw his expression, when he heard the sound of a car coming and stopping behind him.

Then Jin Nanfeng saw Li Yunxiu get out of the car with two shopping bags.

Little hydrangea?

Jin Nanfeng's heart tightened instantly, and his eyes were almost crazy and uncontrollable piercing red at this moment.

For more than two months, she seems to have lost a lot of weight, her hair is casually tied into a low ponytail, and she is wearing blue


He almost subconsciously walked in the direction of Li Yunxiu.

The whole world thought he Jin Nanfeng was dead. How did she spend more than two months?

She has lost so much... She must be very sorry for herself.

Jin Nanfeng's heart was filled with dense pain.

Just as he was about to walk to Li Yunxiu's side, a strange man suddenly walked down the car.

The man directly bypassed the car, stopped in front of Li Yunxiu, and then smiled faintly at Li Yunxiu.

Jin Nanfeng did not see Li Yunxiu's expression, but saw that Li Yunxiu naturally handed him the bag in his hand.

The movements are familiar enough as if they have done it many times.

Then, the man gently held Li Yunxiu's hand, and the two entered the presidential palace together.

Intimacy and familiarity.

Jin Nanfeng's breathing suddenly stagnated, and he didn't even have the courage to catch up for a while.

He was like this, just like a person in another world, as if his soul was drawn away from a distance, watching Li Yunxiu calmly.

Walk into the presidential palace with that man.

When the door was closed and the figures of both people were blocked by the familiar door, Jin Nanfeng seemed to have been pinched.

The neck suddenly loosened, panting quickly.

Who is that man?

He couldn't help asking himself.

He had never seen that person, and he was sure that Li Yunxiu had never told him about her friends of the opposite sex.

So...were you acquainted at the time when he "disappeared"?

Why are their actions so intimate? It's like... a lover?

What is their relationship?

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