Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1377: he died?

Chapter 1377 He Is Dead?

Lin Wanxi slid weakly on the chair. "Miss Lin, are you okay? What's wrong with you?"

The concerned voice of the middle-aged woman kept answering in her ears, like a curse, which stimulated the nerves in Lin Wanxi’s brain.

Crazy beating! She wanted to open her eyes, but she couldn't see anything in front of her. In addition to the world spinning around, what

Nothing... The middle-aged woman's face has double images, overlapping, staggered, overlapping, staggered again...

"Miss Lin..." Lin Wanxi finally couldn't hold up his heavy brain, weakened, and fell on the table limply. Misty

In the dimness, he saw the middle-aged woman bow her head and say something to the host, and at the same time stretched out her finger to point. To

Lin Wanxi's heart sank. What did to themselves?

This thought just flashed in my mind, and even greater dizziness surged. Like the dark tide overwhelming the sky, for a moment

She swallowed her last trace of consciousness in time.

"Miss Lin...Miss Lin, wake up, wake up!" The middle-aged woman pushed Lin Wanxi's body. See Lin Wanxi Shen Shen

When she fell asleep, she didn't reflect at all, only a slight smile appeared on the face of the middle-aged woman, and her eyes relaxed a lot. To

"Finally got her done. I have to say that this woman is really stupid. She is not wary at all in such a place.

Have. "The man "hum", "Fortunately, he is not wary, so we can succeed so easily." But that man

It's quite difficult to deal with. Don’t rush to be proud, but think of a way first. If he comes back later, how do we respond?

to him. "The woman sneered disdainfully. Her eyes fluttered on Lin Wanxi's body. "What are you afraid of?" This one

Isn't the woman in our hands? I think this man is very precious to her, as long as this woman is in our hands,

Not afraid that she will not listen to us. The man nodded in agreement. "Then I will get the rope and tie him up first."

You go search her to see if she has anything valuable. "The woman turned around to get the rope in the house.

The man walked to Lin Wanxi's side and groped around him indiscriminately.

"What are you doing?" A cold voice suddenly sounded from outside the door. The man looked up. Eyes suddenly

Hit a pair of colder eyes. The man couldn't help but chuckle in his heart. The hand placed on Lin Wanxi,

Also froze immediately. This man came back so fast? "I ask what are you doing?" Li Yunjin's eyes

The bottom turned red little by little, and the thick murderous intent could not be restrained rushing up, casting a trace of hostility on him at this moment

With bloody, just one glance, it is oppressive to breathe. "What did you do to her?" Li Yunjin looked like

A lion that had been infringed upon the territory, with murderous aura and anger, walked into the house step by step.
the man

Her eyes were reddened by the killing intent on her body, and she woke up like a dream. Hold Lin Wanxi's shoulders and lose her consciousness

His body was forcibly lifted up. The big rough hand pinched Lin Wanxi's thin neck fiercely. Just slightly

With force, the thin neck will be broken.

Li Yunjin's heart hung high, his eyes redder at this moment. "If you dare to hurt her hair, I must

You can't eat and walk around. "The hand on his side was pinched tightly. The bones were making a pimple sound.

"Don't come, if you come, I'll break her neck!" The man stared at Li Yunjin viciously.

Although I don’t know what he said, judging from his actions, this man is obviously using Lin Wanxi’s life.

Threaten yourself. The language barrier between them is not a bad thing, at least these nonsense skills are missing.

Husband and time. Li Yunjin was full of anger. If he had a gun in his hand at this moment, he would have killed him.

These two people.

Not only because they hurt Lin Wanxi, but also because they failed the woman's wishes. This woman

When a person wakes up, if he knows the person he is helping, he is actually a heartless beast, not only has no feeling at all.

The heart of kindness, even cross the river to demolish the bridge ungrateful, probably will be sad. Li Yunjin walked towards the man step by step

past. His expression was gloomy, and the whole room seemed to be shrouded in low air pressure. Makes it hard to call

Suck. "Don't come here! Didn't I tell you not to come here?! If you take another step, I will really kill

she was! "Squeezing the hand of Lin Wanxi's neck, she tightened suddenly. Li Yunjin stopped and dared not go any further.

I was afraid that this crazy man would really do something to Li Yunjin. "What do you want?" Does he use this

Asked too familiar with the local language. "The food we want to eat and water." The man slowed down. "Take us to

Sent over, we let her go. "Impossible. "Li Yunjin hates being threatened by others in his life.

Not to mention that this person as a bargaining chip is Lin Wanxi. "You reject me, don't you know that I will kill her?"

Li Yunjin didn't speak. There was a grinning smile on the man's face. "As long as you can't hand it over, we will let it go

You, you still blame this woman. Is this girl Lin your woman? He looks so beautiful, if this is it

If it's dead, isn't it a pity? Some supplies, for the life of a beauty, are worth it. "

The man's hand tightened. Even in the sleep, Lin Wanxi could not help but frown, showing a painful posture

state. Li Yunjin pursed his lips, the killing intent in his eyes became stronger.

"I said, let her go." Li Yunjin's voice was very cold and cold. The man hadn't reacted yet, a hard one.

The thing was just thrown over. It turned out to be a lighter. The man is a little surprised, just in this short gap

In the middle, Li Yunjin is like a fierce cheetah. Suddenly grabbed her wrist and twisted it fiercely. "Ah!" Man

He screamed in pain, and knelt directly on the ground with his knee bent.

The corner of Li Yunjin's mouth picked out a curve of disdain. Like throwing garbage, he threw the man aside. Of course

Then he picked up Lin Wanxi who was lying on the table. "Lin Wanxi! Lin Wanxi?" Lin Wanxi fell asleep deeply, demonstrating to him

Do not smell. Li Yunjin frowned tighter. Sleeping so heavily, I think it’s a middle-aged woman eating with this man

What moves. Li Yunjin's chest rose and fell violently. Fortunately, she kept encouraging herself to eat with her.

There is no defense at all outside, what a fool.

Li Yunjin's eyes darkened, but his eyebrows were helpless.

Just about to leave with Lin Wanxi, a knife suddenly passed through Li Yunjin's chest!

It was a long silver dagger. It was very beautiful. The sharp point pierced Li Yunjin's chest, revealing three to five centimeters.

The tip is already soaked in blood.

Li Yunjin's face was pale, and after a brief silence, the pain began to spread from the wound.

The strength in his hand also dissipated a little bit.

His knees softened and he knelt directly on the ground.

The middle-aged woman looked at Li Yunjin in horror. In his piercing eyes, she stepped back several steps, her face was full of

Fear, both hands still maintained the motion of holding the knife.

"You forced me..."

The middle-aged woman murmured.


Li Yunjin only felt that his chest hurts and almost tore his whole body apart. What's fast in his body

Passing. The front is also black.

Li Yunjin let go of Lin Wanxi, propped on the ground with his hands, and tried to open his eyes to maintain his final soberness.

However, the darkness came with pain, and with every breath, the air was squeezed clean before it entered the lungs.

He finally couldn't support it, and fell to the ground with his body tilted.

"he died?"

The woman's voice trembled.

The man complained, "Why did you kill him? I still expect him to give us something. Now that he is dead, let's find

Who wants to supply it? "

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