Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1299: Won't betray you

Chapter 1299

Li Yunxiu's head couldn't help lowering, and he dared not look at Li Beixun at all.

He just replied in a dull voice, "It's his, isn't the report in my mother's hands?"

"Report?" Li Beixun seemed to sneer, "If that thing really works, I won't know until so late.

Chenchen's life experience? "

The implication was that he didn't believe the so-called report form at all.

Also, these days, only money is available, and it is too easy to forge an inspection report.

But Li Yunxiu didn't want to tell the truth in this way, so that the plan that he and Shen Chengyan had planned for so long fell into disarray.

"Shen Chengyan performed this inspection with me. He will know whether the inspection report is useful or not."

"Little Hydrangea, I hope you can think about it clearly and don't do things that you regret."

"I understand what you mean Dad."

Li Yunxiu smiled faintly, "I know you are worried that I will have a bad future...

Whether it is reckless and reckless, I don't care anymore. This is my choice. Even if it is wrong, I will not regret it in the future.

Li Beixun looked at her quietly.

She has grown up and is no longer the coquettish crying ghost who nestled beside her lap.

No longer willing to accept the life and plans they arranged. In fact, Li Yunxiu is really like him sometimes, in his bones forever

There are sharp edges and corners far away.

He was a little embarrassed, but also a little proud.

After a slight silence, Li Yunxiu's eyes became more determined, and he said almost every word, "I broke my

Cut back, get pregnant, and then marry Shen Chengyan, which may seem incomprehensible to you, but I... won’t

Change your decision. "

This dialogue finally ended with Li Beixun's compromise.

At this age, Li Yunxiu could no longer influence her thoughts and decisions.

She and Shen Chengyan’s wedding is coming soon, although he faintly noticed the signs of anxiety, Xiao Xiuqiu has already spoken

At this point, as a father, he can only choose to believe her.

She can't let her lack even the most basic family support on the day of the wedding, making it a joke.

Here, Jin Nanfeng is still in the hospital for consultation.

The doctors Yang Yun brought in were all authoritative experts in this area. After conducting a preliminary examination on Jin Nanfeng, they agreed that

Jin Nanfeng was temporarily lost because of the explosion that broke his throat a few months ago, and he was in a coma for too long.

Lost the ability to speak.

They made a recovery treatment plan for Jin Nanfeng, and Jin Nanfeng has nothing to do these days, just simply

Pack a high-level ward in the hospital and receive treatment with peace of mind.

After a few days, it really worked. Jin Nanfeng is now able to utter some simple words.

Hao Yun doesn't like the smell of the hospital, but she will come to the hospital to accompany Jin Nanfeng every day, and talk to Jin Nanfeng by the way.


On this day, as soon as she entered Jin Nanfeng's ward carrying the fruit, she saw a flash of impatience in the man's eyes.

When she could not see it, she quickly walked over and put down the fruit in her hand, "The day after tomorrow is Li Yunxiu's wedding.

Have you thought about what capacity will you appear in front of her? "

Jin Nanfeng looked down at the book in his hand, without even looking at her.

Hao Yun didn't feel frustrated at all.

This man’s attitude towards himself has always been this way, even if he kissed himself last time, it’s just his mind to put it bluntly

It was feverish for a while, but now that he calmed down, Jin Nanfeng is still lukewarm to himself.

Even the impatience and disgust in his eyes did not conceal the least.

Seeing him like this, Hao Yun didn’t wait for him to respond. He took an apple in his hand and then continued, “Actually, I

There is a good idea. You are a big star, a celebrity, I think you go in with an invitation card when

I took off your mask when the wedding was at its climax. The president’s daughter was married. Although they wanted to keep a low profile,

There must be reporters at the scene. When you show up, you will definitely fry the pot at the scene. Don’t talk about the wedding, it’s Li Yun.

Whether the embroidery can go out of that door is a problem. Hao Yun laughed and handed the apple to Jin Nanfeng.

Jin Nanfeng did not answer.

Just turned a page quietly.

Hao Yun smiled faintly again, and then continued, "You said, if Li Yunxiu knew that you were not dead, he saw you appear

What kind of facial expressions would the wedding scene between myself and Shen Chengyan look like? It must be very interesting. I can't help it.

Some look forward to it. Just thinking about it makes me feel too relieved. "

"Hey." Jin Nanfeng seemed to be touched by the sore spot, and the book in his hand was directly closed and fell coldly to the side of the cabinet.

Come on, make a dull sound.

Hao Yun paused, then lowered his head, faintly curled the corners of his lips, like mocking, "Okay, I know you don't want

Speaking of her, she is also a woman who has betrayed her, and she always speaks of her. "Hao Yun smiled and looked at

Jin Nanfeng, "Then talk about the two of us."

Jin Nanfeng looked up at her with a hint of coolness in his eyes.

There was also a cold light similar to expectation in Yu Guangzhong, full of danger of dormancy.

If Hao Yun had to describe it, it would probably mean "I have to see what you want to say".

Hao Yun was called "Master Yun" since he was a child, and he was a fearless master. How could he be caught by Jin Nanfeng's eyes and eyes?

God repels.

She was taken aback for a moment, smiled twice in her heart, just got up and sat directly on Jin Nanfeng's bed.

Looking at Jin Nanfeng with ambiguous eyes, he stretched out a hand and slowly rubbed Jin Nanfeng's profile.

Then she hooked Jin Nanfeng's mask belt with her little finger, and took off Jin Nanfeng's face mask with a slight force.

In fact, he is still very beautiful.

Even if there was a scar on his face, it did not affect his beauty.

On the contrary, because of this scar, it adds a dangerous taste, which makes him full of wildness compared to the past.

And the taste of aggression.

She likes him.

I like his looks and the affection of this man.

She is not the kind of person who wants to win love with a sword. After knowing the ancient story of him and Li Yunxiu, she also wanted to be successful at first.

People are beautiful, but just before Jin Nanfeng woke up, she suddenly learned from her father who had some friendship with the Li family

The news that Li Yunxiu is about to get married.

It was Li Yunxiu who betrayed Jin Nanfeng first. Since God pushed this opportunity to her, she didn’t

Reason not to.

Thinking of this, Hao Yun's always high and hard gaze was also rarely stained with tenderness.

The slender jade fingers brushed Jin Nanfeng's cheeks full of ambiguity and affection, and rubbed his deep scars.

It was like a silent comfort.

"Jin Nanfeng, my father wants me to get married soon. You know, I am an ambitious woman.

People, my father and my mother have only one daughter, but my father made two for me out there.

Three illegitimate children, brothers and brothers, if I don’t get married early, my brothers and brothers will come to grab my

Fortune, since you kissed me last time, can I ask you to be responsible for me. "

Jin Nanfeng’s expression was very calm, his eyes seemed to come from the deep seabed, and there was a thick layer of water that could not be removed.

The fog, like a beast that tends to hunt in the dark, never knows when he will show his sharpness


But it was this mystery and danger that made Hao Yun even more obsessed.

She has been competitive since she was a child, and all the men around her are not as good as her. She looks down on those uselessness, she likes

Huan Jin Nanfeng is an unruly man who is even better than her.

Only such a man can be worthy of himself.

Hao Yun approached Jin Nanfeng and pressed his cheek to his chest ambiguously.

"Jin Nanfeng, when Li Yunxiu's wedding is over, when your revenge plan is completed, let's get married."

Hao Yun's voice was surprisingly gentle, "I can learn to be a gentle woman for you, maybe Li Yunxiu can do it

I can’t do the same thing, but Li Yunxiu and I are always two people. I have many shortcomings, but I will always

Will not betray you like her. "

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