Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1303: Sleepless night

Chapter 1303 Sleepless Night

Jin Nanfeng is gone, the Li family probably won’t let Li Yun embroider the child of Jin Nanfeng and drag him down

In embroidering life, if Li Yunxiu also considers this issue, he will marry Shen Chengyan to protect his belly.

The decision of the child in the child is not impossible.

So he tested Li Yun when she entered the door.

Pretending to go to see Li Yunxiu's belly.

Sure enough, she was very nervous and disturbed, as if she had done something wrong and was found out, and questioned herself angrily.

This made Qi Yi more sure that his guess was not wrong.

The inspection report can be faked, but the human body cannot.

"Auntie, I find that I admire you more and more. For Jin Nanfeng, you really can do anything.

Come out. "

Qi Yi seemed ironic and helpless, but there was no compliment in it.

"So after you played it like this, Shen Chengyan should know it too?" Qi Yi sneered, "Don't play with others' feelings.

Love, if you are really short of people, you can also consider me. I don’t use it, I have to use outsiders, I don’t know

What are you thinking in your head..."

"Shen Chengyan knows this of course." Li Yunxiu frowned, "I and he are voluntary. We have the same goals.

He is the most suitable candidate...As for you..."

Li Yunxiu raised his head and glanced at Shen Chengyan helplessly, "I don't want to delay you."

"I didn't think this was a delay..." Qi Yi muttered softly, "You clearly know how I feel for you..."

Li Yunxiu paused, then interrupted Qi Yi resolutely, "I just know what feelings you have for me, so

I will not consider you. "

Qi Yi's face paled.

"Qi Yi, you have to understand that what I am looking for is a man who will never fall in love with me and entangle me."

In this way, when she needs to quit, she will not cause any possible trouble, and she can be clean.

If you don't worry, you end all relationships.

Qi Yi looked at Li Yunxiu quietly, and laughed a long time later, "I don't understand what you said, and I don't want to

I understand, but I know that you will never fall in love with other people in your life, right? "

If Li Yunxiu didn't come back to Qi Yi directly, she just fell silent for a while, and then Yun Danfeng smiled lightly, no

The slightest taste of rebuttal.

Qi Yi understands everything, the matter is here, even if he feels that Li Yunxiu’s decision may be full of anger and disapproval.

Reason, maybe she insisted, Mr. Li and Mrs. Li would not do anything to the child in her stomach...

But he has already reached this point, he has no way to stop tomorrow's wedding, so many invitations are sent

After going out, it is not his own power that can subvert everything.

What's more, I was still a choice made by Li Yunxiu himself, and he was indeed not qualified to manage it.

"Okay, in that case, I won't say anything, bless you."

Qi Yi stood up.

"Huh?" Li Yunxiu felt baffled by his blessing.

"I bless your choice is right, I am not blessing you and his love and love."

Qi Yi rolled his eyes speechlessly.

Li Yunxiu couldn't help but smiled, "Thank you. Qi Yi, I am really happy to know you, maybe this

The most meaningful thing I learned from going to Xiacheng in 2015. "

It's also a lucky thing to know such a big boy like his brother who really thinks about himself.

Qi Yi didn't expect that Li Yunxiu would praise himself so much, his cheeks and the roots of his ears were burning red.

"Isn’t it too numb to say such things? Auntie is really auntie, and she likes to play this kind of incitement when she gets older.

Love things are disgusting. "

Leng Yi hummed, turned around and left without looking back.

When he walked to the door, he seemed to think of something, "By the way, will your brother go to see him off tomorrow?"

According to the customs of the imperial capital, when a girl gets married, her brother needs to send her off.

This was originally to be done by Li Yunjin, but since he learned that he was going to marry Shen Chengyan, Li Yunjin

She had almost no contact with herself. She knew that her brother was angry with herself. She "betrayed" Jin Nanfeng and returned

Send Chen Chen away.

Therefore, Li Yunxiu has never dared to contact Li Yunjin. As for whether Li Yunjin will come to tomorrow's wedding, she does not know.

Seeing Li Yunxiu's tangled appearance with a pale face and not talking, Qi Yi said, "If your brother has something to do tomorrow, will it really come?

Now, I will help you send off your relatives instead of him. Don't worry, you won't let the Shen family despise you. "

"It's not that serious..." Li Yunxiu shook his head quickly, "Shen Chengyan and I are just acting."

"It's not good to behave." Qi Yi snorted coldly, "Don't worry, if he gives you a face in the future, you will come back and tell

Me, I must find someone to kill him. "

After speaking, Qi Yi opened the door and left without looking back.

Li Yunxiu's heart was filled with inexplicable emotions that could not be described in words.

Looking at Qi Yi's back, he couldn't help but smile.

"This stinky boy, he doesn't have all his hair, and he wants to help me teach others."

Li Yunxiu couldn't help but smile and shook his head.

On the eve of the wedding, Li Yunxiu suffered from insomnia again.

She tossed and turned on the bed, no matter how deeply she took a breath, she couldn't completely calm herself down.

A heart is very confused, the more you force yourself to fall asleep, the more intense the "dongdongdong" impact, as if you want to sing

Popped out.

I don't know how long it took before Li Yunxiu finally gave up.

She simply put on a dress, put on shoes, and opened the balcony door to let air out.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

Li Yunxiu looked at the starry sky outside, always irritable inside, and simply turned out the cigarette.

After pregnancy, she stopped smoking for fear that it would be bad for the baby in her belly, but tonight is really a special day

Son, let her indulge one last time.

Li Yunxiu stuffed the cigarette into his mouth and lit it. The nicotine smell mixed with the bitterness of the tobacco and followed the tip of the tongue a little bit.

Yan, her tense nerves were soothed in the smoke, her mood was a little calm, but her mood was not

To the slightest soothing.

Once a person calms down, it is easy to think of many past events.

Just like Li Yunxiu at this moment, facing the beautiful starry sky, all he thinks of are the appearance of Jin Nanfeng.

She remembered the scene when she and Jin Nanfeng met for the first time.

The scene of kissing him for the first time, the first time I fully delivered myself to him...

Those scenes seem to be very far away, some of them have become yellowed and old photos, even the details are blurred, but

That's it, but it's enough to make Li Yunxiu feel happy.

Li Yunxiu slowly recalled the past of herself and Jin Nanfeng in this cigarette. At this moment, she

Suddenly I heard my cell phone ringing.

She walked over and walked back to the balcony with her mobile phone, frowning again.

It was still that strange number.

She should have believed Xia Shanshan’s words and treated this call as a pervert, but she didn’t know what was wrong tonight.

He knew that the person on the phone could not say a word, but he picked it up and put it in his ear.


Neither of them spoke, and in the quiet atmosphere, only two equally heavy breaths undulated each other.

I don't know how long it took before Li Yunxiu spoke slowly.

"Don't hang up in a hurry, I don't know who you are, and I won't ask who you are." Li Yunxiu's voice was low and deep.

A dull pain, "Maybe you just accidentally dialed my number wrong... Just treat it as our fate..."

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