Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1300: I miss you

Chapter 1300: I Miss You So Much

Jin Nanfeng's gaze narrowed blankly, and his face suddenly paled uncontrollably at this moment.

The word "betrayal" is like a poisoned needle, piercing into the bottom of my heart fiercely, and there is no time to hide, the pain is overwhelming

Cover the ground.

His eyes reddened by these two words, after a long silence, he reached out and gently pressed the back of Hao Yun's head, letting

She buried her in her arms.


Jin Nanfeng said two words with difficulty.

But it was enough to make Hao Yun excited.

The next day, Li Yunxiu rarely woke up very early.

Tomorrow is the wedding. Everything that should be prepared has been prepared. If not, Shen Chengyan will take care of everything.


"I will be a bride tomorrow, so please feel relieved." Shen Chengyan laughed on the phone.

"But I want to help. I'm pretty boring anyway."

"There is really nothing to keep you busy. I have almost prepared everything. The rest are arranged by the wedding company.

Rest assured. "Shen Chengyan's words were a little helpless, "If it is really boring, you can invite your sister out today.

Walk around and enjoy the last single time. "

Li Yunxiu smiled helplessly, "Do you think I and you need that kind of thing?"

Having known Shen Chengyan for so long, for the wedding, the two stay together on weekdays, Li Yunxiu and Shen

Cheng Yan quickly became familiar with it.

Although there is no love between men and women for Shen Chengyan, the two people talked happily as friends on the united front.

Shen Chengyan told her a lot about his fiancee, and Li Yunxiu often shared with him about himself and Jin Nanfeng

The past.

The initial tension and cramping disappeared, and the two people got along more naturally and harmoniously.

In fact, if you can maintain such a relationship with Shen Chengyan, it will be a good ending.

Thinking of this, Li Yunxiu smiled again.

"One of us was married and the other was engaged. Do we still need things like single night?"

"Of course it is necessary." Shen Chengyan also laughed, "I think it is still necessary, although the two of us are fake marriages.

But once the wedding is held, some things cannot be done as freely as before. Take advantage of tonight

It’s good to enjoy it. I don’t have time to accompany you today. I have some friends out for a drink. "

"Well, I see. Be careful not to get drunk. Be careful to miss tomorrow's wedding."

"It's you who are careful, I'm afraid you will regret it in front of so many people tomorrow."

Shen Chengyan said jokingly.

Li Yunxiu didn't take it to heart, and he said a few words to Shen Chengyan before hanging up the phone.

Then called Xia Shanshan out for afternoon tea.

The two met in a quiet teahouse in the imperial capital.

When Xia Shanshan came, she was in a rush.

"Yunxiu, take a seat first, I'll go down and move the car somewhere."


As soon as Xia Shanshan left, a call came from Li Yunxiu's cell phone.

It was a number she didn't recognize, but some familiar.

Li Yunxiu looked at this string of numbers, frowned and thought carefully, and then quickly remembered why she felt familiar.

She took the call. One night not long ago, when she was about to go to bed, this strange call came.

However, the person on the other end of the phone didn’t say anything, and finally hung up the phone in a hurry. She also told Shen Chengyan about this.

In the matter, Shen Chengyan also said that she was too worried, but others accidentally typed the wrong number.

It’s just that if you make a mistake once, can you make a mistake twice?

Li Yunxiu's brows frowned slightly, and then he answered the phone.

"Hello, who are you looking for?"

There is still silence on the phone, and a faint breathing can be heard faintly, it is mixed with radio waves.

In the steady noise, intermittently, it is difficult to distinguish, even if it is a male or a female.

Li Yunxiu's heart was suddenly messed up at this moment.

His breathing became extremely rapid.

The idea that had been rejected once again came to mind.

Who will call her again and again?

Who would make a phone call without speaking?

Except for that person, Li Yunxiu couldn't think of the second possibility at all.

Li Yunxiu's heart jumped wildly. The sonorous force of "Dongdongdong" combined with the unstoppable speed made her

It was dark in front of me.

When she reacted, her back was wet with cold sweat.

"...South that you?"

After speaking, Li Yunxiu realized that his voice was trembling like this!

She was full of expectations, with a hint of joy and a hint of anxiety, waiting for the person on the phone to respond to her.

Unfortunately, she was still waiting for a long silence and quiet.

She did not give up, still cherished the last glimmer of hope.

"Nanfeng...If it's really you, would you just yell, OK? I...I miss you so much..."

Li Yunxiu's voice was full of prayers.


The phone was cut off.

Li Yunxiu's heart seemed to be thrown directly off a cliff that was ten thousand feet high. She was trembling in the cold.

"Yunxiu, are you okay?"

Xia Shanshan, who came back after stopping the car, saw Li Yunxiu holding the phone tightly with one hand and her chest tightly with one hand, her face turned pale.

Bai, with the appearance of cold sweat all over her head, was startled, and rushed to support her shoulders, "Yun Xiu, are you not?

Are you feeling sick? That... I'll take you to the hospital. "

"I am not feeling well." Li Yunxiu shook his head with a pale face, "I'm fine."

"How could it be okay? Look at your face as white as white paper. Don't scare me, let's

Go to the hospital and have a look. "

Xia Shanshan said she was about to lift Li Yunxiu from the chair.

"I'm really fine." Li Yunxiu smiled hard at her, "Sister Shanshan, first sit down and listen to me tell you."

"Say what?"

"Sister Shanshan, I think Jin Nanfeng is not dead, I think Nanfeng is back."

Xia Shanshan realized that her appearance was mostly related to Jin Nanfeng.

A heart slowly returned to the stomach.

"What's wrong with you? Have you seen Jin Nanfeng?"

Li Yunxiu paused, then bit his lip and shook his head.

"Did you hear others say that Jin Nanfeng is not dead?"

Li Yunxiu still shook his head.

Xia Shanshan was helpless, "Don't tell me, you just sat here, telepathically, and then concluded

On that, Jin Nanfeng is not dead, right? "Xia Shanshan was very depressed, "Please, Li Yunxiu, you don't want to mess around, okay?" "

"I didn't mess around, I really think he is still alive."

Li Yunxiu's eyes were dyed red, and his face flushed with excitement.

"Then you always have to tell me the reason?" Xia Shanshan frowned. "You can't really rely on your so-called intuition, right?"

"Not intuitive." Li Yunxiu shook his head resolutely, took a deep breath, and said, "Actually, I

Recently received a call. "

"Phone? Whose phone number?"

"I don't know, he said nothing on the phone."

"Do you think it was Jin Nanfeng calling?" Xia Shanshan reacted instantly and rolled her eyes speechlessly, "Bye

Hey, Li Yunxiu, it's very likely that someone made the wrong call. I can get this kind of call every few days. "

"But he more than just called me."

Li Yunxiu was emotional again, "Just now, he called me again."

She hurriedly showed Xia Shanshan the call record just now, her eyes lightened, "Look, this is it, if

I can understand that he made a wrong call the first time, but why, this time he made a wrong call again? This is not in line with common sense

Right? Most people wouldn’t do that, would they? "

Li Yunxiu seemed to persuade Xia Shanshan, but also seemed to persuade himself.

In an excited tone, "He must be someone who knows me, but after thinking about it, I don’t have such a friend who wants to use this method.

Contact me in the same way, besides Jin Nanfeng, I can't think of anyone else. "

Xia Shanshan saw Li Yunxiu doing this, and quickly took her hand, "But what is the purpose of Jin Nanfeng doing this?"


Li Yunxiu was puzzled.

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