Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1378: sharp knife

Chapter 1378

The woman also found some sense, "If I don’t kill him, he will take this woman away, even if one is dead, let’s

Is there one left in her hand? When she wakes up, we will ask her where the camp is. "

The man nodded when he saw that the woman was saying something reasonable, and the two of them took Li Yunjin outside together and threw them at will.

In the grass on the side of the road.

When Lin Wanxi woke up, there was a smell of blood crazily pouring into his nose.

There were sporadic blood stains on the clothes on his chest.

She moved her body slightly, and quickly reacted after a while. The blood did not belong to her, and she was not injured.

Her hands were cut behind her back, tied tightly by a rough rope, and her place was dark and unclear.

The air was filthy, and all you could see was a blur of light and shadow.

"Li Yunjin?"

She called the man's name in the dark, but unfortunately there was no response.

Lin Wanxi's heart was filled with anxiety.

Is he safe, or is he locked in an unknown place like himself?

Also... what's the matter with the blood on her body?

Bright light poured out from the crack of the door. There was the exit. Lin Wanxi moved to the door with difficulty, his hands and feet were covered.

She was so **** that she could only knock on the wooden door with her head.

"Squeaky squeaky" a few crisp sounds, heavy footsteps came from outside the door, and the back door was opened--

Lin Wanxi squinted her eyes, and it took a while to get used to the dazzling light.

Two people stood in the light and shadow.

It was the couple before.

The middle-aged woman faded away from her warm and hospitable smile, and looked at her condescendingly with dark eyes.

The host stood not far behind her, squinting.

Lin Wanxi's brows tightened a little bit.

Li Yunjin was right, she shouldn't be kind.

Helped two heartless beasts.

The woman squatted down in front of Lin Wanxi and asked her slowly, "You should still have a lot of supplies in your camp?"

Lin Wanxi replied quickly, with a cool voice, "Yes, there is a lot, but I guess you will die."

A trace of killing intent flashed across the woman’s eyes, but she soon realized that if Lin Wanxi was killed, there would be nothing, or

Find a way to get supplies first, and then deal with her when the things are in hand.

The woman smiled faintly, arranging her hair with her fingers and saying, "Don't be nervous, we won't hurt

You, we are desperate for this reason. "

Lin Wanxi withdrew back, trying to avoid the woman's hand.

The woman continued, "You have also seen that there are so many children in our family, and the supplies you brought, we simply

not enough……"

"What are you kidding?" Lin Wanxi sneered, with some sarcasm in her voice, "I haven't seen anyone who wants to make up

For the alive, don't you have hands or feet? The war in the Eastern Kingdom has ended, don’t you know that you go out to make a living? "

The woman blinked, looking a little innocent, "Who knows if we will fight again, we dare not go out, if I

What happened, what should we kids do? "

"Don't talk nonsense." Lin Wanxi was not in the mood to continue talking to her, "What about the man with me? What do you do with him?

Like it? "

Li Yunjin, a big man should not be afraid of them, but she is worried that these two people will play yin behind, Li Yun

Jinhui was caught in the same way as her.

It’s also because she was too negligent. She didn’t notice the sleazy in the food by accident, and even forced Li Yunjin and him.

Jump into the fire pit together.

Lin Wanxi's heart was even more disturbed.

The woman smiled at Lin Wanxi and said slowly, "That man...he is very disobedient, we have already

Kill him. "


Lin Wanxi's eyes widened suddenly, his heart beating rapidly.

The woman laughed again, "But don’t worry, we won’t kill you, as long as you obediently hand over all

Supply, we will release you..."

"Where is he?"

Lin Wanxi interrupted the woman directly.

When the woman saw Lin Wanxi’s attitude, the smile in her eyes disappeared a little bit, and then she became a bit fierce.

"Do you not understand what I said? He is dead."

Lin Wanxi bit her lip.

"That silly boy came to rescue you, but he didn't even notice that I was standing behind him."


Lin Wanxi shook his head.

Li Yunjin won't die... They made an appointment and will live well together, and he won't miss the appointment.

The woman sneered, "Why is it impossible? I personally pierced the knife on him, he shed so much blood, just

If he didn't die at that time, he is also dead now. "

Lin Wanxi's face turned pale.

The woman has no patience.

"Hurry up and hand over the supplies, we can consider letting you go."

"Then you really left the wrong person." Lin Wanxi's eyes were cold, it was a kind of chill that pierced into the bone marrow, "So

The supplies are all his. I am a soldier. If you want mine, then go to the Chinese army to go. "

"What?" The woman widened her eyes in astonishment, "Are are a soldier? What are you kidding about..."

The man behind the woman also changed his face, stepped forward and lowered his voice, "How can she be a soldier."

Once you get involved with soldiers, it can be troublesome.

The woman's eyes became visibly irritable, she pushed Lin Wanxi into the room again, and closed the door severely.

Lin Wanxi exhaled from his chest, but the heaviness on his heart was not reduced at all.

Li Yunjin...

Her brows couldn't help but tighten, as if someone bit her heart, which was very uncomfortable.

I don't know how long the door was opened, and a small figure walked in.

It was the child that Lin Wanxi and Li Yunjin saved by the roadside.

"Sister, mom asked me to give you some food and water."

He was still young and didn't know the intrigue between the adults, and smiled sweetly at Lin Wanxi.

Lin Wanxi didn’t want to take advantage of such an innocent child, but now, she has no other way.

Tied up, she couldn't escape at all.

She has to go to Li Yunjin.

Whether she is alive or dead, she will bring Li Yunjin back. ’

Lin Wanxi forcibly suppressed the irritability in his heart, looked at the child who knew nothing in front of him, and forced a smile.

"Can you help sister loose the rope?"

"No, Mom said I can't let go of you."

Lin Wanxi frowned, "But if you don't let me go, how will my sister eat and drink water?"

The little guy was asked immediately.

Lin Wanxi continued, "In this way, if you help your sister loosen it, after eating, tie it back, mother won't know."

"okay then."

The child agreed.

It's a pity that the rope tied to Lin Wanxi is too rough, and it can't be undone with the force of a five-year-old child.

After a long trial, it succeeded.

Lin Wanxi said again, "Do you have a knife?"

"Yes, I'll get it."

The child ran out in a hurry and took a knife after a while.

The sharp blade was still stained with dried blood, which was shocking.

Lin Wanxi's brows frowned involuntarily.

The little guy didn't know how to be serious, "Sister, mom used this knife to kill the brother who came with you."

Lin Wanxi's face suddenly turned white, and at this moment, even the last trace of blood was gone.

Children can't lie. It seems that something has really happened to Li Yunjin.

Lin Wanxi looked at the blood on the blade, and his heart sank fiercely. As soon as the rope in his hand was cut, Lin Wanxi quickly

Stand up, then clenched the knife and walked out.

The host has fallen asleep on the wooden bed outside, Lin Wanxi has a sullen face, carrying his clothes without hesitation.

Yufu, dragged him off the bed, and the **** knife tip directly hit the man's throat.

"Say, where is the person with me."

The host awakened in his sleep, and when he opened his eyes, the tip of the knife was bright.

This knife is not unfamiliar to him. Not long ago, it was traditionally used in the body of a young man. It was very sharp.

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