Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1304: I have to send the arrow on the string

Chapter 1304

"Tomorrow is a very important day for me, I am getting married." Li Yunxiu's breath was saying "married"

When two words, I couldn't help but put it softer, "I have something to say now, but I don't know...

I don’t know, who should I tell..."

Li Yunxiu smiled bitterly, "I don't know who you are, but can you listen to me quietly for a while?"

There was still silence on the phone.

Li Yunxiu smiled, "If you don't speak, then I will assume that you agree."

"...I never thought that I would marry that person. A few months ago, my life, my life

It's not what it is now... But suddenly, my life was completely disrupted. "

Li Yunxiu was a little confused, "I decided to get married, not only for the child in my stomach, but also because,

I don’t want other people to worry about me anymore..."

"I don't know if I did it right, but... I hope that person can forgive me..."

"Toot toot--"

Before Li Yunxiu finished speaking, the phone was cut off by the man.

Li Yunxiu paused, and immediately showed a helpless smile. Sure enough, how could a stranger listen to him? Maybe

Would you be considered a lunatic?

Li Yunxiu didn't know at all. After Jin Nanfeng at the end of the phone hung up the phone, he directly furiously turned the entire phone

He hit the glass behind him.

The phone made a violent "cang-dang--" sound, like a plane with its wings folded, falling heavily to the floor, letting it go.

Hao Yun who came in was startled, and his eyes quickly skipped a hint of meaning.

"Why bother?"

She walked over quickly, bent down and picked up the phone on the ground. The entire screen was already severely affected by Jin Nanfeng.

The strength fell to pieces.

"You feel uncomfortable, why bother with your mobile phone." Hao Yun sighed quietly, "This mobile phone doesn't offend you either."

The broken glass fragments, you can still see the call log vaguely, and Hao Yun also recognizes that string of numbers, it is Li Yunxiu

Phone number.

"Jin Nanfeng, I am getting more and more incomprehensible. What are you doing calling her at this time? You don't know

Is it her wedding tomorrow? "


A deep monosyllable popped out of Jin Nanfeng's hoarse voice.

Hao Yun's eyes turned red, and his expression became a bit sullen, "Jin Nanfeng, you let me go?

Don't know what is good or bad! It's not me who betrayed you, you just let you vent your anger as if I were like your broken phone! you

Don’t look at who rescued you. When your little hydrangea and other men were lovingly turning over in bed,

I, Hao Yun, is taking care of you! You are actually telling me to go now. Are you not afraid of being struck by lightning? "

Jin Nanfeng’s voice needs a long recovery period. He can’t argue with Hao Yun, and the woman’s voice is in his ears.

Its noisy.

He just raised his foot directly around her and walked outside the living room.

"You stop me."

Hao Yun was unwilling to hold Jin Nanfeng.

Seeing that Jin Nanfeng's face was so cold that she could almost fall ice scum down, she calmed herself down.

He smiled faintly at Jin Nanfeng, "Well, well, I shouldn’t have said that. I know your voice can’t say it yet.

Well, I shouldn’t provoke you with that. "

Hao Yun made a gesture of surrender, "I actually just want you not to go to Li Yunxiu's place to make a fuss.

You also know that she is pregnant with Shen Chengyan’s child, and she will get married tomorrow, and it’s no use doing anything else.

? "

"I know you are angry, and I am also angry with you." Hao Yun poured a glass of water to Jin Nanfeng, "Actually, you don't

Don’t worry, you can see her tomorrow, right? When the time comes, no matter how you retaliate, it will be the same

of. "

Jin Nanfeng's eyes sank again.

The fire that had been holding back for a long time rushed up again.

Li Yunxiu told him on the phone, hoping to be forgiven?

But how can he forgive?

He traded her life for her betrayal, so she still has the face to beg for forgiveness?

He was also thankful that God had saved his life, if he really died, then he really became the stupidest in the world

Man now.

Thinking of this, Jin Nanfeng turned around and went back to the room, and soon came out with a gift box.

Throw it directly in front of Hao Yun.

Hao Yun opened it and saw that what was inside was a white dress.

"Tomorrow... wear..."

Jin Nanfeng spit out some syllables with difficulty.

Hao Yun immediately reacted, "You let me wear this to go to the wedding with you tomorrow?"

Jin Nanfeng's pupils tightened.

He didn't know whether it was right or wrong to take Hao Yun to her wedding tomorrow.

But, he really couldn't swallow this breath.

Early the next morning.

Before the sky was completely bright, Xia Shanshan had already pulled Li Yunxiu from the bed.

"Li Yunxiu, hurry up, the makeup artist has arrived."

Li Yunxiu suffered from insomnia all night, and dark circles under his eyes were very serious.

"Wow, Li Yunxiu, your dark circles are too scary, aren't you awake last night?"

"Almost." Li Yunxiu weakly yawned, "I can't sleep at all.

After squinting for a while, you come in. "

"Are you nervous or excited?"

"Do you think I will be nervous and excited?" Li Yunxiu gave Xia Shanshan a big eye.

Today’s wedding was just a cutscene for her, if it weren’t for making others believe her and

Shen Chengyan's relationship, she would not even handle these complicated rituals and procedures.

"Okay, okay, it’s up to you to decide who made this, don’t tell me, you suddenly regret it now, I

To tell you, now that the rice has been uncooked and cooked, the arrow is on the line and I have to send it. "

"Where did you learn these weird things?" Li Yunxiu looked at Xia Shanshan helplessly, "Furthermore, I

How can I go back, I just feel a little confused. "

"It's okay, when the wedding is over, it's time for you to go slowly." Xia Shanshan threw the clothes to Li Yunxiu.

"Hurry up and wash up. I'll bring a makeup artist downstairs. The clerk from the bridal shop is also here. Changing clothes takes a lot of time.

Yes, you have to hurry up, after eight o'clock, the Shen family will send someone to pick you up. "

"Oh, I see."

Li Yunxiu nodded, and went to the bathroom softly to wash.

It was 7 o'clock in the morning after the makeup artist finished Li Yun embroidery.

Li Yunxiu seldom puts on makeup. Even if there is a need for work, she only wears light makeup. She has outstanding appearance and delicate features.

The skin is white, tender and delicate, and now under the bridal makeup, the whole person is even more gentle and charming.

The beautiful Xia Shanshan was shocked.

"Yunxiu, I never told you, you are really beautiful."

Li Yunxiu smiled embarrassedly, "There is no such exaggeration."

"No exaggeration." The makeup artist looked at Li Yunxiu with satisfaction, "I have been working for so long.

Mother, this is the first time I have seen you. It’s really beautiful. When your bridegroom comes to pick you up, you will be stunned.

of. "

Li Yunxiu paused for a while, then smiled faintly.

Where does the makeup artist know that no matter how beautiful and charming she is, the groom will not be tempted, and she will not feel anything.

They are not the most important person on each other's heart.

No amount of decoration is pale.

Under the arrangement of the makeup artist and the staff of the bridal shop, Li Yunxiu quickly put on the wedding dress.

Compared to Xia Shanshan’s exaggerated shout, Li Yunxiu just looked at the mirror in the mirror wearing a wedding dress, and smiled softly.


"Sister Shanshan."

"Huh?" Xia Shanshan was taking pictures frantically at Li Yunxiu. When Li Yunxiu called her, she immediately turned her face from behind the phone.

It appeared, "What's wrong, Yunxiu?"

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