Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1295: Abandon her?

Chapter 1295 Give Up Her?

He didn’t know what the two of them had to do. Since they knew about the existence of Shen Chengyan last night, the two had already given

He has too many surprises. He doesn’t know what “exciting” scenes he can see if he continues to follow, asking him to kiss

Seeing that the closest thing that she and Li Yunxiu have ever done is renewed on her and another man

Acting, this is really cruel.

He is not that brave, emotionally, he has always been a coward who can't be hurt at all.

You can only comfort yourself, and you can't see.

Jin Nanfeng twitched his mouth silently, and then drove back to Jin's house.

Before Li Yunxiu's matter was clarified, Jin Nanfeng didn't plan to tell others about his life.

Sometimes, as a person who has passed away, one often sees more unknown aspects.

It was like he had never thought that the little hydrangea who loved her would run away to marry another man.

His current status makes it much easier to get things done.

The morning sun was very warm. Through Jin’s iron gate, Chen Chen could be seen sitting on the lawn, not sure what he was sending.

Staying, beside him, a lively golden retriever was wagging its tail again and again.

The little guy has never had a quiet temper, but under Jin Nanfeng’s gaze, he just kept his head down.

Sitting in a daze for a quarter of an hour, until someone led him into the house.

Jin Nanfeng frowned, his heart faintly aching.

That was his biological son, how could he not feel bad.

However, he has more important things to do right now.

Jin Nanfeng was cruel, turned around and walked to the side of the car. As soon as he got in the car, the phone made a "dingdong" sound.

He thought it was Yang Yun's news, but when he took it out, he discovered that it was Hao Yun.

"where are you?"

Jin Nanfeng had a headache thinking of Hao Yun. This woman was very disgusted with him because of bad intentions. She just wanted to throw her phone away.

At the same time, Hao Yun's message was sent over again.

"If you ignore me again, I will tell others that you are not dead now."

Jin Nanfeng frowned suddenly, his eyes were a little scarlet, staring at the text message for a full minute before he could bear it.

Shinobu answered her, "Is there something wrong?"

"I want to see you now."

"I want to go back to the apartment, see you there." Jin Nanfeng sent to the address and turned off the phone directly.

Jin Nanfeng had just returned to the apartment, and Hao Yun rushed there too.

She entered the house very familiarly like the owner, walked around in the living room, sighed with satisfaction, "You can

It's so beautiful. It's worthy of being the most popular star in the entertainment industry. He has taste. I like you here. "

Jin Nanfeng ignored her. He was very glad that he couldn't make a sound now, so he didn't have to deal with Hao Yun.

"Hey, Jin Nanfeng, has Li Yunxiu been here?"

Hao Yun raised his eyebrows at him.

Jin Nanfeng went back to the bedroom with a cold face.

Turning on the phone, I discovered that Yang Yun had sent several messages in succession, thinking that it might be something Yang Yun was investigating.

When the results were reached, Jin Nanfeng hurriedly clicked on the message.

"Brother Jin, I have already investigated what you asked me to investigate. I spent some money and asked the doctor. She said Li Xiao

My sister is here for a pregnancy check, Miss Li is already pregnant. "

Jin Nanfeng's heart sank suddenly, and sure enough, he didn't guess wrong.

Little Hydrangea is really pregnant.

Then there is only one question, who owns this child?

Fingertips couldn't help but tremble slightly, Jin Nanfeng breathed, and clicked on Yang Yun's next message.

"The doctor said that Miss Li has been pregnant for more than a month."

The content of the information caused Jin Nanfeng’s tense heart to suddenly break at this moment, and the sharp edges and corners broke the previous

Tranquility cut through fiercely, leaving only a sense of shock and indescribable.

Even bitter coffee without sugar can't get rid of the sour taste.

Little Hydrangea is pregnant for more than a month...

That means the child in her belly is not his.

It was as if he had been pressed against his throat by the tip of a knife, shivering slightly, his skin was cut, and bright red blood rolled out.

Even his fingertips couldn't help shaking at this moment.

His fingers have never been so heavy in his life. He typed "Are you sure?" on the phone with great difficulty.

Then sent it to Yang Yun.

He hoped that it was fake.

I hope Yang Yun will tell him that the result of the investigation was wrong.

Unfortunately, in less than five minutes, Yang Yun gave him a cruel fact.

"Yes, it was the doctor who helped Ms. Li check it out. There should be nothing wrong."

Looking at the short line of words, Jin Nanfeng smiled bitterly, then threw the phone aside.

Not only did she want to marry Shen Chengyan, she was also pregnant with someone else's child.

As for who the child belongs to, it is already clear and cannot be clear.

Listening to Yang Yun, they had only known each other for more than a month, but Li Yunxiu already had his child?

He had a slight illusion before, whether Li Yunxiu was forced to be so anxious to tie Shen Cheng tightly

Marriage, but this child smashed his last hope.

Who would force her to sleep with other men?

No one in the Li family would do such a thing.

There is only one possibility.

Li Yunxiu is voluntary.


There was a trace of hoarse mockery in Jin Nanfeng's throat.

Hao Yun was right, he shouldn't come back.

She has given up on herself, given up everything between them, and chose to spend time with another strange man

In his lifetime, what is the point of his coming back?

Angrily walked to her, let her know that she was not dead, and then looked at her panicked eyes and expressions.

Maybe it is indeed a way to relieve one's anger.

Thinking of this, Jin Nanfeng's eyes felt deeper.

Hao Yun knocked on the door outside.

"Jin Nanfeng, are you hungry? Shall we go out for dinner?"

Jin Nan walked over coldly and opened the door.

Hao Yun only felt a burst of chill coming to his face, and was suddenly frightened by the coolness in Jin Nanfeng's eyes.

She took care of Jin Nanfeng for almost three months, but she had never seen Jin Nanfeng like this at the moment.

He is like a trapped beast that has been offended by people, breaking the last shackle that bound him, and is about to reveal

The fearful fangs.

After a long time, Hao Yun calmed down a bit.

"Jin Nanfeng, are you okay?"

Jin Nanfeng stood still on the spot, looking down at Hao Yun slightly.

"Jin Nanfeng..."

Hao Yun only felt a tingling in his back.

Just about to ask what happened, Jin Nanfeng had directly held her arm and pressed her against the wall.

On, kissed her lips fiercely.


Hao Yun didn't expect Jin Nanfeng to do such a thing to herself. Although she didn't hate it, she was frightened.

Is Jin Nanfeng's brain broken?

Obviously he hated her so much not long ago, and didn't even want to hide the look in her eyes, but now he ran over to kiss her?

Hao Yun really didn't understand.

It’s a pity that this kiss didn’t last long. After a few seconds, Jin Nanfeng had already let go again blankly.

She turned and walked towards the hallway.

Hao Yun looked at him quietly, his brows tightened a little bit.

Although the kiss just now was short, it was enough to explain everything.

Jin Nanfeng accepted himself. Did he give up Li Yun embroidering?

It seemed that everything she had paid for more than two months and more than 70 days was not in vain, and she finally got him.

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