Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1291: Husband and fiance

Chapter 1291 Husband and Fiance

Numerous thoughts flashed through Jin Nanfeng's head for a moment.

Too many questions and speculations flooded into his mind, making him more flustered, short of breath, palms and every hair on his body

Kong, sweating madly outside.

Before he could think of an answer, the door to the presidential palace opened again, and it was the man.

Jin Nanfeng's heart was about to burst, and he walked in his direction almost immediately.

He wanted to know what the relationship between this man and Li Yunxiu was!

Unfortunately, Jin Nanfeng was stopped by the security guard before he approached him.

He doesn’t give up, anger has invaded most of his sanity, he is anxious, angry and panic, as if it is about to erupt

Molten slurry.

The security guard was full of helplessness towards this stubborn man and tried his best to push Jin Nanfeng aside.

"Hey, I really want to call the police! Breaking into the presidential palace without authorization, arresting you and squatting in for three years is all light! You don't want to go!"

The voice of the security attracted Shen Chengyan.

He stopped by the car and glanced at Jin Nanfeng lightly.

The eyes were facing each other, one indifferent, and the other full of anger.

The naked gaze was wrapped in dazzling malice, and Shen Chengyan's heart sank uncontrollably.

He waited for the man with the mask to speak, but for a long time, it was silent.

"What's the situation? Need help?"

He then asked the security guard.

"Ah, don't bother you, Mr. Shen, it's the little hooligan who harassed Miss Yunxiu. We can solve it."

The security guard pressed Jin Nanfeng's hand tightly and cut back behind him.

"There have been a lot of things recently, so you have to pay more attention on weekdays. Don't make any surprises."

"Yes, don't worry, we will drive him away immediately."


Shen Chengyan probably really regarded Jin Nanfeng as a "little hooligan" as the security guard said, and did not look at Jin Nanfeng again.

After speaking, he opened the door gently, got in the car, and left quickly.

Only then did Jin Nanfeng pull away the security guard.

"I advise you to leave quickly. Miss Yunxiu will soon marry Mr. Shen. The presidential palace is busy.

Are you looking for death when you are making trouble at this time? "

Jin Nanfeng only felt that something exploded in his mind, and the violent buzzing made time and air seem to be still.

There is only one fact that becomes clearer.

Little Hydrangea... is getting married?

Is what Hao Yun said true?

How is this possible……

How could Little Hydrangea get married?

This is impossible……

Jin Nanfeng’s eyes were blood red, and he stretched out his hand to pull off the mask on his face, but at this moment, his hands were directly behind his back.

Pull him away from the security guard.

"Go, fool."

It was Hao Yun's voice.

Let him go...

Jin Nanfeng was roaring in his heart. He hasn't figured it out yet. He hasn't seen Li Yunxiu. How could he leave!

"What's the use of you staying here?" Hao Yun dragged him to a place where the security guards could not see him outside, and sneered since releasing him.

"Jin Nanfeng, don't tell me, do you want to just rush in? Don't be stupid, you haven't heard others say

? Li Yunxiu will get married soon, and his fiancé has just left. What are you going to do? "

Jin Nanfeng only found it ridiculous.

What fiance?

He is Li Yunxiu's legal husband, where did she come from? !

Hao Yun seemed to have guessed what Jin Nanfeng was thinking, and then sneered, "Don't think you are still Li Yunxiu's husband, you

He is dead, and even the account has been cancelled. Li Yunxiu can naturally remarry. The wedding is ready. You now

What's the deal with coming out at this time? "

"It's not that I said, it's one thing whether your face will scare Li Yunxiu now, you can't speak now.

You are a disabled person. If you go back like this, don't you want to drag others down? "Hao Yun walked around Jin with a faint smile.

Nan Feng walked around, then lowered his voice, "Hey, I just saw Li Yunxiu's fiance.

It’s a kind of talented person, it’s very impressive. Although it’s not a famous brand, it’s not something you can buy casually.

The local stall that arrived, his car is worth several million, Jin Nanfeng, if it were in the past, he would be far behind you.

But now, like you, you are not as good as others. "

"Are you going to find Li Yunxiu? Are you planning to let her raise you as a waste person?"

Jin Nanfeng's eyes were red, staring at Hao Yun fiercely.

He was stinged by Hao Yun's "waste man". He Jin Nanfeng was proud from the moment he was born.

The stage of life, wherever he goes, is the most eye-catching one. He never thought that one day he would become

For this, the man who can't even speak.

Hao Yun is right, he is a "waste man".

And his face... If Xiao Xiuqiu and Chen Chen see it, they will definitely be scared, right?

Jin Nanfeng's breathing tightened a little bit.

The beautiful brows were also frowned tightly.

A heart is too messy to breathe.

"Let's go, Jin Nanfeng, I will find a doctor to treat your throat slowly. The current medical technology is so advanced, you

I can speak again. "Hao Yun's voice softened a lot, as he said, he wanted to stretch out his hand.

Go and take Jin Nanfeng's arm.

Jin Nanfeng suddenly cold his eyes, and rudely blocked her arm, and left in the opposite direction without looking back.

He has only a few hundred dollars in fragments.

Jin Nanfeng got into the taxi, told the driver where to go with his mobile phone, then leaned in the back seat and looked faintly.

Looking at the scene of retreat outside the window.

Originally, he wanted to see Li Yunxiu today, and then told everyone that Jin Nanfeng was still alive, and then took the two months

Everything that came to be lost is recovered little by little.

He has to make up for the little hydrangea. She must be frightened during his absence.

However, everything exceeded his expectations.

He didn't say a word to Xiao Xiuqiu, and he also learned that she was going to marry another man.

The dull pain in the heart is like a heavy rusty iron nail nailed mercilessly to the softest part of the heart

Come on, the piercing pain.

All plans were disrupted.

He originally wanted to give Li Yun embroidery a surprise, but he did not expect that the person who got the "surprise" was Jin Nanfeng.

Jin Nanfeng sat in the back seat, with a bitter smile from the corner of his mouth.

He asked the driver to take him to the villa where he and Li Yunxiu were before.

He also didn’t know why he came here suddenly. If he had to say it, it’s that he didn’t have much except here.

What other places to come.

He has many houses in the emperor, but in the end, he wants to come here most.

Standing in front of the villa, Jin Nanfeng looked at the house which had been away for more than two months, and he felt strange.

There are even some weird.

He soon discovered the strange reason.

Because the lights are on in the villa.

Li Yunxiu returned to the presidential palace, but he was not there. Who would live here?

He was wondering when he saw a woman walking out of it carrying a garbage bag.

It was a stranger who had never met before.

Jin Nanfeng hesitated for a moment, but walked over quickly and typed on her mobile phone to show her, "Why are you here?"

The woman glanced at Jin Nanfeng with full alertness, and then replied, "This is my house. You ask this kind of question to do

what? "

Jin Nanfeng frowned and tapped the screen with his slender fingers, indicating that he did not understand.

The woman remembered something, "Oh", "You came to find people who lived here before, right? They have already

I don’t live here anymore. I sold my house more than a month ago. "


Jin Nanfeng's heart sank.

This villa is considered to be his and Li Yunxiu’s wedding room. There are many things in it that he and Li Yunxiu personally chose.

Is it sold now?

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