Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1296: My invitation is your wedding invitation

Chapter 1296 My Invitation Is Your Wedding Invitation

Jin Nanfeng changed his shoes and stood there, looking at Hao Yun impatiently.

Hao Yun realized that he was going to take himself out for dinner.

With a cheer in my heart, he immediately picked up the backpack on the sofa and walked out the door happily.

At the same time, take advantage of Jin Nanfeng's arm.

Jin Nanfeng's eyebrows tightened uncontrollably, but he did nothing and stretched out his hand to open the door.

Yang Yun was standing at the door, still holding a key in her hand.

This apartment is unlocked with fingerprints, but it is also equipped with a key. Sometimes Jin Nanfeng needs Yang Yun to deliver things, so

For all Jin Nanfeng's apartments, Yang Yun has spare keys.

The three people collided head-on.

Yang Yun looked at Jin Nanfeng and Hao Yun, and then saw the arms of the two people tangled together, her expression was a little embarrassed for a moment, she wanted

When the key was retracted, his hand shook, and the key fell to the ground with a "click".

"sorry Sorry……"

Yang Yun hurriedly lowered her head to pick up the key, and at the same time gave Hao Yun a weird look.

Who is this woman?

How can I be with Jin Nanfeng...

He was hesitating when he was suddenly kicked by Jin Nanfeng.

Yang Yun immediately stood up straight, "That brother Jin, I'm here to send you the invitation." She took out an invitation from her pocket.

A light blue wedding invitation with the names of Li Yunxiu and Shen Chengyan drawn with hollow carvings, and two cards

Through the characters, holding hands.

The time to get married is the first day of next month, and it is only a week away from today.

Jin Nanfeng's eyes cooled a little bit.

He just stared at the invitation for a long time, but finally did not take it.

This invitation card is very hot, like a piece of iron that burns people, and it hurts a bit.

Yang Yun was also at a loss for a while.

Hao Yun smiled and took the invitation.

"thank you."

"'re welcome." Yang Yun nodded awkwardly, "Miss, what do you call it."

"My name is Hao Yun. I am Jin Nanfeng's lifesaver... and his girlfriend."


Yang Yun was bombarded with one message after another, and her words were not very clear.

"That...Miss Hao Yun, Brother Jin has a family..."

"Really? But where is his family?" Hao Yun smiled, "Li Yunxiu, to put it bluntly, it's just his ex-wife, right?

She can marry another person, so why can't Jin Nanfeng have a new girlfriend? "

Hao Yun was eloquent, and Yang Yun couldn't refute what Yang Yun said.

"I collected this invitation for Jin Nanfeng, and it happened that I also had one. On the wedding day, I went with Jin Nanfeng.

Lively and lively. "

Hao Yun smiled lightly, with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

"Do you have anything else? If there is nothing else, Jin Nanfeng and I will go out for dinner.

Let's go. "

Yang Yun looked at Jin Nanfeng subconsciously, but didn't say anything when he saw him. She was very helpless, "Brother Jin, I found some

The doctor who treated your throat also made an appointment for you in the afternoon. Here is the address. "

Yang Yun handed a note.

Hao Yun took it again, glanced lightly and then smiled, "Okay, thank you."

Yang Yun looked at Jin Nanfeng again. Obviously, he wanted to know too much about the relationship between Hao Yun and Jin Nanfeng.

Although this is not the right thing for Ms. Li, there shouldn’t be other people’s children casually.

It’s too weird to say anything, right?

Yang Yun's head hurts a lot.

Unfortunately, Jin Nanfeng just lifted his chin slightly and motioned him to go first, but he didn't mean to explain at all.

Upon seeing this, Yang Yun had no choice but to leave first.

"Your assistant is very clever, but his eyes are not so good. I don't know who to please." Hao Yun will bear it when Yang Yun leaves.

He couldn't help but twitched his mouth tightly, showing a sneer.

Li Yunxiu is already in the past tense, it is ridiculous that he still wants to speak for Li Yunxiu.

Jin Nanfeng was quiet, but Hao Yun felt a chill on his scalp.

Subconsciously looking up, he saw Jin Nanfeng tilting his head, looking at his direction with a cool look.

It turned out to be the invitation card in her hand.

Hao Yun didn't want to touch Jin Nanfeng's forbidden land.

I said that just now. Jin Nanfeng did not refute and didn't respond. It means that Jin Nanfeng has accepted

I recognized her that Hao Yun is his girlfriend.

Although whether there is any arrogance in this, whether it is true or not remains to be determined, but right

Hao Yun said that she was very satisfied.

Things always have to come step by step, even if Jin Nanfeng is angry with Li Yunxiu and her head is hot and promises her, no

It’s true, but Li Yunxiu will get married soon. Sooner or later, she and Jin Nanfeng will fake changes when Li Yunxiu gets married.

Come true.

Thinking of this, the corners of Hao Yun's mouth couldn't help but raised a faint arc, seeing Jin Nanfeng still looking at the invitation.

She simply handed him the invitation card.

"Give you."

Jin Nanfeng didn't take it.

"I knew you wouldn’t want it, and that’s right. After all, no one wants to go to the wedding of a woman they used to have, and

Besides, that woman betrayed you. "

Hao Yun chuckled, "I think it's better to tear it off. From now on, there will be no such person as Li Yun embroidery."

Hao Yun said he was going to tear the invitation card.

Jin Nanfeng frowned, and reached out and took the invitation directly.

Put it directly into the inner pocket of the suit without looking at it.

Hao Yun frowned, "Why, don't you really want to go? I just talked casually, I didn't have

Plans to attend Li Yunxiu's wedding. "

Jin Nanfeng didn't explain anything. After receiving the invitation, he raised his foot and left.

He suddenly felt that what Hao Yun said was reasonable. Since Li Yunxiu betrayed him first, he had nothing to consider.

Even if it was just to relieve his anger that day, it was better than doing nothing.

Here Li Yunxiu did not know that Jin Nanfeng had secretly detected her and Shen Chengyan's every move.

She and Shen Chengyan had dinner outside, and then refused Shen Chengyan's request to send her back, and went back to the presidential palace alone.

Shen Chengyan bought a villa in the imperial capital, which was very large and spacious.

Still in the most prosperous part of the Imperial Capital, next to an artificial lake, the scenery is beautiful, and the school and super

There are also hospitals in the city, making it very convenient to go anywhere.

But even so, Li Yunxiu still felt that it was not as beautiful as her and Jin Nanfeng's.

There are her most precious memories and the past that will never go back.

In the future, she might bury that period of time in her heart forever.

Even if it is covered with dust every day, it will not be easy to taste.

Her heart will still hurt.

Whenever thinking of that person, Li Yunxiu still felt that someone had inserted an arrow in her heart, constantly stirring it.

Li Yun embroidered into the house and happened to see Li Yunxiao talking to Shi Qing excitedly.

Since the last time the two sisters had some unhappiness, Li Yunxiu didn't know how to face a smile, so

Just greeted Shi Qing, and walked upstairs with her head down.

"Little Hydrangea."

Shi Qing stopped her, "Don't rush up, come here."

Li Yunxiu had no choice but to walk over, "What's the matter?"

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